60's Decade Dance

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Above is Addison's outfit for the decade dance. She's also wearing lavender thigh high boots and not wearing sunglasses.

[Addison's POV]

  I insisted on having natural waves. Even though in the 60s people did not wear hairspray sparingly. I didn't want to over do it but I wanted to make it look like I put a little bit more effort in than usual. After all this was a dance not a ball.

  I officially felt like a hippie again. Damon open the door without knocking and
  "Wow Addison you look like a hippie again although you're look has improved" he chuckled while I glared at him silently.

  I didn't have a date or boyfriend so Ty and I hung out and danced a bit.
"Ty Ty will you get me some punch please" I asked politely

  "Yeah be right back Addybear"He replied

  Suddenly Dana came up to the microphone and started to speak

"Thank you Everyone" (claps and cheers) " we have a special shout-out tonight , this is for Elena and Addison, from Klaus"(que the music)
  We all start looking around but we can't see him.

   "why Addison?" I freeze Damon continues "he's baiting us, let him come to us."

  Bonnie and Jeremy leave to go dance, along with Elena and Stefan. Damon and I walk over to Alaric.

  "a special dedication huh? this guy a little twisted" Alaric says

"I'm not impressed" Damon says

  "No?" Alaric asks
  Instead of answering Damon says " if you see anything out of whack let me know" with that, he takes off

  I stay behind warning Alaric. "Ric Klaus is not twisted he's a heartless, selfish bitch but I do see now why he wanted Katherine dead"
  "Is that so?" He asked
  "Yes, If you want to know the truth." I said and walked away to find Elena to see if she was safe. I find her with bonnie.

  We chat for a few minutes until Alaric comes up and says Klaus has Jeremy he leads us to an empty hallway. Bonnie Elena and I stand confused.

  "it's just a little further" Alaric says

  "something's not right," says Elena
  "Where's Jeremy?" I say worried he was like a little brother to me sometimes a bully too but he is a good kid. Something was wrong, I physically felt my gut twisting.

  "I just had to get away from that dance, the sixties uhh" he turns around and blabs some more "not my decade. I mean whose call was that anyway? I much prefer the 20's you know? the style, the parties, the jazz" Alaric says I standstill trying to process this

  "Alaric are you on Vervain?" Elena asks 

  "Now Elena, why would you ask that question?" Alaric says

  "He's being compelled" Bonnie states

  "No try again, I'll give you a hint I'm not Alaric"

"Klaus" I pause "I should have known I knew something was off what are you up to?!" I shout

  He notices Elena is scared. " don't worry you're not on my hit list tonight, neither Addison but you are" he says he points to Bonnie. He lunges at Bonnie and she throws him across the room.

  "by all means, fire away I'll just get a new body after you kill this one" Klaus states confidently.

  "Run" Bonnie says and we speed off Damon finds us and we tell him everything.

He makes me and Elena get Stefan. We get him and rush back to Damon.

  "Where's Bonnie?" Elena and I say simultaneously

   "She's doing what she has to do" Damon replied I don't know how he could let her risk his life. Especially not while I could've stopped him. But Damon didn't know that yet. He'd rather risk someone I care about than me, Yeah, my family is seriously fucked up.

After all three of us ran to the room she was in we were in there but she locked the doors with her magic. All of the sudden the sparks and the flashes stop. Bonnies dead. We immediately open the doors and storm in. "Bonnie" I yell " no bonnie come on, wake up, please no, bonnie" I sob

  "Stefan I can't find a pulse, please Stefan, and do something" Elena pleads

   "It's too late," Stefan says I pull myself together

  "It wasn't too late a minute ago when Damon let this happen" I mutter. Seriously, when are we going to stop letting innocent people sacrifice their lives so we can survive?

  Damon comes in to get rid of the "body" and makes Stefan take us home I stare at the ceiling above my bed until I get a text. I open it reluctantly.

    Damon: Bon- Bon's ok

    Addy: wait, what?! She's alive?! how? I'm going to kill you eldest brother

  I couldn't sleep I kept thinking of her and how distraught Elena still must be. All this for nothing. Klaus will be back and he won't hesitate to kill innocent people if they get in his way.

  I was mad at Damon wanted to be left alone. I stayed in my room for two days. It's 3 A.M. and I still stare at the wall. With Klaus back, my mind couldn't focus on anything else. I wonder where Klaus is. At that moment I heard something from outside. I go to check to see what it is.

  I turn around and see Klaus.
  "Sweetheart you look as lovely as ever. Love, how come you haven't come to see me? it's been too long. By the way, you look absolutely ravishing"

 By the way, you look absolutely ravishing"

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  I reply "You betrayed me. I loved you but I was foolish. Only fools fall for you, only fools do what I do. Go away, leave Nik"I warned

  "You wanted to destroy my only chances of breaking the curse, because of you she got away!" he shouted

  "Bullshit! Klaus that was the third time you found her! Stop being a selfish, impulsive, cowardly fool!" I yelled back

  "Come here" he demanded and pointed in front of him. It was as if his sultry voice was hypnotizing me.
   "What do you want from me, Klaus?!" I yell

    "You." Whispered huskily into my ear I almost shivered. I wasn't sure if it was delight, fear, or both, And his intentions were still unclear did he still want to kill me or could he still possibly love me? My mind raced, not a single thought straying from the man in front of me. I had completely forgotten the rest of the world.
     He used my moment of weakness and temptation to sick me with vervain and I went out cold.

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