Chapter 3

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I wake up in Lauren's Lap, her Arms Wrapped Tightly wrapped around me. I look around and realize that im in her Room, yet I can hear the others' quiet voices from somewhere, but they're too quiet for me to make out anything they say. I shift uncomfortably, feeling something between my Legs, yet when Lauren seems to wake up I ignore it and focus back on her. The happenings from last night come back to my Mind and I blush furiously before I hear Lolo's low chuckle. I look up and see her piercing brown eyes staring at me with a soft smile plastered on her Lips. "Good Morning, sweets.", She says and kisses my Nose, which causes me to scrunch it up on reflex and she chuckles once again before tapping my Nose with her Index Finger. "W-Where are the others? D-Dj?", I ask, remembering that I should probably talk with her about the incident yesterday, if she even still wants to talk to me. What if they're discussing how to throw me out?! What if they hate me now and Lauren will tell me in a few minutes?! What if they're already packing my stuff?! I can't blame them thought, it's understandable that they don't want someone like me in their Life. I can't believe I've wet myself in their Presence and been so clingy! I'm so stupid! I feel like crying again, but stop when Lauren picks me up and holds me on her Hip like DJ did it yesterday. "Lolo..?", I ask confused and she smiles at me, seemly oblivious about her Move. "Yes, Doll?", She Asks And kisses my Nose again, which I once again scrunch up by reflex. "C-Can you put me down..?", I ask and she just chuckles and shakes her head before kissing my Cheek, probably leaving a little bit of her light chapstick on my Cheek. "Let's Go and see the Girls now, hm?", She Asks And carries me outside the Room, soon the Girls are Heard from the Living Room, their Voices excited and hectic. Tears swell up in my Eyes again at the Thought of them hating me now. What if Lauren kicks me out right now? What if we don't go to see the Girls and head straight to the Front door? I can feel her gently kissing the Side Of My Head before I'm faced with the three familiar faces.

"Aww look who's up.", Normani says and they all stand up and stalk over to us, leaving me confused. Aren't they mad at me? I don't understand a single thing. "I-I'm so-orry.", I say in nothing more than a Whimper, tears falling down again. "Sssht it's all good Babygirl, we've got you.", They all coo and hug me tightly. "Y-You aren't mad?", I ask and they all smile at me and shake their heads. Relieved, I decide to go and prepare breakfast like every day, hoping to make yesterday up to them by it somehow, but given I'm Held on Lauren's Hip, My short Legs just won't touch the Ground, leaving me dangling on her Hip and trying to get down on the Ground. "What's gotten you so fussy today, babe?", Camila Asks chuckling as she strokes the hair out of my Face. "I-I want to make breakfast..but I can't reach the Ground..", I answer shamefully. I wish I wasn't so short and my legs to little. "Aw are you Hungry, Allybee?", Dinah Asks And takes me from Lauren's Hip onto Hers. Great-Now it's even harder for my short legs to hit the Ground! I shake my Head no. I'm not hungry, I haven't really been in days and my Body is way too fat for Food anyway. "Alright, but later you'll Eat a little something, okay Sweets?", Dinah says and I just nod, knowing that I won't eat anything later anyway. We all sit back down on the Sofa, Dinah sits me on her Lap and wraps her strong Arms around me, holding me protectively.

"Baby we've noticed your recent state, and we're not happy.", Lauren starts and takes my Hand in her bigger one. Oh no they noticed! I try to make a run to get into my Room, to lock it and get back into my Closet, but Dinah clearly was not having it, given she's holing me down so I can't move off her Lap. After a few seconds I give up, knowing that even if I'd be able to loose her strong arms around me, I'd still have to make it to my Room with the Girls probably chasing me-I'd not even make it to the Staircase with my Short Legs. Anyway, now admitting to myself that Im trapped in the Situation, my Eyes lower to my Lap so I wouldn't have to look at the Eyes of My Teammates. Once I look down, I just seem realize what I'm wearing! There is a HUGE bulge between my Legs, which are covered, just like my Feet, upper body and Arms, with a yellow Onesie. There were red butterflies and blue hearts on it, and my Feet were covered. Tears swell up in my Eyes once again. That definitely wasn't in my Closet. I chose to ignore it now Thought and ask Dinah about it later. "Okay so, we know you're going through a hard time, and we've noticed some Night Terrors as well as you wetting your bed sometimes. We notice that fake face and the way you don't like showing off your body nor eating anything, and it will stop now Allykins.", Camila says and takes my free Hand in Hers. "I-I can't. T-The Voices a-are so loud.", I Whimper and turn back around to Dinah, burying my Face in her Neck so I wouldn't have to face any of them. It also has become a very nice place for me.

"Ssht it's all okay Baby, just let us take care of it okay Babe? Just forget it all and let us take over.", Dinah says while rubbing circles on my Back. "B-But." "No buts Babydoll.", Lauren interrupts me gently and pulls me off Dinah's Lap And into Hers, causing me to loose the precious soft spot I've just buried my Face in. "T-They won't go a'way.", I Whimper and snuggle into Lauren's Neck now. It's slightly easier for me, given she's not as tall as Dinah. "We will take care of them Baby, it's all going to be good. Just let us take care of you okay? Now, given you've just had a Nap, What about watching a nice movie and later on we'll get some food into that cute little Tummy of Yours?", Lauren Asks And tickles me gently through the Onesie, causing me to squeak and yelp happily. Soon enough the Others join the Tickling Attack-turning me into a giggling Mess. They maybe will make it all good again after all..

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