Chapter one

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This story contains sensitive subjects like:
Suicide attempt

          Please proceed at your own risk

It's painful waking up, knowing you're going to have to fake a smile for people who don't care about you.

Know that they're all rainbow and lollipops until they turn on you. Tossing you away like a rag doll.

Or they keep you but for use you for the wrong reason, using you twisting you around until you mold into there perfect servant.

With that you start to question yourself, knowing that this isn't you but you don't want to lose your friend. Then there's anxiety and depression.

You start to think negative and bottling it all up, no one notice it and when you do try it comes out as a weak, small squeak or a small smile

Im fine

Those retched two words come out when someone finally notice

I'm Fine

With all these thoughts bottled up with you so long you reach your breaking point.

You collapse





Then someone miraculously notice and they help, they try there best to erase all the negative and bring in the positive, as you struggle and thrash with all these thoughts roaming around in your head block out everything.

help me

Few years later

Tamaki's POV:

"Ugh, where the fuck am I ?"

I look around seeing that I'm in my place, I tried sitting up but a wave of dizziness made me crashing back down. "Oh fuck, what the hell happened yesterday"

I look over to my right and see my phone sitting on the counter, I reach over and grab my phone and turn in on. I see 5 messages from Kirishima and 1 message from an unknown person.

I open the messages from Kirishima,

Dude, who knew you were a party animal when drunk?

Ohhhh I see u found someone to talk to.

[2 images sent]

I blush in embarrassment as I see myself flirting a with a cute guy with blond hair and sky blue eyes. I look over at the next message to distract myself.

Remember we have work at 7 today

I look over at the time and see that it's 6:45.

"OH SHIT" I shout as I rush to dress and ready, I rush down the stairs as I sprint out the door over to work. I arrive 5 minutes late as I walk into my job out of breath.

"Well well, look what the cat dropped in." My boss Fatgum said" 5 minutes late I see.

"S...s...sorry, I woke up late."

"That's all right laddy, just make sure it doesn't happen again."

I nod my head as I head over to the changing room to change into my uniform. I take my place at my station as Kirishima walk over to me.

" Hey Tamaki, that was a wild night we had last night."

"W...what happened l...last night?" I ask not recalling the events.

"You don't remember? Well we went to a club to celebrate your birthday, then we got drunk and you met a nice guy, I think his name was Mirio or something, I don't remember, well it was time to go home and I had to take Bakugo home. He offered to take you home, so I gave him your number and address he brought you home."

" You gave my number and address to a person that I don't know and barely even remember!?!?" I exclaimed. I hid my face with my hand as a blush crept on my face.

"Hey, at least he didn't kill you. Kirishima said grinning.

"That's the least of my problem, what if my house was messy, what if I was a disgusting snorer or I talk in my sleep!"

" Nah, he said you held is hand saying don't go over and over again."

I groaned as I slid down the counter burying my face in my hands." Let's hope that I don't to face him today." I wish.

"Welp look like that wish is broken as he is right here."

"WHAT!" I exclaimed as I shot up and saw the same guy Kirishima told me about.

"Well good luck and don't die of a gay attack." Kirishima said patting me on the head. I grumbled to myself as I fixed my hair and stood up to greet him.

" Hello and welcome to cowhoof cafe. How can I help you?"

"Are you Tamaki Amajiki?"

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