5; jb the model

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in a different dimension where jinyoung and jaebum didn't know each other.....


jinyoung worked in a small cafe, this cafe was known for their amazing coffee. he worked alongside seokjin (their manager), mark, youngjae, hoseok, hyungwon, and jooheon.

"okay guys," seokjin, or most known as jin, said, clapping his hands to get his workers attention, "we're almost with the day! just an hour left," he smiled, "i know it's been a tiring day with all the orders but let's just get trough this hour and that's all!"

everyone cheered and smiled.

"oh god, i'm so exhausted!" hyungwon said, laying his down on one of the tables he just cleaned.

"yeah, probably because everyone who walked in kept asking for your number," jinyoung replied, "...again."

hyungwon sighed, "i'm not even good looking! like c'mon now, you're way better looking than i am!" hyungwon whined as jinyoung patted his back softly.

"i know, i know that it's tiring. i've been there before." jinyoung looked at mark as he shrugged.

just as mark was about to say something they all heard the bell ring, announcing that someone just walked in.

it was a male, he had a mask on and he surely did look handsome.

jinyoung got up and walked to cashier, "hello there," he showed his fake smile since he was already tired, "what can i get you today?" he asked.

"your number?" the other male said as jinyoung glared at him, "no way."

"wait," hoseok yelled from behind the counter, "i recognize that voice anywhere!"

"oh fuck.." jaebum whispered under his breath.

"lim jaebum? the famous model around korea right?" hoseok said, a little too excited.

"uh, no?" jaebum slapped himself mentally for it coming out like a question.

"it is!" hoseok yelled.

"who?" jinyoung and jin said at the same time.

"oh my god! it is!" hyungwon piped in.

"again, who?" jinyoung repeated.

"yeah, who's lim jaebum?" jin asked.

jooheon shook his head and face palmed himself, "are you guys for real?"

"look, lim jaebum is this famous model around korea. just like hoseok here said," mark said pointing at hoseok, "everyone want him for his looks." mark stated.

"well yeah, holy fuck, who doesn't?" hyungwon said, not regretting a single word.

"okay, fine, whatever, i don't really care," jinyoung said, "what would you like?" he asked again.

"your number." jaebum said again like before.

"um, yeah, no." jinyoung said and left everyone shook, everyone besides jin.

jin rolled his eyes, "hyungwon, jooheon and hoseok i need you guys to help me pack in the back." he said before the other three males followed him, leaving mark, jinyoung and jaebum by themselves.

"look here mister, i won't give you my number no matter how much you ask." jinyoung glared at jaebum.

"now c'mon cutie, why not?" jaebum asked, smirking a bit.

"oh, i don't know," he looked away for a second and then looked back at the male, "maybe because i don't know you at all?!"

"fine, give me your number and we can get to know each other then!" jaebum replied, not wanting to leave without the others number.

jinyoung looked at mark, asking for help.

mark sighed, "look jinyoung, just give him your number. i mean, he can't be so bad, at least i hope so? just go out with him for a few dates and well if you don't like him leave him."

jinyoung looked back at jaebum, "well fine. but like he said, if i don't like you, you have to leave me alone!" jinyoung said giving in.

jaebum nodded and smiled, "sure thing, now put in your number," he said as he gave the other male his phone.

jinyoung put in his number and gave it back, looking at him, "so, anything else?" jinyoung asked.

"mmmm, no. i forgot why i came here in the first place." jaebum said chucking a bit.

"that's it, thank you for your number," jaebum looked at jinyoung, "jinyoung was it?" the other male nodded.

"okay, i'll text you later and i'll come to pick you up tomorrow." and with that he left.

"the fuck?" jinyoung said under his breath.

"hey, you're lucky. many people would die just to be you right now," mark laughed softly as jinyoung glared at him, "would you?"

mark shook his head, "no, he isn't my type..." he looked at the ground as he felt his face grow hot, "although his friend, jackson, is..."

"so you're crushing on his friend, eh?" jinyoung teased him, "who knows maybe if i end up actually liking him i'll meet him for you." jinyoung chuckled.

"whatever..." mark rolled his eyes playfully.


there's probably going to be more parts to this one. probably 4-5?

.....unless you guys don't want this story to continue?

p.s: i will include some markson to this short dimension story.

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