Chapter 23

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James pov

I have super strength. I can lift a slab of concrete three times my size... How the fuck are my arms sore from carrying Danny's bags of clothes?

So far the search for finding the genie was unsuccessful. Right now Valerie,Jazz, Danté, Sam, Tuck, DJ and even fucking Vlad Masters are looking for the genie. Time has been a struggle for me because the others basically pushed Danny onto me. Now don't get me wrong. I love Danny. Even if he's a little bitch, I still love him but come on, how the fuck is he gonna wear all this fucking stuff. I really need to find that genie. Come on, Clockwork. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Thi- Oh. My. Fucking. DICK! Clockwork! I am literally the son of father time. How the fuck did I forget that!?

"Danny!" I called to wear him. He was walking in front of me and goddamn, his ass looks good in those shorts.

"What?" he snapped at me.

"You should get ready for our date tonight.... If you get ready now, everyone will see how amazing you look and will get super jealous."

"You're right. C'mon Jake."

"it's James."

I walked to her car and waved at him, "Why aren't you getting in?"

"I have to find an outfit worth your beauty." he just rolled his eyes.

"Good because I don't want to be with someone who dresses like that." OK ouch. That stung.

As soon as his car was gone I transformed and flew to papas bookstore. I went into an alleyway and transformed back. I entered the shop and saw papa typing away at his keyboard that was made to look like a laptop.

"Hi papa. Where's dad?" I asked looking around the empty bookstore.

"He is.... Where did he say he was going again?.......uhmmmmm...... Oh yes... Ancient Egypt apparently he has to make sure that Hotep Ra dies."

"Who's Hotep Ra?"

"Not important. Anyway he told me you would be sneaking into his lair today. Soooooooooooooooooo..... Where or better yet, When do you want to go?"

"Nowhere. I just need to know where this Genie lady is." he gave me a curious look and got up walking into the room where the portals that would lead us to our lair was. I followed him curiously walking past the clock like doorway and the boring black door (My lair. Dad said I could only go in there when the time is right. Whatever that means) and going straight to the the the door that was in the shape of a giant book.

"You said genie lady. Was her name Desiree?"Papa asked and grabbed the cover of the book and pulled it open to the index page. He made his hand glow pink with energy and put it on the word 'library'. The giant book's pages rapidly flipped over to a random page and papa grabbed my hand and pulled me through. I immediately felt like I was falling but after 11 years of this, I'm used to it by now.

"Why are we going to your library?" I asked.

"To get the full story of Desiree. I know I wrote a story about her."her said putting his hand one his chin with his leg over his other in a sitting position. Even if we are falling.


"Yes it was the year I met your father, actually." he said with a happy smile. I smiled myself because they have been together for 29 years and have been married for 28 years. After so long they can still smile like that and be happy. I hope it will be the same with Danny and I. "Anyway... I wrote about her when your father and I met. Her story is a sad one. Not the saddest but I feel bad that she went through what she did." we landed. Me on me feet(which I managed to do after years of practice.) and papa sitting on a couch.

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