horrors of fates

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I feel empty, nothing really matters anymore except for killing the one who did this to my parents. I look at their still bodies and their widely opened eyes, my body refuses to move. I have this undeniable need to pinch myself, beat myself, do something to end this dream.

But the reality laughs at my helplessness without any mercy. My parents are right in front of me but they are gone - forever. Will they be okay though? Wherever they are. The thought alone breaks my heart into a million pieces.

I will never be able to hug them or hear them laugh. I would never hear mom's scolding nor will I ever hear dad singing. They are gone, somewhere I could never reach even if I tried. They are no longer here to protect me from the real-life monsters. The monsters who used to feed on my happiness and peace.

They don't look scary as monster's should, but their deeds are enough to send chills down your spine. They have an effect on you and will always have that effect on you. I don't want to think about them but it is not something I can control. I close my eyes as fear creeps onto my skin and fuels my panic giving it enough strength to shatter all the protective walls that I had built.

It reminds me of the nightmare of the childhood that I had. It reminds me of the time when I watched them smile down at me doing what nobody asks a child to fear doing. It reminds me of the time when I begged them to stop, when I told them that it hurt bad.

My breathing became ragged, my vision began to blur, I felt a pricking sensation on my skin. And I felt the all too familiar feeling of a panic attack. Sucking any chances of hope I might have, reminding me, tormenting me with the worst times of my life. I sit down on the floor and try to breathe evenly hoping that it would make the panic attack go away, but it doesn't work, it never does.

"Oh, for goodness sake stop draining all of my power," a voice said coming out of nowhere.

I shriek and place a hand on my rapidly beating heart. I look at the owner of that voice that scared the crap out of me. She looks beautiful almost twenty-years-old, I guess. But what the hell is she doing here? And if I find out that she is somehow involved in the murder of my parents, then she is not going to like what I have in my mind for her.

"Who are you? And what are you doing in my house?" I ask her in a low but threatening voice.

"The one you had been drawing power from, to do something you were doing a couple of minutes ago," she replies confusing me.

What is she talking about?

"What are you talking about? I wasn't doing anything," I declare looking her in the eye.

"You have no idea what I am talking about, do you?" She inquires raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, is it that obvious?" I reply sarcastically.

I am not in a mood to deal with anything right now. Her eyes roam onto the lying figures of my parents and their spilled blood on the floor, her expression changes to one of understanding and pity. I hate pity, who doesn't?

"Every brave act has a reward of its own you know, you might not see it right now but you will understand it eventually," she said slowly.

I don't understand who this creepy lady is and how she got into my house. So, I decided to ask her one last time before I kick her out, "WHO ARE YOU?"

"AH! I forgot to introduce myself, I am the Queen of the demonic world," she replies grinning like a madwoman.

I almost roll my eyes at that and thought that it's about time I gave her a piece of my mind, "Listen here miss 'I am Queen!' This is not exactly the best time for such stupid jokes. You see these people lying on the floor? They are my parents and if you can't tell by looking at them that they were brutally murdered by some psychotic killer, then I would suggest you shut the hell up!"

Cruel Connection [Book One In The Connection Series]Where stories live. Discover now