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You waltz into a bar with a large carpet python on your shoulders, approaching a now nervous bar tender. 

"Hi there, mind getting me a small glass of water and a tea/coffee?" You chuckle as your girl, Athena, flicks her tongue out, smelling the different chemicals in the air. "My girl and I are a bit tired from exploring the neighborhood."

"So uh, whats with the large snake?" A red headed man scoots away a few seats .

"I'm a reptile enthusiast." You gently kiss the top of Athenas head as she slithers down to sniff the cups Tifa slides over to you "This here is my girl Athena, my pride and joy."

"Whoa!" a brunette boy gawks as he runs up to you "Can I touch her?"

"Just be gentle, okay?" You allow and show him how to properly pet and handle her, chuckling as he looks over to a blonde man.

"Cloud, she's so cool!" He giddily motions for a girl around his age to come over. 

"I've got tons of snakes at home, she's not the only one." You gesture to the door. "If the adults here allow it, I could make a day of showing you all my scaley companions."

"Can we!?" The kids plead, giving wide, pleading eyes to the bar tender. "Tifa, pretty please!"

"Oh alright," She sighs, placing her hands on her hips with a smile. "Just be careful, okay?"

The children cheer as you took a sip of your tea, "When will you bring them? Can you do it now?" 

You snort as you drink the rest of your beverage. "Sure, I'll just have to wrestle this girl first, she doesnt like to be put back in her tank once she's out."

Cloud chuckles as he admires the snake from afar, watching as you pay with a good tip before leaving, returning about half an hour later, apologising. 

"I couldn't decide who to bring." You said, carrying in some snake bags and a few totes containing various snakes. "I did make sure to bring my nicer ones that can handled, aside from Zeus, he's still nippy since he's a baby, got a nasty bite." 

"Why would you bring it if that's an issue?" A tall man with red clothing dead pans.

You beam with pride, popping the lid of a tote to pull out a orange tree python, earning a gasp from everyone "He's amazing, isn't he?" 

"Damn girl, where do you get all these critters?" A man with a scruffy beard muses, his blue eyes widening a bit.

"Cid, watch your language around the kids!" Tifa snips, glaring at him.

"Reptile expos." You say it so casually as you furrow your brows when a teenage girl runs up.

Unfortunately she startles Zeus, causing him to bite your arm. "Ow."

The kids jerk back only to giggle as you stare unamused by the snakes reaction calling it rude, you set him down carefully, trying not to cringe as you pull out a hand sanitizer bottle, using it to clean your hands. You proceed to take out a garter snake next, more specifically a red sided one. Third was a African house snake, fourth was a california kingsnake, then a hognose, a sand boa, white lipped python, corn snake, bullsnake and a rat snake.

Tifa even came over to check them out, asking you all sorts of questions. "Do you have anything other than snakes?" 

You nod, smiling "I have a whole bunch of lizards, bunnies, a dog and a cat."

"So basically a zoo?" she joked, earning a laugh from you.

"Yeah, that's about right." You set the rat snake back in its bag. "It would be easier to have you guys come over for a tour."

"I'd like that." She brushes her hair back, "It's great that you're willing to do this for us."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2019 ⏰

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