Convince Me

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I turn and see Percy giving me the same confused look. He mouths, 'That doesn't sound good.'

We turn our attention back to Sally who seems to have grown even more mischievous. "So, I've got a solution to one of the most well known Selection problems." She gives me a look that says, 'I'll explain how this fits in later.'

"Every Selection has a group of girls who joined for the wrong reasons. Only signing up for the fame, rebel spies, or trying to win the crown. I know both of you are worried about threats entering the palace through the Selection." This time she makes eye contact with Percy. "If we had someone on the inside though, we could learn the true intentions of those in the castle."

"What exactly are you trying to say, Mom?" Thankfully, Percy and I both have the same confused look on our faces.

"I'm saying, Annabeth should enter the Selection. Hear me out, it's the perfect plan. Annabeth will enter," she turns to me and gives me a reassuring smile, "make relationships with the other girls, and have them show their true colors. Then, you two will meet up during your 'dates' and discuss the things Annabeth learns. As the Selection goes on, the girls will either see Annabeth as a threat or friend and that will lead to them making their feelings clear." She turns and gives me a big smile, wheels turning in her head. "You'll be as honest as possible, you being a duchess comes first, of course, but sometimes people are the most real with their enemies. It is the best way to find the perfect candidate for queen."

"How can you ensure I'll be Selected? I mean, it's a drawing." Honestly I can't even think of a response to what she is actually proposing so I'm trying to poke holes in the details.

"More importantly, how is that fair to the two of us. We've spent the last few years trying to convince people we're not romantically involved. Now you want her to join the Selection." Ouch, that hurts. I do agree though. It's just like I said, friends, nothing more.

Sally glares at her son and begins answering our questions. "Listen, I'm just trying to solve both of your problems. You told me you wanted to make sure the girl loves you, and this is the perfect way to find out." There was something in how she said the last part that makes me think they aren't telling me everything. "As for how we can insure it, do you honestly think this is a real drawing? I hate to admit this, but it definitely started as a game of influence. You'd get in. Thoughts?"

Gotta love an awkward silence, am I right?

"Uh, I'm sure Annabeth and I each have some things to say about this, but it's kinda hard to talk about it when the other one is sitting there. I mean, no offense," he says shifting so he can look at me, "but it's kinda weird to talk about this with you here."

"Alright then, get out of here Percy. Annabeth's first." He gives her his best fake offended face. I roll my eyes. That earns me a wink as he leaves the room. "So, what do you think of my master plan?" Not that grin again.

"Sally, what was that? I think we both know that is not what I had in mind when I told you about all of this. Plus, how is this going to solve my problem?" I still can't believe this is happening.

"I know it wasn't fair of me to do that without warning you but you forget I've known you your whole life. I know that if I would've told you beforehand you wouldn't have agreed. This is the perfect chance for you to decide where you stand. If you are in the Selection you can use the time to decide whether or not you have feelings for him. If you do, then you can tell him. If you are worried then that he doesn't feel the same way, use the dates to convince him he should pick you. If not, then you both move on. Stick to the plan and help him find the perfect girl." Honestly, I can't see much fault to the plan. I have time, an escape route, options, and I don't need to worry about losing my best friend.

Sally would never intentionally hurt me, and she is one of the most brilliant people I've ever met. "I'm in." She starts smiling wider than I've ever seen.

"Before all of this starts, I need to tell you something. You've always been a daughter to me. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't rooting for you two, but no matter what happens, I will always love you. I know that this will be hard but I think you'll get all the answers you need." Tears appear in both of our eyes and she gives me one of the most comforting hugs. She wipes away my tears, waiting to clear away her own. "Now, get out of here. I've still gotta get him in on the plan." I exit the room and make eye contact with Percy.

"What are my chances of walking out of there not agreeing to the plan?" We both smile.

"Sorry Percy, she's good. The odds are not in your favor." A pained expression hits his face. Maybe this isn't a good idea, if he finds even the idea of me being in the Selection with him this horrible then-

"Hey, drop the worry face, Wise Girl. The one bright side is that I'll have you in the Selection with me. Dream Team, am I right."

"Ha, more like chaos team. Plus, how would Grover feel being left out of this. Original Trio, right?"

"Well, I'm definitely not letting Grover join the Selection if that's what you're suggesting." That troublesome smirk always has a way of making me smile.

"Oh gods no. That would totally ruin my chance of ending up with 'The Percy Jackson'. He totally needs to hear about this though. OG Trio meeting at lunch tomorrow?"

"I haven't even agreed to this yet. Why would I agree to tell Grover?"

"Night, Percy." I start walking away before he can argue anymore.

"Night, Annabeth."

As I start the long trek back to my room, I hear a familiar voice. For those of you wondering why I'm not sure about my feelings, this is why.

"How've you been Annie?"



Hi Everyone, I'm Brynn! Thank you for checking out my story! I'm about to start my sophomore year of high school so I'm gonna be pretty busy. I'm going to be juggling being the president of our speech and debate team, band, choir, and theatre on top of all of my classes. I'm going to try to update as much as possible though! 

Hope you guys all are having a good day/night where ever you are! I sorta stole that from @Fangirlwriter256 but you guys should all go follow her and read her stories! She's the one that made my new pretty cover! 

See you all soon!


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