Chapter 14

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(For everyone again)
Currently working on a Demi Lovato Ageplay Fanfic. I was wondering if you'd read it?

Also I'm thinking of converting it to a 5H Version as well, But i don't know if it's a Good Idea. What are y'all thinking? If yes, which Ship/Little CG?  I'd publish 2 Versions then.

I giggle as I run through the House once again, Mama chasing me while Mommy laughs loudly. She said she'd give me the half of her Candies if I ran out of the Bathroom just before Mama wants to bathe me, which sounds like a good Deal to me. I squeal as Mama almost catches up with me, which isn't very hard given my Legs are so short. "Woah Hey there You little nakedie.", Mami says out of nowhere and lifts me up onto her Hip, to which I frantically try to escape before Mama would get me. "Thank...You..", Mama says coughing as she runs to our side and puts a towel around my Naked Body. She quickly checks my Feet, but once she sees that they're uninjured she starts tickling them, making me giggle and squirm in Mami's hold even more. "It was Mommy!", I yell loudly and she finally stops tickling me. "Hm?", She Asks with a raised eyebrow towards Mommy's Room, which is awkwardly silent. "I get Candies if I run out da bathroom before you washie me!", I explain before my Attention goes back to Mami's Face, Which I squish a little before giggling at the funny View. "Dinah no Cheetos for you for the Whole Week!", Mama yells and I hear Mommy whine before Mami carries me back into the Bathroom, Mama as ever by my Side. "Pingiii!", I remind as Mami sets me into the Tub. I giggle as she hands me the Blue Penguin and it immediately does a funny little Swim in the Water. "Mr. Rabbie?", I ask, pointing to my Rabbit, which is sitting on the Counter to the Sink. "Sorry Doll, but Mr. Rabbie has to watch from the Outside of the Tub.", Mama says and kisses my Head before she starts to wash me with some super duper soft body wash. "Mami?", I ask with a smile and reach out for the Taller Brunette. Mami just shrugs her shoulders and starts undressing again before getting in besides me and pulling me on her Lap. "You know Lo, you gotta wash me too now.", She says chuckling and leans back, just to be splashed with water from Mama. I giggle a little before Mami tickles me a little.

I look around and see the Body wash Mama used on me Earlier and take it while Mama gently washes my Back and Waist. I squirt some of it in my Hand before clapping them onto Mami's Chest. She pulls me more on her Lap, also somehow helping Mama by it I guess, given she doesn't have to worry about me somehow managing to drown in the huge Tub. I giggle as I start washing Mami's Chest and Tummy. I try tickling her but give up after some Time, deciding to give up tickling her under the Water. When Mama goes to wash my Hair I lean forward onto Mami's Chest and close my Eyes, ready to fall asleep while the Strong fingers are doing relaxing circles on my Head and the calming heartbeat at my Ear. "Hey no Napping now, Allykins. After the Bath okay, Babygirl?", Mami says and gently pats my Bottom. I yawn but nod and play with my Penguin instead, not changing my Position Thought-I'm way too comfy right now. After some Time Mama lifts me out of the Tub again and wraps me in a fluffy Panda towel-it even had a Panda Hood and Ears! She takes Mr. Rabbie and Hands him to me before lifting me onto her Hip, telling Mami that she'd be washing her Later. But Mama's my Mama? And Mami also is? I chose to ignore it now and maybe ask Momma or Mommy later. Once we get into the Nursery She lifts me onto the Changing Table Before Quickly warming a Bottle Of Milk in the Microwave again. Once it's done and she's checked if it had a good temperature, she puts it on the Table besides the Rocking Chair and Quickly changes me into a Diaper, seemly sensing already how tired I am. She picks me up after some Time again and sets us on the Rocking Chair, me as ever on her Lap and leaning against her. "You wanna be a Blanket Burrito, Doll?", She Asks with a Small smile and I giggle and Nod before yawning and rubbing Mr. Rabbie's Ear against my Cheek (And her Right Breast, given I'm leaning against her Breasts). Mama wraps the Blankets tightly around me before kissing my Nose, me as ever scrunching it up by reflex. I can feel the Nipple of the Bottle against my Lips and immediately latch on, getting even more tired by the Warm Milk going down my Throat. "Good Night Doll, Sleep Tight.", Is the last thing I hear before sleep takes over me.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I wake up and look besides me to see the Pink Princess Clock besides the Crib. 3:28 am. I whimper, feeling my Diaper sag between my Legs. To say it was wet is an understatement right now. Should I wake one of my Mommies? I'm pretty sure they would hear me over the Baby Monitor if I made a sound, but I don't want to bother even more than I already do. I really want to get comforted and cuddled and kissed right now, but I can't expect them to get up in the middle of the Night just to Change and comfort me. Before I know it, Tears run down my Face from Frustration. Mostly because I try to be silent, but also because I'm Cold, no matter how much I snuggle into the Blanket and Mr. Rabbie. My rash is now noticeable again, and I whimper feeling the Soaked Diaper cling against my Skin.

I continue whimpering and crying into Mr. Rabbie's fur, until I suddenly get picked up and pulled into a Warm and Tall Body. It can't be Mami, given her Breasts aren't as big as the ones I'm cuddled up right now. I hear Momma's gentle Voice cooing into my Ear, bouncing me slightly while kissing the side of my Head. Momma hands me Mr. Rabbie and puts a Paci in my Mouth, never stopping her movements. She continues rocking and kissing me until I finally calm down. She Hands me my little soft blanket to cuddle while changing me into a new Diaper, once I'm dry and re-dressed in a new Princess Diaper she picks me up again and kisses my Cheek. She even warms a bottle and once it's done, she takes it and carries me to her Bed, laying down with me on Top Of Her. "There's a good Baby, you're good, Babygirl.", She coos and takes out the Paci, replacing it with the Nipple of the Bottle. She continues rubbing my Cheek and humming into my Ear until I fall asleep.

Our Little Sunshine//Fifth Harmony AgeplayWhere stories live. Discover now