Part One

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Frank was on his way over to his friend Mikey's house. They had been friends since he was in kindergarten – He was in his senior year now, just recently turned eighteen. So he had gotten plenty of time to know pretty much all of the Way family; especially Mikey's older brother Gerard. He and Gerard had actually grown very close over the years. Frank looked up to the older man. He always enjoyed it when they got to spend time together, just laying down in the basement talking about music, and watching old horror flicks. Frank would always have to get on to Gerard, though, for leaving the TV remote on top of the television when they moved back to sit on the bed again. "There's no point in having a remote, Gee, if you're just gonna have to go back to the TV to get it." He explained to his friend. He was the only one Frank knew that would always seem to do that.

Frank remembered the first time he brought down his brand new guitar – he had just gotten it for his fourteenth birthday – and he had fiddled with it while Gerard drew one of his fucking spectacular comics. He loved to listen to Gerard go off on a tangent about each character and their back stories; waving his hands around wildly as he spoke out of his crooked mouth. He still remembers pretty much all of the characters he had been told about. And if you look in the front of his binder that he uses for school, you'd see a drawing Gerard did of him as a fucking vampire back when he was really sick with the flu back in sixth grade. He also remembered regrettably telling Mikey that he had a small crush on his older brother, and he received what felt like endless teasing about it for quite awhile.

Another thing Frank remembered, was the day that Gerard had left to go to college. He had always talked about going to art school up in New York, wanting to be a comic book writer. Frank, of course, was always extremely supportive of his friend's dream, He just didn't know that the day that Gerard would leave would come so soon. He had just finished seventh grade, and he was excited to spend the majority of his summer at the Way house, but then Gerard had broke the news that he was moving up to New York and getting an apartment. That way he could attend school without having to drive back and forth, and also not get a dorm. Frank was a little distraught when he found out that he wouldn't be able to see the eldest Way brother as frequently anymore. He felt even worse when he found out that Gerard would only be coming down for important holidays. His reasoning being, that because he had so many classes – even during the summer – that it would just be easier for him to stay up there.

That had happened five years ago. Frank knew that Gerard didn't have school for five years, but apparently Gerard had enjoyed living in New York so much, that he decided to stay there. He still stuck to visiting only on the holidays, because he now had a job interning at Cartoon Network, and he was always too busy to drive down more than a few times a year. Frank never got to see Gerard, because he was always with his own family on all of the holidays. Which meant that the last time that he had seen Gerard, was that day five years ago. He still remembers the clinging hug that he and Gerard shared before he left, and he wouldn't ever admit this if you asked him, but he remembers crying when he went home after his friend had left. Not even his guitar cheered him up for awhile, it reminded him too much of spending time in the basement. But as the years went on, Frank had began to let go of all of the feelings he had for the older man. He even began to forget his scent, although he was sure that he would be able to recognize it if he really, really tried.

Finally, after what felt like quite some time walking, Frank was brought out of his deep thoughts as he could see the familiar shape of the Way house in the near distance. Then suddenly he was struck with a delicious scent. It only got stronger with the closer he got to the building, and he furrowed his brow in slight confusion. The smell flooded his nostrils, and he felt a strange arousal stirring deep within him. Holy shit, what is that?Frank made it up to the porch of his friend's house, and pushed open the door to step inside. He never knocks anymore, the last time he did when he was a young kid, Donna had gotten onto him and said, "Frankie, you're practically like another son to me. My sons should never feel like they have to knock." Frank had thought that it was a little weird that he was told not to knock, because even his mom had always made him at his own front door.

As soon as Frank was inside, the scent almost knocked him over with the strength of it. He couldn't stop himself from breathing it in deeper – his mouth salivating as it flooded his lungs – It had a very familiar scent underlying it. But Frank was unable to place it because the other smell was so strong. He could feel his veins buzzing with a need, it almost felt as though it was pulling him towards the source as he kicked his shoes off and walked towards the kitchen. There was a tight arousal coiling itself deep inside of Frank's gut as he pushed open the kitchen door to find Mikey's mom was standing in front of the sink, cleaning off some dishes for the food she was preparing. She turned around quickly when she heard him enter, and smiled widely at him as she promptly engulfed him in a loving hug. "Frank! Mikey told me you were coming over." She exclaimed cheerily, releasing Frank from her crushing grip. Frank smiled back at her, not minding at all that she had managed to soak the back of his shirt with soapy dishwater when she wrapped her arms around him.

Frank nodded and looked around the room, then looked back to Donna with a questioning look. "Speaking of Mikey...Where is he? I didn't see him when I walked through." He asked as he waved his hand in the direction of where he came from. He was doing his best to ignore the captivating smell, trying to focus on what the woman in front of him was saying. But it smelled like it was so close. The scent seemed to be coming from the door in the kitchen that Frank knew lead to the basement. He had been down those stairs so many times, but over the past five years, he never even thought about going down there again. It just wouldn't feel right. He was curious, however, as to why the arousing scent was coming from the basement.

"Oh! He just left to go to the store." Donna explained as she turned away from Frank to continue along with cleaning the dishes. "I needed him to go get quite a few things for the dinner I'm making tonight, He should be back in about forty minutes." She glanced back at Frank with a motherly smile on her face.

Frank smiled back. "Oh, okay." He nodded and rubbed the back of his head as he stood there, not really knowing what to do since Mikey wasn't there. It wasn't that it felt awkward for Frank, he had long since passed the stage of feeling awkward when he was alone with his friend's family members. It was just that he didn't really have an idea of what he could do to pass the time. He could go watch a movie, but Frank was certain that he wouldn't be able to focus long enough without the unknown scent calling him. It felt as though it was practically begging him to find where it was coming from. His body kept reacting strangely towards it; twitching slightly and thrumming with pure desire.

Donna could tell that Frank was a little lost on what to do, and she gave a small chuckle. "You don't have to just stand there, Sugar." She said, beginning to scrub at a particularly tough stain on one of the plates. "I'm sure you could just go in the living room and watch a show or a movie." She offered, not knowing that the boy had already determined that watching TV was not a viable option.

Frank just sighed and shrugged inwardly. He might as well just make an attempt at it while he waited for his friend to come back. "Yeah, I'll go do that." He told Mikey's mom and gave her a small wave as he left the kitchen. He threw himself down onto the biggest couch in the living room, and groaned when he realized that the remote for the TV was actually on top of the large screen. What the fuck is the point of having a remote, if you're just gonna sit it on top of the TV? Frank grumbled in his thoughts and rolled off of the cushions; hitting the carpeted floor with a soft thud. He crawled/knee walked to the television, and snatched the remote from the top, before making his way back to the well worn couch. He hoisted himself up onto the musty, but comfortable, cushions, and pressed the button on the remote to turn the TV on.

Frank had himself on his stomach as flipped through the channels quickly, most of them only showing mind numbing infomercials when he paused on them. However, as expected, he wasn't able to focus on the screen after just a few moments of channel surfing. The smell kept enticing him as he laid on the couch; pleading for him to come to it. His body was pleading with him too, begging to please go down to the basement. See what is the source of the mouth-watering aroma is. It almost smelled as though it was coming from someone, but the scent was too masked for Frank to distinguish it, so it was hard to tell. It had a little bit of muskiness laced with it, mixing perfectly with the overlying odor. He knew that if he tried to go down into the basement while Donna was in there, she would question him, and Frank really didn't know how he would explain it. It's not like he could just say: "Oh, yeah. I'm just going down here because there's something that just smells so fucking good, that also makes me feel extremely horny, and it seems to be coming from the basement." So he just stuck to pushing his hips a little bit against the cushions to try to relieve some of the strain.

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