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There is an old lady working on the royal kitchen who are here for like from her sixteenth age. She is a wise woman who is so politr and lovely, she do like the new Luna but she doesnt like the fact that the Luna isnt a Royal.

Olivia, the old lady wants her Royal Alpha with an Royal wolf thats all.

In the kitchen she had her complaining to the workers and Brook about this. But Brook had insisted that Alpha Rye had no problem in it and he just want his mate.

Rye had also know the news about this but he wont scold or yell at the old woman. He knows her from his childhood and she is a lovely woman and a great cook. Rye really doesnt care about the Royal thing,he jut love his mate.

Rye had made her soothe that its okay dont be angry with his mate,the Omega hadnt  done anything.

"Ryan, Iam not angry with him. Its just... dont you think its wierd?" Olivia asked

"I dont think so Olivia, me and my wolf is so sure he is the one. Then whats the problem?" Rye asked

Olivia just sighed and nodded.

She isnt angry nor hate with Andy,just didnt like this Royal mating an Rougue wolf thats all. The rituals and traditions going all these years will be ruin thats why she is so sad about it.


Andy was standing near the window and was looking outside seeing the whole white background. He loves the view, its so beautiful.

A smile kept on his lips when he saw some little pups playing and messing with the snow.

"Snow will melt after 2months" He mumbled

Its a habit of him, counting days for the end of snow. He hated snow because of cold and lack of food so he count days,so he can get reliefe when it ends.

The door of his room opened,Andy turned to see his Alpha walking towards him.

"What you doing love?" Rye asked as he wrapped his arms around his small Omega.

"The view is beautiful alpha" Andy said smiling

Rye kissed the blonde hair and kept him closer. He hugged him tightly keeping him warm as he promised.

They stayed silently for some moment like that watching the pups and the beautiful view.

"Would you tell me how many times Dylan....you know?" Rye asked

Andy looked at him

"I dont want to make you sad but just want to know because......because I need to think whatever I can do with him" Rye said

Andy nodded, Rye leaned and kissed his lips.

"I think.....I dont remember Alpha maybe 26 times?" Andy said as he counts the numerous times King Dylan raped him with no mercy.

Rye's eyes widened with flashes in red but he quickly blinked it away as he dont want to make his mate scared. He hugged the little one closely pressed against his chest. He is shocked and angry too.

How could someone hurt this precious wolf? His wolf and brain think about what to do with Dylan.

"No one will touch you again, I promise" Rye whispered

Andy smiled and nodded his head.

"Are you hungry?" Rye asked

"No alpha, Iam fine" Andy said softly and layed his head on the strong chest.

Rye hugged him closely and smelled his hair. The rose petal bath he took earlier was smelling on his body and hair,its amazing.

"After snow, we both are going out" Rye said

"Where Alpha?" Andy asked

"To the people, they are so impatient to meet you" Rye said

"Oh, why?" Andy asked confuseldy that why people wants to meet him and what people?

Rye chuckled and kissed his Omega's lips.

"Doesnt our kingdom people needs to see their Luna?" Rye asked

Now Andy gets what he meant, he is the Luna so people wants to see him. Ofcourse.

Andy nodded.

"I forgot" Andy whispered

"What forget?" Rye asked

"Thats Iam a Luna, I forget sometimes" Andy said smiling

Rye laughed and kissed his cheek.

"You are so cute love,you seems like a baby sometimes" Rye said

"Iam not a baby" Andy said softly frowning his eyebrows.

Rye just chuckled

"Want to hear some melodies love?" Rye asked

Andy didnt get what the Alpha meant but he nodded his head. Rye lead him to other side of the livingroom and a big gramaphone was over a table.

Andy watched everything what his Alpha doing, Rye was putting a big black casset and placing a small pedal on the casset.

When the music starts to sang, Andy's face lits up. He loves it, he hadnt see or heard anything like this.

"Its so beautiful melody Alpha" Andy said happily

Rye smiled and kissed those pink lips.

"I had never seen this big thing" Andy said looking the gramaphone fully.

"It isnt available eveywhere love" Rye said

Andy nodded smiling,he is so happy and his ears were so pleasant to hear those melodies.

"Come on" Rye siad stretching his hand.

Andy took the hand and stood beside his Alpha. The Alpha hold his waist with one hand and made his hand to put on his shoulder.

"Are we dancing Alpha?" Andy asked gasping loudly

"Yes we are love" Ryesaid and started to move with his mate.

"I have always seen on the ball room......I always wanted to dance with everyone too" Andy said

Rye smiled and kissed the long sharp cute nose.

"Anyway we will be in a ballroom one day with lots of people" Rye said

Andy looked at his alpha shockily

"What if I fall down infront of everyone?" Andy asked

"I will catch you before you fall" Rye said

Andy smiled shyly and layed his head on those strong chest. Getting those minty scent Andy closed his eyes, he felt the rhythmic heartbeat under his ears mixed with the melodies in his surroundings.

"I just want to be with you Alpha"

I dont know Gramaphone works on electric or not, and I do know that the casset in it wont be in old kingdom life: take it as a beautiful thing😊

So hope you guys enjoyed this chapter,if you do then give me a vote and some cheeky comments😁😁😁

Thankyou and Love you


ROYAL KINGDOM// Randy ABO ✔Where stories live. Discover now