Chapter 7

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Shivers go up my Spine once again. I don't know how long I've been locked in that awfully dark and cold basement, but all I can think of are the Girls now. Will they ever notice? Will I ever get out of this Relationship? He says he loves me, but it doesn't feel like love, does it? I'm not even sure anymore. I'm glad the bleeding on my Head stopped, but I'm still shivering and crying. I'm surrounded by complete darkness until the Door finally opens again, revealing Troy. "Hey Babe.", He says with a small smile before picking me up in Bridal Style and carrying me upstairs to the Living Room. I don't dare to speak, not wanting him to get mad at me. "I'm sorry okay? I love you.", He says and kisses my Head, the Side where there isn't a bruise, softly. "I forgive you. I love you too.", I reply with a shaky voice before I feel his Lips against mine once again. "T-Troy?", I ask. I'm scared to get the answer to my following Question, but I have to try anyway. He replies with a small 'hm?' While caressing my Cheek. "Um..o-on Friday there is a-a Party at Dinah's House a-and...I was wondering if I could go..", I ask quietly. "Alright.", He Replies And my heart jumps. He's hardly ever let me leave the house if not for something that would get us Money. "I'll get you a nice dress and get something for me.", He deadpans before lifting me back up from the Sofa to my Feet. He's going to come with me? I was kind of hoping that I could tell the Girls what's going on, but I guess he isn't having it. "You're Mine, Babe."

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I whimper as he roughly pulls me back inside the House, a very Tight grip on my Arm. He pulls that hard that I almost fall, but makes no move to help me or to slow down at least a little. "Please it wasn't my Fault!", I whimper, knowing the Reason for his Anger was the Boy trying to flirt with me before, almost kissing me even. "You're Mine do you understand that, Allyson?!", He yells and I nod whimpering. As soon as we're inside he locks the Door and drags me upstairs. "I don't think you understand.", He mutters darkly and grabs me by my Neck, lifting me in the Air slightly. He rips open my Shirt before I can feel his fingers digging into my Breasts while the other one is still around my Neck. "P-Please.", I manage to choke out, knowing what's to come. "Shut Up.", He says and bangs me against the Wall before taking off the Rest of Our Clothings-"

"NO!", I scream as loud as possible, hoping anyone could help me. My Head once again bangs against something hard, probably the Wall again, before I can feel his Hands under my Armpits, lifting me up once again. I scream and fuss around, trying to escape before I hear soft 'ssh's or 'you're okay's being whispered into my Ear. It wasn't Troy's Voice Thought, they belonged to Camila and Dinah as I can quickly make out. I hear them mutter something else which I can't make out, before I'm being carried around the Room, rocked a little bit even. I cough several times, feeling as if my Throat has never been so sore, while my Vision is blurry because of my Tears. "Shhh Mommy is here, Sunshine.", I hear Dinah's Voice whisper into my Ear while she's rocking me slightly and patting my wet bottom. Nothing seems to be helping Thought, all I can think of is how brutal he forced hisself into me before beating me that much that I actually thought I'd have to go to the Hospital or I'd Die. I look around to notice the others gone before I hear all those Voices in my Head once again. You're such a fat bitch...They're all going to leave you...who'd want someone like you...shrimp..You're mine...Undress..Shut Up..I cling to the Warm Body against me as much as I can, my Knuckles turning white once again.

"I'll be right back Baby I'll just get y-", "No weave Mommy!", I yell crying and she stops in her Tracks before pulling me close again. I don't want her to leave! Especially not now! She has to punch Troy and get me away from him! I don't want to be there anymore! "Sssh Mommy won't leave you, Sunshine. It's all good, Mommy will make it all better.", She coos into my Ear and I calm down a little, knowing that Mommy won't leave me. I turn to the side to see Lolo besides us, holding my Elephant Stuffie and a Bottle. She Hands it to Mommy, who attempts to put me down on the Changing Table While Lolo wipes my Tears. I don't really see the use of it, given there are just more and more coming anyway. "Mommy no weave!", I cry out and try pulling Mommy back towards me, but not having too much Luck given she's stronger and taller than me. "Sssh it's all fine Baby, Mommy won't leave you.", She says and kisses my Forehead before nodding to Lolo, who slowly leaves, and feeding me the soothing warm Milk.

"M-m-y.", I say in between sucking while she smiles softly at my now clearly calmer state. "I'm right here Baby and your Other Mommies are Right across the Hall okay? We're not ever going to leave you Sunshine.", She says and kisses my Head again before playing with my open falling hair. My Eyes slowly drift closed, even thought I fight sleep with all my Strength, not wanting yet another Nightmare. "Go to sleep little one.", Mommy says with a soft smile before taking the empty bottle away and replacing it with my new Wonder Woman Paci. "Ory?", I ask and she nods smiling before she moves to carry me out of the Room, probably into hers. But I like my new Bed! "Noo! Beddie!", I pout and reach for my Crib, wanting to be wrapped in the soft Blankets and snuggled between the fluffy stuffies again. "Oh dear..", She sighs chuckling and Sets me down on the Crib before turning on my Nightlight and the main-light off. "Mommy!", I say reaching my Hands out for her, giggling when her Eyes suddenly go wide. "Oh sh-ame! I'm going to break my Bones here.", She says laughing and funnily climbs into the Crib, having a pretty hard time given she's so tall. I immediately snuggle up against her while calmly sucking on my Paci. "Alright, You said you wanted a Goodnight Story?", She Asks And I clap my Hands Giggling, happy that Mommy understood and also didn't forget. "Alright...once upon a time there was a little Star. It shone so bright that it lit up a whole world. The Moon and it's surroundings kept trying to stop it from shining, but it and everybody else knew that the little Star would never stop shining, because it was so special. Everybody loved the little Star, but it was very Lonely up there in the Sky. It looked down on Earth and saw all those People and thought..'oh how much I wish I would have someone here as well' it Thought ever so often. Someday thought, something happened. There suddenly were four other stars, bigger ones, but nowhere brighter ones, besides it. First the Little Star didn't know what to do, it wanted friends to desperately, but it was very shy. Someday thought, one of the bigger stars started talking to the Little Star. 'Hey, Are you all alone up here?' The other Star asked and the little Star nodded sadly. 'Would you like to become our Friend? We will always take care of you, I promise. And we will always be friends.' The Other Star Said And the Little Star shone brighter than ever, full of Happiness and Relief. 'Yes' it answered full of happiness. Since then the Little Star never was alone anymore, not even now, as an old and grown up Star.'

Our Little Sunshine//Fifth Harmony AgeplayWhere stories live. Discover now