Chapter 7

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Arya walked quickly down the hall towards her chambers, breathing fast. She saw the guard outside her door frown at her slightly before she entered her rooms. Ever since the incident with her aunt and the assassin, all of the nobles have guards outside of their rooms. Arya walked straight over to her window and opened it, trying to cool her face down and take away the fluster. She flopped on the bed, petting Nymeria as she remembered the past hour.

'I should not have seen that' she thought to herself as an image played in her mind. She shook her head, in an attempt to get the image out of her head. Arya cursed herself.

"I am never seeing him again. I cannot" Arya declared to Nymeria, who simply stared back sadly, as if knowing Arya wouldn't keep to her word. Arya scowled as she heard three knocks on her door.

"Arya?" Rhaella's soft voice called through the door. Arya sighed.

"Come in" Arya yelled back. The door opened and the silver-haired girl stepped through with a grin. She raised her eyebrow at Arya. A silent question. Arya groaned and rolled over so her face was in the mattress.

"So, I've just come from visiting Jon, and he had the most interesting story to tell." Rhaella began. Arya groaned again and turned her face towards the princess.

"Never mind, go away" She frowned, Rhaella only laughed. Balerion hopped on her bad alongside Nymeria, licking the Stark girls face. Arya rolled off of the bed.

"I didn't even think to knock. I didn't know he was asleep. Or that he slept.." Arya said frowning.

'At least he's pretty to look at.' Arya scowled 'Wait, no. He's your cousin Arya, you stupid girl'

"Well, now you can say that you saw the prince's cock" Rhaella shrugged. Arya gasped, the word sounded so dirty coming out of Rhaella's mouth.

"Rhaella!" Arya yelled. Rhaella laughed prettily and stood, heading for the door. Balerion jumped off the bed, following her master.

"Well, it'll be an awkward ride to Kings Landing tomorrow" She grinned and then walked out the door. Arya groaned for what seemed to be the hundredth time that day. She frowned. If that was what she had to have inside of her when she was married, as the septa told her she had too, she wanted no part of it. It's too big. It would hurt. Arya frowned. I don't want to get married, what am I even thinking of this for?

Arya looked around her empty room, hoping that she wouldn't have to stay in Kinds Landing forever.

Jon made his way to the small sept in Winterfell. True, he followed the Old Gods mostly, but he had to keep up appearances. He entered the building and saw two red-headed women kneeling before the small statue of the maiden. They turned to him, hearing his footsteps must've interrupted them. They stood

"My prince" Catelyn said, as the pair curtsied. Jon bowed his head.

"Lady Catelyn, Lady Sansa. And please, call me Jon" Jon waved his hand simply. Catelyn nodded, Sansa looked excited to be in the presence of a prince. Jon suddenly felt nervous, under Catelyn's cold gaze.

"I apologise for interrupting your prayers, my ladies. I just came to pray for our safe travels to Kings Landing. I'm sure you'd like to spend some time with your daughter before she leaves tomorrow" Jon said, Sansa looked at her mother pleadingly.

"No, that's okay, my prince. My mother needs to say goodbye to my siblings as well. Perhaps we could go for a walk somewhere?" Sansa suggested, oblivious to her mother glaring at the prince. Catelyn pulled a tight smile.

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