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I finally arrived at my mother-in-laws house. I've been waiting all weekend to see my baby girl and get my car back. I absolutely hated riding the bus. Too many crying babies and drunks.

I smiled as soon as I saw my car in the driveway. Finally, I got ny second baby back. I ran my hand over the hood as I walked to the door.

*Ding dong*

"Nana! Its daddy it's daddy!" I heard Crystall call out as she ran excitedly to the door. As soon as Evelyn came down and opened the door I immediately picked her up and hugged her tight.

"Hey cutie pie. I missed you!" I smiled as she blushed and hugged my neck tighter.

"Your car is ready, now go."

Before I could even thank her, She threw Crystall's suitcase at my feet and slammed the door.

"Nana so wude. She no nice to you. Why?" Crystall asked as I loaded her and her things into the car.

"I don't know baby girl. Maybe she's just having a Bad day". I knew exactly why she was mad but baby girl shouldn't know that.


As I drove down the highway I turned on the radio. By now it was dark but Crystall was still up. Her favorite song "No Flex Zone " was on. She jumped around in her seat and sang along.

"No fex zone no fex zone. Dey knoooooow betta dey knoooooow betta! " I laughed hard at how serious she was.

Just as I was about to get off the highway, I saw red and blue lights in my rear view mirror. Shit. I thought I paid all my parking tickets. I pulled over to the side and waited for the police to greet me.

"Are you Christopher Brown?" The officer asked.

"Yes sir. What seems to be the problem? ''

He reached for his gun, "Step out of the car with your hands on your head immediately but slowly." I did as I was told but looked back to make sure my baby girl was ok. She looked confused and worried.

"You are under arrest for possession of cocaine and a loaded handgun." He began to handcuff me but I jerked away.

"I don't even own A gun and I would never even touch cocaine! I have a daughter!" I was furious! They had nothing against me.

"Do not resist arrest or I will taze you!" As he dragged me to the car in handcuffs I tried to pull away again.

"I didn't do anything! What about my daughter! LET ME TELL MY FUCKIN DAUGHTER BYE!" I struggled to break from his grip and run to the car. Crystall had managed to get out of her seat and was now watching the horrible scene unfold from the backseat window.

"DADDY NO LEAVE ME! DADDY COME BACK!" she screamed for me.

I need to get to my baby girl! "Baby girl I love you!" Tears rolled down my face as a shock was sent through my body but I barely felt it. I needed to get to my baby girl! She needs me!

I continued to wrestle with the officer trying to reach my car as he pulled me further back. Finally, a single blow was given to my head from his baton.

That was the last thing I remember.


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