Chapter one- Messy school transfer

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"What, what's this?.., What the..." A boy was lying on the ground beside Emrald, in a small closed room, it was freezing cold, what could've happened? What lead Emrald into this messed up situation?!

Monday morning....

"Emrald!, Get up already or you'll be late for school! You're transferring out today so you gotta arrive early and say your final goodbyes, hurry up!" Called Mrs. Kaizen from the kitchen. Emrald got up and went to get ready all sulkily, she loved her school and didn't want o transfer out.

Kaizen Emrald, 16 years old, 42 Kg, 155 cm tall, long straight hair, men hating attends Yamasaki girl's private academy or 'used to attend' because as of today she will be attending Kuo academy a co-ed school. She had to transfer as her family moved out to another prefecture of Tokyo. They used to live in Shinjuku prefecture and now they're living in the Akihabara prefecture.

Emrald took a bullet train to Shinjuku and walked to her former school; Yamasaki girls' academy to say her final goodbyes to her friends.

"You're really leaving?" Asked Aiko Takahashi one of her best friends while shedding tears, her other best friends are Aihara Sunako, Aihara Sawako, Kouda Akari and Park Wendy.

"Well well, look at the bright side Aiko, Our Emrald is gonna attend a co-ed school fufufu...( mischievous laughter) so let's help her lose her virginity!!!" Said Akari all excited but then Sunako hit her on the head; "Are you nuts? Emrald hates men! And is that all you think about you perv?!"

"Haha Gomen ( I'm sorry) :p" Said Akari. The others looked sad too. " Oh don't worry, I don't plan on losing my virginity, and I'm not leaving for good, we can still hangout on the weekends or in vaccations and breaks yeah?!" Said Emrald with a straight and expressionless face as usual.

The girls hugged her and they said their goodbyes, exchanged pencils and Emrald was off to Kuo academy.

Ding-dong ( sound of the bell announcing the start of homeroom period)

Mr. Akio the homeroom teacher of first year class 1-3 was getting a lot of girls as usual, he is the youngest male teacher aged 24 of Kuo academy and all students admire him, girls also fangirl him.

"Alright class let's begin Homeroom! Now kids, I got news for you all, as of today there'll be a transfer student in your class, don't bully her and be good to her alright? You may come in!" Said Mr. Akio.

tap-tap-tap ( silence+footsteps)

Everyone was curious about their new classmate, the footsteps sounded hardcore and terrifying, yet silent and calm like the ocean. Emrald got in the classroom looking expressionless as usual, and no one in the class uttered a word, it was complete silence and they stared at her. "Introduce yourself" said Mr. Akio. " Very well... My name is Kaizen Emrald, pleased to meet you." " Now then your seat is overthere, third row, by the window miss Kaizen" said Mr. Akio. Emrald walked quietly to her seat, looking all blank, 'well she doesn't seem like a bully prey so there's nothing to worry about but she doesn't seem like a lively student nor a friendly one at all' thought Mr. Akio.

It was already the end of the day and Emrald didn't make any new friends, she quietly packed her things up and went out the class.

" Aaaaahhh it's Lee Hyungwon!!" A girl shouted, there was a commotion on the floor below, Emrald peered at the crowd from up on the indoor balcony with a terrifying look of disgust on her face, her eyes looked fierce as if she was ready to kill her prey. Fangirls were blocking the way to the stairs all surrounding Lee Hyungwon, a South Korean exchange student who is now known as the prince of the school. Lee Hyungwon didn't care less about and was tired of being surrounded by them all the time, he sighed and looked up and saw the killer look in Emrald's eyes. Emrald noticed him looking up at her and she took off and went to the library.

Four hours went by and it was now 8:00 and Emrald was still at the library, she had texted her mum earlier to say she was studying at the school's library as she always does with her best friends since her younger brothers and sisters wouldn't let her concentrate properly, however this time she was alone in the library. And it was time to head back home. She was tired and her legs felt a bit numb so she went in the elevator instead of going down the stairs. The library was on the 9th floor so it would've been too bothersome to go down the stairs and walk home.

On reaching the 5th floor the elevator stopped and a boy got in, it was Lee Hyungwon, he was yawning. And the elevator continued going down. "Oh you're the new girl in my class, what are you still here for at this hour?" Asked Hyungwon. "None of your business, and that's what I'd like to ask you too." Said Emrald, "tch I went to hide in the fifth floor's library and read some comic books there while waiting for every girls to leave the school so that I can leave peacefully too." said Hyungwon, "Oh there's a library on the fifth floor as well huh? I was studying at the 9th floor library" said Emrald, "Well yeah but it's a manga and story books library so you won't find any study books there." Said Hyungwon.

There was a sudden huge noise and the elevator stopped moving. 10 minutes passed and it still won't budge, that could only mean one thing; the elevator is broken.

"What the... we're trapped in here!" Exclaimed Hyungwon. "Seems so." said Emrald, then the elevator started moving fast down and suddenly stopped again, but the two students passed out on the floor of the elevator due to the shock.

"What is this? What?..." Emrald saw a boy lying beside her, she looked properly and saw it was Lee Hyungwon, looked around her and remembered what happened that lead her into this situation. The school was empty and they were the last ones in, Hyungwon had passed out, it was a panicky situation and she didn't know what to do as it was pointless to cry for help and there was no signal in the broken and stuck elevator. Emrald looked up and tried to lift and push the top lid of the elevator, she was able to open I a little, she was highly skilled in Judo and Kendo, and her strength was monstrously unimaginable. She got out of the elevator while carrying the passed out Hyungwon on her back and noticed that the elevator was stuck between the first and second floor.

Hyungwon finally regained conciousness and found Emrald bleeding on her left leg. "Are you okay?" Asked Hyungwon, "Sure am, you're heavy." Said Emrald, "Well obviously, cause I'm a guy!" Sais Hyungwon, they both stood up and Emrald looked like an ant infront of Hyungwon, 'was he always this tall?' thought Emrald. Hyungwon was 181 cm tall. Hyungwon forced Emrald to let him carry her on his back since her leg was bleeding and he was returning the favour, then climbed up and reached the second floor, from there he took the stairs to the ground floor and walked to Emrald's home while carrying her on his back.

"Well then, we're here! Thanks for saving me, you never told me your name, I'm Lee Hyungwon, nice to meet you!" Said Hyungwon. "You're welcomed. And thank you too, normally I wouldn't say my name but.." Hyungwon cut Emrald mid way and said "wait, what? Am I to call you 'new girl' for the rest of our school days? Oh c'mon we're in the same class!" That annoyed Emrald and she said " I was gonna say that since you've helped me I was gonna say my name but now you pissed me off and I feel like punching you in the face, well my parents taught me manners so well I, I am Kaizen Emrald... wait I introduced myself when I entered the class!", "True but I forgot cause I don't really have any interest in anybody, but now I find you very intriguing, hehe, bye then, see you tomorrow at school!" Said Hyungwon before heading back to his home.

Emrald got in and took a bath, then lied on her bed, staring at the ceiling. 'What a messy transfer of schools' she thought. "Lee ... Hyungwon huh?! You're messing with the wrong girl!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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