Prank Night

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*Klaus P.O.V

  Stefan wakes up inside the truck "just give me a chance to explain myself, ok?"

  "No need I'm not mad, I'm just curious Rebeckah seems to think you're holding on to something, a piece of you're old life, the thing is she has flawless instincts, borderline supernatural so I thought, I would check it out, see for myself what it is you've been hiding." I opened the metal door

  "Welcome back to Mystic Falls Steffy" Addy says and smirks emotionless

*Addison's P.O.V

  Klaus and I spot Elena in the hall. She sees us and gasps.

  "Klaus" she bolts but Klaus vamp speeds to her

  "You're supposed to be dead, what are we going to do about that? You put a rather large kink in my plans, the whole point of breaking the curse to become a hybrid was to make more hybrids. I haven't been able to do that. Now my bet is that it has something to do with the fact you're still breathing."

  "If you're gonna kill me just do it" she says

  "That's what you want, I know I'm right but we have ways of making you suffer," I say unsympathetically as we storm into the gymnasium

"What has he done to you?" Elena looks at me horrified. I roll my eyes.

  "Attention Seniors, you have officially been busted, prank night is over, head on home" he says in his ridiculously fake American accent before switching to his natural British accent "you too, I remember you"

  "I'm sorry who are you?" She asks confused

  "Don't worry, last time I met you I wasn't in my right head, lift your foot up miss dana" he compels them "If she drops her foot chad, I want you to beat her to death, understood?" He nods
  "Don't Klaus, you don't have to hurt anybody" Elena pleads

  "Oh come on Lena, of course, he does"
I say and smirk amused

  "Keep it up" Klaus as dana struggles to keep her foot up

  "Addison, where's Stefan? Klaus, what did you do to him?" Elena asks us

  "You mean my beloved brother, well, he's on a time out" just then matt and bonnie walk in.

  "I was wondering when you'd show up, now we can get started, umm dana you relax, you and chad sit tight" he says smugly

  "I assume you're the reason Elena's still walking around alive" Klaus spits

  "That's right if you want to blame someone, blame me"

  "There's no need for blame, just you witchy interference seems to have caused undesirable side effect, and since you caused the problem, I'm going the have you find the fix" he states blankly

  Beckah comes in with struggling Tyler "I'd like you all to meet my sister, Rebeckah one warning she can be quite mean"

  Klaus kills Tyler and the Elan rambles about him being dead.

  "If bonbon is successful he'll live through his transition" I say

  "Go on then, fetch your grimoires and enchantments and whatnot, I'll hold on to Elena for safekeeping" Klaus adds
Elena nods and bonnie runs off with matt.

  "So this is the latest doppelganger, the original one is much prettier," Beckah says with envy

  "Enough Rebeckah, go fetch wolf boy would you?" Beckah drags Tyler out

  "So I'm assuming Caroline dumped matty boy for Lockwoof" that's quite sad I say blankly

  "You would be right... I know you used to be friends with the wolf. Are you jealous?"

  "No. Of course not. That's all we were. Friends. He was an ass, reminded me of a bit of you actually. Couldn't compare I guess." I say blatantly

  "Really, is that so? Did you ever... " He trails fiercely

  "No. I never wanted there to be more. I realized- I couldn't so we stayed just friends"  I reassure Klaus.  He looks me in the eyes his pupils dilating "no, you can't just make me-"

  "Turn it back on." He compels and I attempt to hold in rivers of tears. I let go of everything I held inside "shh, love I can't be selfish with you anymore, that wasn't you" He holds me to his chest.I turn away ashamed.

Stefan eventaully straggles in. Klaus compels him to kill Elena after the time is up. Klaus compels Stefan to turn it off

    All I can think is I need to apologize. To everyone. I'm a monster. How could I just let all this happen? I hate myself. I need to die. I hold back this time.

  "I fixed him." Klaus says, cooly. "Perhaps you'd like a drink from the doppelganger's neck."Klaus pulls me back close to him. I kick and scream

 "No, no Stefan don't." I say. how is this a fair trade?

  He drags me over to where Tyler is.

  "Elena's blood, drink it, consider it an experiment," Klaus says holding the vile towards Tyler

   "No, no, no." Caroline says as Rebeckah holds her back. I console her but there's nothing to do to make it better. He drinks it and falls to the floor shaking. He lifts up his head and reveals his new hybrid face.

  "Now that's a good sign" Klaus states

*time skip

  "Is that what this is about, you're obsession with hybrids? You just don't want to be alone." Rebeckah says

  "What I want is to take my girl and Elena, and my hybrids the hell out of this one pony town. Why don't you get the truck? We'll get Elena." He says. Klaus turns us around.

"Were not getting Elena" I say

  "Well, look who decided to finally show up to the party" Klaus says amused

  "Damon?" A single tear rolls down my cheek

  "Where's is she?" He frowns and looks at me

  "Elena, she's making a donation to a greater cause don't interfere, mate"

  "You're going to have to give me my sister back, and then kill me" He says

"give me? Seriously?" it's the 21st freaking century

  "Oh, I would love to kill you but I made a pledge to your brother and sister and unlike Stefan, I keep my word, although you know what thinking about it now he probably doesn't care that much anymore" He tackles Day

  "Wanna know about your friend Mikeal?" Damon taunts before I can argue with Klaus

  "What do you know about Mikeal?" Klaus asks furiously, I pause.

  "Just that he knows you're here" Damon replies
  "You're bluffing" he says through gritted teeth

  "Katherine and I found him, consider it our leverage" Klaus throws him off the car.

  "Leave Damon alone." I warn Nik

  He quickly vamps and speeds away. I don't think about him leaving again, I just join Damon to get Elena from the hospital and go home. 

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