Chapter 4: Akira

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The morning rays illuminated the bedroom, as two figures where sleeping peacefully. Their breathing synchronized as were their heart beats, a perfect time to snap a couple of pictures.



Nabiki had been inside Ranma's room for a while taking pictures if both teen's, despite Kasumi and Akane telling her otherwise. But all fun ended when Ranma was starting to gain conscious, Nabiki made her way out of the boy's room silently and closed the door behind her.

Ranma on the other hand felt warmth, looking down he saw (Y/n) sleeping soundly, while hugging him of course. The boy couldn't help but blush and not move, afraid of waking the girl up.

Remembering what happened last night made the boy blush a dark shade of red. 'Did I really do that? Did I really sit on top of her and tickle her? But most importantly....Did I really bring her to sleep with me? What will she think of me now? Will she hate me? Will she not want to be my fiance?!' Ranma was caught up thinking to much that he failed to realize that the girl he was holding onto had woken up.

(E/c) eyes stared at his blue ones is what brought his mind back, he blushed out of embarrassment for staring at her the whole time. But she smiled and giggled a little, warming up the boys chest.

"Good morning Ranma." Her voice was soft and melodic, Ranma almost didn't want to leave the bed and hear her voice all day.

"Good morning (Y/n)." He smiled down at her, he removed one of his arms from her waist and moved a strand of hair from her face to look at her better. "Did you sleep well?" He asked a tad bit nervous.

"Actually I did, better than when I sleep alone." A small blush crept to her face, surprising the boy yet making him smirk. "It seems like someone is getting feelings towards me~" He taunted her in a sing song tone making her blush and pout.

"Says the one that brought me to his room to sleep~" Now it was his turn to blush and groan, making the (e/c) eyed girl chuckle.

"That is uncute! Your uncute! And I brought you here because you called me a tsundere." The girl got closer to him and reached for his ear to whisper.

"Was I not right?" The proximity of how close they where and how her warm breath brushed on his neck and ear where enough to drive him crazy. The boy grabbed her wrists and pinned her down to the bed, the girl was now able to see the blushing mess he was.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" Ranma asked flustered, (Y/n) however just stared at him before laughing. The black haired boy just stared at her confused as to why she was laughing at his question, was it that funny?

"Seduce you? Is that what you want me to do? I would have waited until probably a month to do so but if you want me to I could." (Y/n) said now sitting up and holding Ranma's face, the poor boy only blushed furiously.

"Why are you doing this to me? Why are you teasing me? That's uncute for a girl!" Ranma frowned while looking at the girl, the (e/c) eyed girl sighed and got off the bed and made her way towards the door.

"Where are you going?" The black haired boy asked stumbling off the bed and trying to follow her.

"Don't, take another step. I'm going out for a jog, so I might not go to school today." She said whole opening the door and walking out, despite her telling him not to move he still did.

[In my direction, i~ cant be trusted around you~ ok I'll stop ; - ; ]

"If your going out there I'm coming with you." (Y/n) stopped and turned around to face the boy, "I cant take good care of myself, I don't need a babysitter." She said calmly, way too calmly.

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