Chapter 15

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❗️AN// Hi to everyone who's reading this Story,( and others of mine). I'm here to ask y'all if you can be a little bit more of active readers. I don't expect you to comment tons, just to like give me a little feedback. I'm kinda tapping in the dark mostly, because I don't know what I could improve or leave out. Also I feel like A LOT of my Stories are flopping, because I simply don't get a Feedback on them. It makes improving very hard. ❗️

to every active reader-Thank y'all so much, you literally motivate me so much and keep me writing! Seeing ur comments makes my Day

❗️Also About the Poll from Yesterday>> Little Ally Or Little Camila? Pls Comment haha, its kinda important because I don't have a Clear Result about this one❗️


I open the Front door as silent and careful as possible before tip toeing inside. Just one more Night before it all will be over. Tomorrow me and the Girls will officially come here to help me break up with him. It's kind of pathetic, but I'm afraid that he will hurt me if I do it myself. I open the Door to the Bathroom, but before I get to open the Door, I'm already smashed against the Wall. "Where were you?", Troy growls as he moves his Hand to painfully squeeze my Waist. "N-Nowhere.", I whimper, knowing I can't tell him about the Girls. He grabs a fist full of my Hair and yanks me out of the Bathroom and to the Bedroom before pushing me to the Floor, my Head hitting the Edge Of The Bedpost. I wince slightly, feeling blood on my Forehead. "One more time Ally-where. Were. You.", He growls, pulling me up by my Neck. "D-Dinah.", I whimper with a small Tear leaving my Eye. "Why?", He growls and pushes me against the Bed once again, making me Fall over and Land in the Bed. "I-", I try coming up with a Lie, but he must have noticed given he Grabs me and pulls me close to him once again, pushing his Jaw painfully against mine. Just one more Day, I tell myself. But I can't do this no more. I know that he will rape me, and I can't do that anymore, even if it's for only one last Time. I do something I've never done before and kick him in the Balls. For a brief moment he lets go of me and I run off as fast as I can, but he quickly catches up to me and pushes me down the Stairs. My head is spinning and i have several Injuries on my Legs and Arms from the Fall. I can faintly hear his Footsteps coming closer to me, before I feel his Foot against my Back. I cry out and try to get up, but he just pushes me down again. "You fucking bitch!", He yells and grabs me by my Hair, yanking me up again. I scream for help, but I know by now that nobody can hear me. "Please Troy.", I try, tears streaming from my Face as he holds my Jaw that tight that I'm sure it will even leave marks. "You deserve this Babe.", He hisses in my Ear before kicking me in the Stomach. He pushes me down onto the Stairs again, and I can taste the Bloody Taste in my Mouth. "If you're not mine, then you won't be anyones."-

I wake up Screaming, Tears Running down my Tears as I try to get away hysterically. I feel Arms around my Waist and Bottom and kick around me as much as I can. My Cheeks are wet by Tears and my Bottom is Wet, making me shiver as well. I hear several muffled Voices, but I can't make out who they are nor what they say, All I can hear is him and the Sounds Of his Fists and Knee against me. You wanted this! You fucking Bitch you're mine! I sob harder, screaming around for anybody to help me. I fuss around more, trying to get the Pair of Hands off me, but it seems useless, and soon I'm on Someone's Lap, trying to get away hysterically. Who do yo belong to?-he asks, a hard grip on my Face and Neck-you-exactly I feel something against my Mouth, but turn away from it as much as I can, sobbing uncontrollably. Why is he doing that to me? I've never done anything to him either, never mistreated him and never said anything mean to him or anybody else. I try looking around, but my Vision is nothing then a blur from all the Tears. Then I feel something else against my Mouth, this time it's different. Its warm and soft, and I immediately latch on it, sucking furiously, Sobs slowly turning into Tears as I can feel someone patting by Bottom and stroking over my Hair, lightly brushing my Scalp with their Nails. The Loud, angry and aggressive Voice Of Troy slowly fades and I hear Mommy's soft one instead, slowly calming me down.

After some time, I honestly don't even know how long it was, I'm almost completely calm again. I open my Eyes again and rub the Tears away from my Eyes with my Fists before looking to what I've been sucking the Whole time. It turns out it was Mommy's Boob, Which Explains the Warmth and Comfort. "Hey Little One.", She says softly and pulls me up to sit. "Mommy Twoy was bad.", I whimper and lean back down to her Breast, wanting the Comfort by sucking on it once again. "I know Babe..", She sighs and smoothes my Hair out again. "But he can't hurt you anymore, Sunshine. He's at a place for Bad People now and he can't ever come close to you and hurt you again.", She promises and Leans down to kiss my Forehead. "That's a good Baby, calm down Baby.", She says and pats my Bottom again, knowing it calms me down. She does it even thought it means that her Hand will be wet from my pee. I continue sucking on her Boob before I suddenly remember that I left Mr. Rabbie all alone in the Crib! "Abbie'!", I whimper and she shouts for Mama to get it, who comes storming into the Room just seconds later and hands me the Bunny and my Paci. I suck on it, even thought it's nothing compared to Mommy's Boobie. "Hey Doll. Are you okay again?", She Asks And caresses my Cheek. I give her a Nod and a watery smile around the Paci before cuddling Mr. Rabbie close. She ruffles my Hair a little before kissing my Cheek. "Are you two all okay or do you want me or any of the Others to stay?", Mama Asks And Looks between me and Mommy, looking at her Boob a little before chuckling. "Mommy Boob Mine!", I pout and lay my Head on it, causing my Mommies to chuckle. "We will be fine Lo, Go back to sleep you all, I've got our Little One.", Mommy says and caresses my Cheek. Mama gives me one last kiss on the Forehead before leaving again. "Ready to get changed now, Sunshine?", Mommy Asks And I nod, yet clinging to her as long as possible. She takes off my soaked Diaper before wiping me and powdering me, then she holds up several Diapers, a Wonder Woman one, a flower one and a Princess one. "Dat!", I decide giggling, pointing to the Wonder Woman one. She chuckles and puts it on me, tickling my Tummy once she's done. I giggle and reach out for her to take me with my Left Hand, given Mr. Rabbie is in the Right one. She picks me up and gently pats my Bottom, making me sleepy again. "Your Crib or My Bed?", She Asks And I Quickly answer with her Bed, not wanting to be alone now.

She turns on the Light of the Bathroom and leaves the Door open, lightening the Room a little bit like my usual Nightlight. "Mommy Bowie?", I ask, tugging on the Shirt she's put on. "Anything Sunshine.", She says and takes off the Shirt. I go to latch on, but then remember that I still had to ask her something. "Yesterday Mama Said to Mami that she will washie her. Wat dat mean Mommy? Mama my Mama. And Mami my Mami.", I ask before finally latching on, sucking hard for comfort. She gently smoothes my Hair. "Slow Down a Little Baby, so you don't hurt Mommy.", She warns softly and I immediately do so, not wanting to Hurt nor stop. "And about your Question. Mama really should have a better language in front of her Baby. She just meant umm that Mami is still dirty-no wait-no um I mean that she umm she got dirt on her Body that needs to be washed away.", She Explains And I hum in reply, pleased with that answer and also too tired to verbally answer her now. "Tank you Mommy. I wove you.", I murmur against her Breast before sleep finally takes over me again.

Our Little Sunshine//Fifth Harmony AgeplayWhere stories live. Discover now