I Try To Say The Right Thing To My Best Friend

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     Today is one of those days people have been telling me about my whole life. The day that is supposed to change everything and decide the fate of our world. Today is the day The Prince announces the selection.

I, Annabeth Chase, Duchess of Athens, have known Prince Perseus my whole life. I've grown up in the palace, seen the weight of the world first hand and have lived with the toll of the royal life. Today however, isn't about me, it's about the legacy of "romance" in our kingdom. The process of finding the perfect queen.

I almost feel bad for the girls that get drawn, living with watered down versions of what happens everyday, unprepared for the struggles that come with life in the kingdom. Instead of arguing the system though I'm going to sit and listen to the report just like I do every week.

I'm sitting to the left of the Royal Family, Queen Sally sitting in her throne with King Paul to her right, Prince Percy to her left and Prince Tyson and Princess Estelle farther over. The perfect picture to the outside world, but cracked and hurt from my view. You can see it in Sally's posture that the strain of Illea has left her tired and blank, trying so hard to prove she can handle the kingdom after Poseidon's passing. Paul's eyes look bloodshot, from sleepless nights trying to comfort Sally and the kingdom. Tyson is in his own little world, imagining a peaceful life outside of the castle. Then there is Estelle, legs shaking with anticipation, ready to hop right out of her chair and run who knows where. Finally there is Percy. It's almost impossible for me to believe people can't see how fake that smile is. Thing is, Percy has always been good at putting other people before himself. The signature troublesome grin replaced by a pearly white smile clearly missing true happiness. Sadly, the report hasn't seen that smile since King Poseidon died.

As much as I would like to sit here thinking about how Percy looks, I mean, uh, how he feels, there are much more important things going on.

"Now, Prince Perseus has one final announcement to make," Sally says while Percy rolls his eyes at the formalities.

Doing something as simple as standing causes swooning noises from our live audience. I look up into his sea green eyes to see the panic surface. I try my best 'you got this smile' and he turns back to the camera.

"Hello everyone. Today I'm very excited to announce a special event. I can tell by the looks of a few of our viewers you've already figured it out. We will be starting the Selection." The girls erupt with excitement. He laughs at the applause. "The entries begin tonight and will end this Thursday. Any woman between the ages of 17-21 may enter. We will be announcing the Selected during the next report, so see you all Friday!"

We both walk off stage and begin talking about who knows what when a much more serious topic arises. "What do you think about my Selection?"

"What?" I look up and see worry in his eyes.

"I said, 'what do you think about my Selection.' And don't tell me it's just some tradition. I think we both know that's not what I mean." I can't look away or think straight, as I look into his eyes.

I, uh, don't know what else there is to say." Definitely not what he was looking for. "I mean, I'm excited to see you make a fool of yourself in front of tons of girls, and uhm..." What do I do, this is my chance to put it all on the line. "I want you to be happy, Percy. I know we used to make fun of this when we were younger, but this is your shot at happiness. I'm excited to be there along the way." It was honestly the most real thing I can say. I mean, how do you tell your best friend you might be in love with him, especially days before 35 girls are supposed to show up to fight for him.

"Thanks, Wise Girl. I have to go talk to my mom, but uhm, I'm happy to have you by my side." His real smile pops up for just a second as he turns away from me. That's just how it should be, best friends, nothing more.

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