2. Who needs to know?

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Audrey tossed another log into her fire, watching it crackle and burn in an array of colors just like it was enchanted to do. She could hear the clock ticking and almost out of habit she glanced at her window. The barely rising moon was shining bright into her window, but that was it.

She let out a puff of air, taking a seat and bringing her phone out to scroll through whatever was showing up first in her feed. She spent a while on that, mindlessly looking at everyone's happy lives that they made public.

Four taps came from her window and her heart leapt. She stood rapidly and he fell in unceremoniously in her windowsill. He was barely able to sit himself up when Audrey threw herself on top of him just to kiss him.

"I do enjoy a good hello," he chuckled when she pulled away.

"I missed you," she whispered, brushing her fingers against his chin. Harry leaned into her hand and pressed a kiss into her palm.

"I'm right here." He replied quietly, brushing away her hair from her face after setting his hook down by the window.

It had been a couple of months since she'd...lost herself. It had been two months since she began a relationship with him. "I'll always be right here."

Audrey took comfort in that and she lay her head underneath his. He rubbed his hand along her arm tenderly.

"How did your day go?" He asked her, moving his leg to support them so they wouldn't take a tumble onto the floor.

"Okay-better." She corrected before he asked her again. "I'm so much better."

She was...she really, really was and she would love to say that it was all because of him, but she knew that her therapist might have also had a hand with her finding peace with herself after everything she had done. But he was a big part of it.

"I would be too if I wasn't asked stupid questions like if somebody calls me pirate boy do I A: poke them with a hook; B: feed them to the fishes or C: bla bla bla. Obviously if someone calls me pirate boy I have to prove it to them."

Audrey laughed at the way he said it and Harry moved his head to look her in the eye.

"I'm glad that you laughed at that. I was given a stern lecture from Fairy Godmother. You should have seen her. 'No, you do not poke them with your hook and then feed them to the fishes. You don't do either of those things!" He imitated Fairy Godmother and Audrey smiled.

"Don't you go poking anybody with your hook. They just brought down the barrier you don't want them to make another just for you." Audrey tapped him in the chest sternly.

"That all depends if you're there with me pretty girl." He tapped her on the nose and Audrey smacked him playfully on the chest. He let out a laugh and then he sighed, letting his head rest against a pillow.

"How come we never meet outside of this room?" Harry asked her after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

"Why are you asking me that?" Audrey replied.

"We don't really talk in school. We don't even eat together." He said with a shrug.

"Yes, we do."

"Not side by side." He said, looking down at her, "Are you embarrassed of me?"

"No." She shook her head rapidly, looking up to meet his eye. "Never."

"Then how come no one knows about me and you?" He asked softly.

Audrey lifted her hand to brush aside some of his hair that was falling into his eyes, "Why does any one need to know?"

"Are you afraid of what they might say?" He asked, stopping her hand with one of his.

"Harry-" but she saw the way his jaw was set.

"-No, I understand. You're afraid to be the talk of the town for being with an Isle kid. Or is it your family you're afraid of disappointing? The Princess hooking up with a pirate? They'd disown you." Audrey was quiet and Harry must have taken her silence badly as he let go of her hand and stood to jump back out of the window.

"No!" She stopped him, grabbing onto his arm, "I don't care what my family says to me I don't care what anybody says to me, Harry. I just-" she released his arm and took his hand, "I finally have someone that cares about me and I don't want anyone to ruin it. And I'm afraid that they'll say something to you because of what I did."

"Audrey," he begin seriously, sitting back down. Audrey thought the worst. He was going to tell her he never wanted to see her again, he would leave her alone. She didn't know if she could handle it.

Audrey lowered her head down as he continued.

"If you think for even a wee moment that I care about what they say about me...then you just about lost your noggin." He chuckled, pulling her into him in a hug. Audrey let herself relax into him, feeling her eyes tear up.

"You don't have to worry about me," he said softly, pressing a kiss to her head, "There's nothing they can say that would bother me. There's nothing they can call me that I haven't already been called."

"I did really bad things." She whispered, remembering how she turned all those people to stone. How she took Celia and threatened to hurt her. Everything she did just to get a little approval from someone.

"And what do you think I've been doing my whole life?" He replied with a quiet chuckle, "I was a breath away from feeding Benny-boy to the sharks and now look at us now, we're practically best buds."

"That's a lie." Audrey giggled, wiping away the tears that were in her eyes.

"So I instigated a food fight by throwing a banana peel at him, big deal, we all had a good laugh. That's far from wanting to throw him to the fishes, so like I said: best buds."

Audrey gave him a look, "It was more than once."

"And he let it slide each time." He shrugged. "So what if we did bad things? I never imagined that I would be here in Auradon prep with all these goody two shoes and here I am, and you know who's at my side? A freakin' princess that has a bit of a evil side to her-which by the way is a very attractive feature."

A smile spread across her face.

"So don't worry too much about what they'll say to me."

"What do you think about going to meet my grandmother this weekend?"

Harry blinked in surprise, "Already?"

"My grandmother would never forgive me if she knew about you from anyone else but me. And I'd say my parents but they're traveling the world, and my godmothers are helping Fairy Godmother with the rehabilitation of all of your parents."

"Well good old dad is already out-he's quite charming that way."

"Can I meet him?" She asked him.

Harry grinned brightly, "He'd love to meet you."

Audrey leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" She asked him abruptly.

Harry's eyes widened and his face turned red, "What?"

Audrey felt her face match his, "Not for...I wasn't implying...I mean...I just want you to hold me."

Harry didn't say a word but he nodded slowly.


A.N: This idea isn't leaving my head so I have to finish it or I wont be able to work on anything else. Thanks to everyone reading who's read so far, it's motivation to keep writing!

A Hooked Rose - Disney's Descendants 3 - Harry Hook/Audrey - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now