Special Visits And Pancakes

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     "Lacy, hand me my pants." I love our morning chaos. A perfect routine. Suddenly there's a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Lacy rushes over to answer it. "Hey, give me a hug!"

"Who's at the door?" I walk over and see my best friend. "Thalia!" I run up and hug her. "What are you doing here?"

"Since when can I not come visit my best friend?" She gives me an uncomfortable smile.

"Sally called you, didn't she?" Thalia nods. "Well, you got here fast."

"You know first hand that duchesses get the best late night travel." She punches me in the arm. "So, fill me in. Something about you entering my cousin's Selection?" She starts wiggling her eyebrows.

"How much did Sally tell you?" She gives me her most mischievous grin.

"Well, I think I actually know more than you." Then she starts laughing.

"What, how?" Her grin grows wider.

"Well, when Sally called me she filled me in with the special details of her plan, including why Percy agreed. More than just the reasons she provided in your little meeting with the 3 of you in the room. I'm pretty sure you don't know the details of that so I think that means I win." We both laugh.

"Ok, fine. Maybe you're winning. Are you gonna tell me?"

"Pfff, no. You need to figure that out on your own. Just like he does for you. Plus, Sally and I agreed that the whole purpose of this plan is to get you two to get the outcome you need." She walks into my room. "Now, the one thing I don't know is why was Luke guarding your door before I kicked him out."

"I have some stuff to tell you." I then start to fill Thalia in on all of the stuff that went down after I left Sally's office.

"So, how do you feel about the Luke asking you out thing?" She gives me a look that is almost supportive but also shows the sting of heartbreak. "Don't give me that look, I'm over him, I mean, I dumped him."

"I know, Thals. I just get that it was a messy one and I don't want to ever hurt you. Being a Hunter of Artemis isn't easy, especially if you walked out of a relationship to do it. If you don't wanna talk want me to talk about it we won't." She gives me a sad smile.

"Annabeth, Sally called me here for emotional support, not to avoid talking about my ex boyfriend. Now, what? Are we gonna talk about your boyfriends?" She starts laughing just like Lacy did last night.

'We have to go to breakfast, Thals. So, as much as I want to talk to you about my 'boyfriends', I think I'm going to pass. Now, let's go eat." I start dragging her out the door.

"And as much as I'd like to have you go to breakfast in that, they're doing interviews today. That means no pants." I look down and realize that this really isn't my most professional outfit.

"Ugh, fine. I'll be back." I walk back to my closet. "Lacy, why didn't you tell me they were doing interviews today?" I take a cute floral dress off the hook. It's got yellow, pink and red flowers on a green vine on a white background for the top of the dress and a baby blue bottom topped with white lace that goes down to just before the knees. I quickly change. "This dress is beautiful, thank you Lacy."

"No problem Annabeth. Go enjoy breakfast." We then head down to the dining hall.

"I can't believe you get to wear pants." I glare at her as we make our way down the hallway.

"Join the Hunters and you can wear all the pants you want."

"Sorry, but I don't think Bobby and Matthew are as qualified as Jason for taking over as a Duke." We make our way down the grand stairs. "So, instead I'll just have to live with only wearing pants in my downtime."

"Your loss. Artemis would've really liked to have you." We approach the door and nod to the guards. They open it for us. "Now, it's pancakes time!"

"Ah, that's how Sally got you down here. Hestia's pancakes will always beat me out in your eyes. Won't they?" We start walking over to the grand table where the royal family is sitting. "Know what, I don't want to hear your answer."

"Good Morning girls, how was your flight Lieutenant Thalia?" Sally smiles at us and we sit down.

"It was great Sally, thanks for asking. Ha, of course the pancakes are blue."

"Shut up, Pinecone Face. Blue pancakes are the best." Percy starts to pour on the syrup.

"You're drowning them." He gives me a bright smile.

"I'm a Poseidon kid. I can't drown and neither can my pancakes."

"Just because he was a swimmer doesn't mean you can't drown Percy."

"Is that so, Wise Girl." Sally clears her throat. Percy and I suddenly shoot our heads towards her. She's giving us that smile that always seems to mean trouble.

"Well, as entertaining as that was, let's get back to breakfast. Any plans for the day?"

"Actually, Annabeth and I are having lunch with Grover." He gives me another smile. "We have some stuff to fill him in on." Sally and I gave him a look. "Since he's been gone so long, of course." He looks down quickly and Thalia laughs. He shoots her a look and she nods. "How did you-"

"Wow, Hestia really outdid herself today. I mean, these are great pancakes." I shove a mouthful down my throat and Percy frowns at me.

"Ok, no offense but you guys suck at hiding things. What's going on." We all turn and look at Tyson. "Well?"

"You know, how about you do my interview first." I turn towards the camera crew. "I'm all ready." I sit down in the chair and they start recording.

"So, Duchess Annabeth, how is your day going so far?" She asks random routine questions. Finally, she reaches the thing she's been hunting for. "Now, can I ask what your plan is for Percy's Selection?"

"I was wondering how long it would take for you to get to that. All I'll say is I'm excited for him."

"Do you have plans of entering?"

"As much fun as I may have from watching your reaction, I'm choosing to keep quiet. You will all see the results of the Selection this Friday. If I do enter and happen to get drawn then you'll know the answer, if my name isn't then it will be a mystery." I smile. "Now, I've got a lunch to get ready for. I can't wait for next time." I wave at the camera and stand. I nod to Thalia saying we can head out if she's finished eating.

"Thank you so much, Duchess Annabeth. Prince Percy, are you ready?"

Hey Everyone! I'm finishing this a few hours before midnight as a birthday present and Anniversary gift for Percy and Annabeth. Thanks for reading and I hope you're having a great day/night wherever you are!


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