Chapter 5

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Once we're back downstairs Camila immediately coos as me, remembering me of the Paci in my Mouth, which I am obliviously sucking on. "Where's Dinah and Mani?", Lauren Asks once she sees that only Camila is left on the Sofa. "They went shopping for the Baby, but they said they'll be back in a few hours.", She answers an Walls over to us before kissing my Forehead. I blush a little at the 'The Baby' part, but continue sucking my Paci. "Did you change her?", She Asks And makes a little Grimace for me, causing me to Giggle a little and my Paci to fall out. I won't admit it now, but it was a soothing and nice feeling to have it actually. "Of course I did, I would never leave the Poor Thing in a Wet Diaper! Can you get her a bottle on the Sofa now please Thought? I have to cook for us now and I don't want the Baby to get too close to the stove.", Lauren Asks And Hands me to Camila once again. I honestly didn't think she could hold me up that easily, but her Face shows not the slightest effort at holding me. Camila carries me to the Kitchen and sets me on the Counter as she prepares another bottle in the Microwave, while Lauren is preparing little sandwiches before cutting them into small pieces. Once the Milk is done, Mila lifts me up again and carries me with the Bottle and the Plate Of Small cut sandwiches and goldfish crackers over to the Sofa. Oh dear I hope Lolo won't burn down the House. I smile when Lolo puts the Paci back into my Mouth.

"Alright open up, little one.", Camila says as she brings the Nipple of the Bottle to my Lips once again. I don't want to eat it all, I'm so fat already, Unlike all of them. I gently shake my Head. "Please Allykins you have to eat. Just a little bottle and some crackers with two bites of a Sandwich okay? That's not much I promise.", She suggests and my Lip quivers. Troys words keep running through my Mind as Memory flashes of times where he'd beat me up and take away any Food came in front of my Eyes. "N-No. pwease. I'm 'at.", I say, but my voice is pretty much covered by the Paci, which makes the words come out more in a babyish lisp. "What?! Who told you that you'd be fat?!", She Asks furiously and I shrink down on her Lap. Her look softens at my slightly fearful face before I sigh and answer, but once again the Pacifier causes the words to come out in a babyish lisp. "Twoy.", I answer and she nods and sighs deeply, clearly trying to keep calm around me. "Baby listen to me okay? Troy is a very mean Guy but he can never, and I mean never, hurt you again okay Babydoll? You have a wonderful body and you're nowhere near fat, in fact I think we will have to get you checked up or at least get you to eat a little bit more so you're back on weigh, do you know how much you weight right now?", She Asks And I blush and look down shamefully of the Number. "Twirthy-twe.", I say and she gasps and mutters something under her breath that I can't really understand. "Okay Baby we'll get your weight back up to a healthy one okay, little one? But let's start small, take the Bottle and some crackers, we can leave the sandwich for later.", She says and kisses my Forehead before nudging with the Nipple of the Bottle against my Paci again, this Time I open my mouth, causing the Paci to fall out, and eagerly start sucking the warm Liquid and let it warm me up. Am I really underweight? She seems like I am, but I look so fat, don't I? Troy always told me to get skinnier, so he took all kinds of Food away from me and would beat me if I asked for something to eat. Once I passed out during sound Check, and once the Girls found out it was because I didn't eat enough, they were starting to keep an eye on me, or well, even more.

The Warm milk calms me down quickly, and just before I get to drift off to sleep I can feel Camila patting my Diapered bottom again. "Let's get you to bed Hm?", She Asks And kisses my Forehead before she carries me upstairs to the Guest room (even thought now Nursery), Before she lays me down in the Adult sized Crib. "Do I need to change your Diaper before you go and take a Nap?", She Asks And I shake my Head no. She seems to accept the answer and pulls the Crib bars up so I couldn't get out, before kissing me goodnight, turning on the Nightlight besides the Crib (Which I'm super thankful For, given I'm not very fond of darkness!) and leaves the Room with the Door open to she'd still hear me.

I smile when I see my chocolate smelling rabbit besides me, all together with a Wonder Woman Teddy Bear And a fluffy blanket. Slowly but surely my Eyes close and I let sleep take over me, hoping that I won't have a nightmare tonight.

"Please no!", I beg as he carries me on his shoulder through the House once again. He drops me to the hard ground of our Bedroom before locking the Door. "Put off your Clothes.", He orders coldly and I feel Tears prickling in my Eyes. It's happened a couple of times already, one of them as he took my Virginity, but it seems to scare me more and more every time. "Plea-""I Said now!", He says and takes oof his Belt as a warning. I know that by now. I carefully and slowly take off my shoes, my Hands shaking. But he wasn't having it, and I feel the first smack of the Belt against my Back, causing me to cry out loud. "Shut up! You're mine do you understand?! You won't see any of these Sluts for the next Week!", He yells as he rips open my Shirt. No please don't take the Girls away from me! "Please No!", I beg again, and he smacks me across the Face. "Did I tell you to talk Ally?! You're Mine! Not hers!", He yells, leaving my confused. Does he think I'm into one of the Girls? "Please don't do this Troy! I-It hurts.", I say but he ignores me and ties my Hands together with the Belt so I wouldn't hit him. "Shut up and let me get at least the one thing you're useable for. You can be glad to even have me, I'm nice to you, Others are just pretenders that will hurt you, Little Ally.", He growls and grabs me by my Jar, making me Whimper. He pulls off my Jeans and underwear before taking off his Clothes as well..

"No!", I yell crying. I bang my Head against one of the Bars Of The Crib, making me realize just a little bit where I am. I feel his Hands everywhere while mine are tied together tightly, leaving red and angry marks on my actually rather soft skin. I feel him forcing hisself into me, I feel the Pain when he beats me to stay still and be quiet. I scream when I suddenly feel someone lifting me up, I hear silent coos and sentences that I can't exactly make out. All I see is him and all I feel are his Hands making their Way over my Body, bruising it. I scream again when I feel someone patting my Bottom, but at the same time it helps me to calm down. My tear filled eyes finally focus on Mani, who is holding me tightly in her Arms, rocking me while singing softly. I need a few more minutes, but I'm finally calmed down again. She goes to put me back in the Crib, but I cling to her as tightly as possible, probably looking like a Baby Koala clinging to their Mother. My Arms are Wrapped around her Neck while my Legs are wrapped tightly around her Waist, refusing to let go now. She quickly scoops me up in her Arms again and kisses the Side Of My Head before she carries me to her Queen sized bed, laying me down before her and Dinah, who decided to join us now as well, got in besides me, both wrapping their Arms around me like a protective Shield that would keep me save from everything and everyone. "Go back to sleep, Little One.", Mani says and that's exactly what I do.

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