Chapter 7- Spreads Like Fire

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     "Oh my gods!" Percy and I jump to other parts of the bed. "Meredith! Get back in here." He runs up to the door and throws it open. "Meredith, get back here." She appears in front of the door looking down at the floor embarrassed.

"Yes, Prince Percy."

"We were just, I mean it wasn't, can we have our, uh, snacks." He reaches his hands out for the tray she's holding.

"Right, yes, sorry Prince Percy." She passes it over. "Anything else?"

"No, thank you though." He awkwardly closes the door and walks over to the bed setting it down in front of me. "We-" Tyson's interview starts.

"Hello Prince Tyson, how's your day..." There's a knock on the door drawing our attention away from the screen.

"Who is it?" There's a silence from behind the door until Lacy finally speaks.

"It's Lacy. Can I, uh, come in?" He looks at me.

"Let her in." We start whisper arguing until he finally gives in.

"Come in Lacy." She slowly opens the door peeking her head in before quickly rushing into the room. "What is it Lacy?"

"Well, seeing as how I'm Annabeth's maid I try my hardest to keep up with the news about her and I heard about you..." She moves her arms dramatically. "So?"

"How, I mean how did you hear already? It happened less than a minute ago." She stands proudly.

"So it did happen. Explain?"

"Nothing happened." Percy shouts and goes beat red. "We were laying down doing nothing when Meredith walked in." she looks him up and down.

"Yeah, I don't believe you." She looks at me. "Are you gonna tell me what happened?" Percy shoots me a distressed look.

"We were wrestling. I'm not sure why he's making such a big deal out of it." Wow, I was not aware that someone can turn that red. "Can you make sure that the maids get the right story?" She nods politely leaving the room. "Are you gonna sit down?"

"Right, yeah, sorry." He sits down beside me. "Sorry about that." He points to the door. "I... don't have an excuse." He flops his head down onto his pillow.

"You doing ok there Seaweed Brain?" I lean over his head. "You seem a little... overwhelmed." He stares straight into my eyes not breaking contact.

"Yeah, I'm doing great." His pupils grow larger. "I just, uh, have a lot on my mind." He leans in slightly but then moves back down looking away. I move away from him laying down. "So what snacks did she make?" He looks over at me. I sit up and grab the tray.

"Perfect food, that's what. I mean, look at this. Cupcakes, strawberries, grapes, mini sandwiches, what did we do to deserve Hestia." He laughs and starts eating the blue cupcakes.

"I don't know." He picks up a grape and throws it at me.

"Did you just...?" He laughs. "It's on." We start throwing grapes at each other. "You are going down Seaweed Brain." We continue for a few minutes before I finally raise my hands in surrender. "Ok, ok. We're almost out of grapes. Cut it out."

"Ok, fine. Let's finish the interviews." He turns back to the screen.

"...and I'm very excited to see what the girls are like." Sally's bright smile shows on the screen.

"Since this is a common theme with today's interviews, how do you feel about the possibility of Annabeth joining the Selection?" The interviewer sits straighter in her seat waiting for the golden response.

"Annabeth has always been like a daughter to me. We all know the sad tale of the dukes and duchesses of Athen's. When they were given the royal title ages ago they earned their position and were loved by the citizens. When I met Athena I knew she was the smartest person I'd ever meet, so when she and my husband were lost during the rebel attack it was heartbreaking. The moment that Athena let me meet Baby Annabeth I could tell she was just, if not more brilliant that her mother. No matter what she decides to do, I'll support her. Her and Percy have always been best friends so I understand why they are choosing to be private about their decision. I'm going to ask that whatever happens, you respect their choice and let Percy control his own Selection."

"I'd be lying if I said that the people didn't love Annabeth. We're here to support her no matter what. Even if we are a little jealous of Percy and hers 'friendship'. With that, we will end today's segment. Thank you for watching! See you all next time!" With that the screen changes to routine footage of the palace.

I realize there are tears in my eyes from Sally's speech. I let out a sob and Percy turns and looks at me.

"Hey, hey, shhh." He wraps his arms around me as I cry. "I'm right here. Everythings gonna be ok. We're gonna be ok, shh, shh." He strokes my hair as he lets out a few tears of his own. Sometimes I forget we both grew up without one of our parents. "We're a team, we can get through this together."

"Thanks Perce." I sit up and wipe my cheeks. "We're a team. Now let's pick up this mess, we got grapes everywhere." We start to clean the room when I remember something. "Oh my gods, I forgot to tell you, Percabeth is back." We laugh.

"Of course it is." 


Hey my dudes! It's been a while. 

I'm sorry I haven't updated in months, but I'm back now! This chapter goes out to everyone who commented, understanding that I wasn't in the right head space for a long time. I really hope you enjoy and that everyone is staying safe and healthy during this scary time.

Have a great day/night where ever you are!

~Brynn <3

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