Chapter 1

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Ally's POV
I find myself crying in my closet once again, trying to be as quiet as possible. Being short has its sparks I guess, given I'm able to fit into closets, under Tables and even in large suitcases, as Me and the Girls just recently found out. Its about the fourth night like this already. Me inside of my closet surrounded by my Blanket and my Favorite Stuffie, a Chocolate Scented Bunny. I'm woken up once again by a Nightmare, they're mostly the same ones thought, just that they're not just Nightmares, they're Memories. Memories of the worst day of my Life. Or they are Nightmares of the Girls, my Teammates and best friends, Lauren Jauregui, Camila Cabello, Dinah Jane and Normani Kordei, finding out about one of my biggest secrets. I've been feeling very bad since some time already. Nightmares, Bad Thoughts, Anxiety and lots of crying, until I'm pretty much at what I am now-numb. I feel Pain but it seems like I can't seem to find the Happiness that once described me anymore. I wish I could feel better, but I can't. For the Girls I try to put on a fake mask, but it seems like I'm doing a bad Job, given they check on me more often than ever.

I slowly crawl out of the closet again and face myself in the huge Mirror in my Room. My Face is tear streaked, my Hair slightly sticking to my Forehead. I cringe at the Look of my Thighs and Waist. I've been starving myself since two and a half week, but the feeling that I get whenever I see my body in the Mirror wont go away. The Girls often noticed in those Weeks and forced me to eat something, yet I managed to stop eating since three days already. I think the Girls haven't noticed it yet, If they have however, they haven't said anything yet. I feel drained and weak, but not really hungry. All I can see is my Body compared to Camila's or Dinah's. Or Lauren's and Mani's. They all are so thin, most of them even muscular or strong in general. Curves people would dream of, a small Waist, strong legs and Great Thighs. Then there's me. All I can see are the Small Legs that can hardly keep up with the others, the Thick Thighs, The Unpleasant curves and the fat Arms. I don't weight too much I guess, but I don't look like it, as I believe. I just wish I would be as good as them. As beautiful as them. As tall as them. As Strong as them. As funny as them. Whatever, just not the Person I am. My Ex Boyfriend, Troy, used to tell me how ugly I am, and that I could be glad he'd take me. Our relationship Memories still hunt me at Night and the Marks are still noticeable, but thanks to Jesus I got out of that Relationship before it got too late. The Girls very well know about it, given they helped me to get away from him. Don't get me wrong, I loved him, or at least I thought so, but he was abusive..he'd apologize every time after it happened, but at some time that stopped. I was too scared to say anything but someday Lauren noticed the Scars and the Girls helped me breaking up with Troy immediately. Honestly, thinking it was over with that was naive and stupid, so just as he told me, I believe now that it was my Fault what happened that Night. The probably most horrible and painful night of my Life, but it was my fault and I deserved it, because I betrayed him. The Girls told me not to believe it after I told them about the incident, but now it's very hard to believe it wouldn't have been my Fault. He told me he'd hurt me if I ever betrayed him, and I didn't listen. But enough of that.

I tip toe through the Huge House (it seems more like a Mansion Thought), peeking into Lauren's Room to see if I accidentally woke her up. We've just come back from a world tour about a month ago so we're taking a little break now. Lauren and Normani are the lightest sleepers and can get woken up easily, while Camila sleeps rather tight and Dinah sleeps like a Stone. To my Luck, Lauren is still in her Bed, sleeping tightly and even snoring lightly. I close the door again and get to Mani's Door, also opening it carefully and peeking my Head inside. Yet again I heard soft snores. Just to make sure I also go to Check Mila's And Dinah's, yet when I get to Dinah's Room, She isn't in her Bed-Actually not in her Room at all.

"Smalz?", I suddenly hear a Voice Behind me, making me Jump and almost fall to the Floor if I wouldn't have been caught by Dinah underneath my Armpits. "D-Dj.", I Mutter out, realizing she must have gotten herself something to eat, given she smells of Chocolate. "What are you still doing up? Can't sleep?", She Asks chuckling and helps me back on my Feet before closing the Door of her Room Behind us. "Um..yes..", I Mutter, of course it's a lie. I can't let her know about the Nightmares nor the unpleasant thoughts rushing through my Head. "Wanna cuddle?", She Asks And ruffles my Hair a little, which she knows I don't like! I try fighting her Hands off, only to hear more chuckles from her, but she stops after all and sits down on the Bed before lifting the Blanket as an invite to cuddle. I haven't really been able to sleep since three days, if I do, then I get Nightmares mostly. Yet I accept and climb into the Bed with her, cuddling close to her tall and strong, but yet very feminine figure. I sigh, wishing I had the same Strength and small feminine Bizeps that she has, or the slim waist or Strong long Legs. I feel her kissing the Top Of My Head and stroking my Cheek, slowly lulling me to sleep. "Are you okay Als?", She Asks, hearing my Sigh. I nod my Head weekly against her Chest, knowing my Voice would come out shakily and raspy if I tried speaking now. She kissed the Top Of My Head once again before wrapping her Arms tightly around my smaller body. Her Steady Heartbeat mixed with the Protecting Arms around me, which seem like they'd protect me from any Nightmares tonight, make me fall asleep sooner than I was ever able to in the last days.

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