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Rye was laying on his bed looking at the ceiling of their bed,thinking about Andy and Manchester.

What would be the secret? Andy is maybe the son of one of the Royal member or one his parent is Royal.

Rye's mind goes to different thoughts, What if an Royal member had mated with an servant who might be not an Royal? It have chance.

Rye snapped his head towards his mate when he heard a loud gasp from him. Andy was looking at himself on the mirror for like so minutes now and he was checking his scars. Everything is vanished.

Confusedly with worriedly Rye walked towards Andy and holds him gently.

"What happened Omega?" Rye asked

"Look at this Alpha" Andy said shockily as his mouth was widely opened and he was pointing at the big Manchester symbol on his chest.

"The end is fading" Andy whispered still he couldnt believe.

Rye smiled widely and hugged his mate,kissing his whole face and makes him giggle.

"I had told you,its going to be alright" Rye said

Andy smiled and kissed the Alpha's chest,that where he could reach only.

"Iam going for hunting love, please dont get outside the castle okay?" Rye said caressing those pale cheeks.

"I wont" Andy said smiling

Rye kissed those pink lips and felt the sweetness on it, Rye couldnt help but kiss him harder and take those every sweet from it. He sucked the bottom lip and kept swiped his tongue on the soft lips. Andy was smiling but he whimpered when the Alpha slowly bited his lip,it didnt hurts him but it was something else.

Andy's small hands tightly clutched on the front of the Alpha's shirt and he really enjoyed it. The two warm strong arms was on the perfect hips which was covered by satin blue Robe.

Their tongue slided together and both of their scent was addicting more to eachother. Rye encircled his arms around the Omega's hips and pulled him more closer.

Rye looked at the blushing red face of his Omega as he pulls away and admired him. He give one last kiss on his forehead and hugged him tightly.

"I gotta go Omega" Rye said and kissed those pale sharo nose.

The Omega giggled and watched his Alpha going out of their room. Andy is happy like so happy, he never thought he would met him Alpha and his Alpha would be a king. All those horrible years all he wished was for just to lay and sleep peacefully,he never wished he needs an alpha and he needs pups. He just wants to sleep peacefully atleast a day.

Eventhought Andy is living happily he is still so scared. His old Alpha king will find him and bring him back to the Manchester Kingdom. He is scared for that, he dont want to go there. He hates that place,no one there smiles at him. Not even the kind old man and he wont blame the oldman because the oldman was not even allowed to talk with him. No one in the kingdom was allowed to talk woth him.

But the oldman had give him clothes and food hiding from the king, beta and the guards. He wont talk to him but when the oldman gets free he will teach Andy some wood arts.
Atlast on a day the oldman suddenly ran towards him breathlessly and told him to ran from there. Andy was scared at the thought of running from there. He never think about run from there as it was his pack kingdom. But the Oldman pressured him to ran away and so he did. All that Oldman said to him was "try to run across the third forest".

But Andy doenst have any idea that across the third forest is the Kingdom of Bristol. He was running in his wolf form but he was attacked by three Alpha rogues. He gets that they were trying to rape him and like always he couldnt fought with them. His head was spinning when one of the Alpha slapped him and another one torred his clothes. He felled on the ground and as his eyes were drooping to sleep he ehard some loud growls, between those loud growls he heard one wolf's growl which actually made him more scared.

Sighing heavily Andy again looked at the symbol on his chest from the mirror. Its started to heal. The symbol was first burned on his skin when he was a little kid,he still remembers it. He shaked his head and tries to forget it, his Alpha had requested him to forgot those horrible past and think about his present time and future with the alpha. And he is trying his best to not remember it.

He stood beside the window,the castle is so large. Twice larger than his old kingdom castle. He had heard his old kingdom was breaked its some of the parts long ago. He had never seen his old castle from out,but he can tell it was small compared to this castle.

He placed his hands on the edge of the window and looked down. He saw Brooklyn who was talking so angrily with Jack. Brook was seems like scolding his Alpha,he is so pissed and Jack was keep bowing his head. Andy giggled when Jack pick Brook and gets inside. He knows that Jack is so happy and he will do anything for his Omega and pups.

Andy looked far away and he can see the mild dark forest, he dont wnat to go back on his old castle. He loves here,this feels good.


Andy was watching the beta twins fighting on the livingroom. He cant help them,he just cant stand with one of them so he just stood beside them.

"Could you two can stop fighting like these?" Andy asked worriedly to them.

"He take my bow and arrow" Sammie said as he pressed his knee on Shaun who was laying on the floor.

"I didnt take it" Shaun shouted who was struggling under his brother's knee

"He said he didnt take it" Andy said to Sammie smiling

"Its nowhere to seen, he is the one who could take it" Sammie said

Andy was worried about them, they are gighting and anyone could get hurt. Fight is not good and it make people hurt thats all Andy thought.

"I.didnt.take.it" Shaun said and moved his brother's knee. He ran away and Sammie followed him.

Andy sighed at the kids and he waite dfor his alpha to come. He turned towards the door when he heard it opened and he saw his Alpha. He can smell his Alpha but the Alpha was in his wolf form.

Andy had never seen his Alpha's wolf form and he was sure it will be more beaitiful. The shining black wolf was standing proudly looking at his Omega.

Andy can smell blood on tbe Alpha's body and he see some on the Alpha's mouth. Andy took a towel beside the table and walked towards his black wolf. He kneeled infront of the Alpha and wiped the blood from his mouth. He made his Alpha clean and hold his furry neck.

The Alpha licked Andy's cheek and nuzzled on the pale neck making him giggle. He placed his forehead against the furry forehead and rubbed the furry strong jaws.

"You are so beautiful Alpha"

For those who had an bad day today, I  just wants to tell you all that please smile. A simple genuine smile can make someone else happy too, our each and every smiles are so precious.
Please smile my lovely readers😊😊😊

Hope you guys loved this chapter, if you do then give me a vote and some cheeky comments😁😁😁

Thankyou and Love you


ROYAL KINGDOM// Randy ABO ✔Where stories live. Discover now