chapter 19

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Still James's pov

I'm the Fenton family's bitch. It was so obvious, how could I not notice that before. I mean like seriously Danny has me wrapped around his beautiful little finger.

I'm terrified of what kinds of weapons jazz will use while she uses me as target practice.

DJ will blow me up or something if anything happens to Danny.

Mrs. Fenton is the absolute worst. She is absolutely evil and ruthless, hiding behind an innocent facade. I will not be deceived! Especially after I accidentally walked into that room of weapons and found her sharpening her knives with a whole bunch of guns next to her. Knives and Guns! Who the hell needs so many weapons!? And! Danny said that he could never ever beat her in a spar. That's says alot. So I'm too scared to even think about crossing her.

Mr. Fenton.... Nope. Nothing. Is he even their father? I mean like they are all hot and deadly. Mr. Fenton is... almost in shape and needs to improve his aim. But Danny, like Mr. Fenton, is a great designer(danny calls it that because it sounds cuter and people would only underestimate him so when he is destroying people, they are like 'WTF')/ inventor so maybe he is the father because they are all super smart like him. Wait... Inventor... Danny said he only started to invent stuff, so that would mean.... *gasp* he invented all those things so that I could be killed. If he can't kill me then the rest of his family can kill me.

I felt someone slap me across the face and I looked at Danny in shock, "Sorry but I've tried calling you, waving my hand in front of your face, I shook you and even licked your lips! Nothing worked! So I just slapped you. I'm sorry."

I smiled and stepped out of my desk and hugged him, "It's OK. I was just thinking about how scary your family is and how I'm going to die soon."

He giggled and pecked me on the lips before walking out of the empty classroom. 'When did class end? And why didn't he say something about me dying? ....I'm scared' I thought looking at the open door.


We were back in Danny's room and I just sat back and watched as Danny became the flash. He was absolutely incredible. Drawing in his sketch book while doing his homework while stitching a suit while fixing a weird machine thingy while writing stuff in a book while typing on his laptop. Sometimes I wonder if he had some sort of super speed power thingy.

"Hey, James."


"How come you always come to my house. I mean earlier you said you were scared of my family, yet you always come over and yet I was never by your house."Danny said switching from stitching a suit to screwing a nail into that weird machine thing.

I thought about it, Danny at my house... Dad would show all my baby pics or show what I did when I was younger through his time screens. Papa... would be too busy writing a story to even bother but he won't pass up a chance to meet my boyfriend and embarrass the ever dying shit out of me. Soooo... Dying a torturous death or die of embarrassment... I'll rather die a tortuous death. But Danny in my bed, screaming my name sounds amazing.

"If you want you can come over for Sunday dinner."I said thinking about how pretty he would look in my bed.

"I will if you stop being a pervert."I looked at him confused. 'Did he just read my mind?,' but then he pointed at the mountain that formed in my pants.

"Traitorous bastard."I said glaring at the stupid hard on, now Danny is going to avoid going into my room with the doors closed and he is too busy right now to help me with it. I sighed and got up, going to the bathroom, "I'll be right back." I closed the door and dealt with my problem.

Danny's pov

After James went into my bathroom to deal with his problem I went back to multitasking. 'Stupid wedding, stupid school and stupid juniors genius science expo.' I thought bitterly looking at all the stuff i have to do.

I sighed but my ring beeped and I groaned, "James! You done in there!?"

"Almost! I- ah!~ I'm almost done!"

"Well hurry up there is a ghost and I don't wanna deal with it!!"I waited a minute before hearing a loud, "Oh fuck!~" from my bathroom. He came out like two minutes after that.

"OK I'm done. Where's a ghost?" I pointed out the window to where a guy with white hair, green skin, black glasses and wearing a blue trench coat. He groaned and flew out the window. I rolled my eyes and started putting the finishing touches on the project for the JGSE.

Just as I finished it, it glowed a greenish color and flew out the window to the trench coat guy. I saw all kinds of technology flying towards him and pretty soon he was a giant glowing technical super robot thing.

"I AM TECHNUS MASTER OF ALL TECHNOLOGY AND I WILL DESTROY YOU WITH MY AWESOME SUPER ROBOT!"trench coat guy or Technus yelled. I sighed annoyed and walked over to my desk and took out a small remote.

I pointed the remote to Technus and double clicked the red and then held it down. The remote started beeping and I guess so was my project because technus was looking around confused before his eyes widened and he exploded. Different kinds of technology coming out of him. I turned around and went back to my multitasking, planning on restarting the project tomorrow.

"Hey, did you um.... Kill him?"James asked nervously.


"Oh thank God. So did you send him back to the GZ?"


"S-s-so w-where is he?"




"Technus controls technology! He might have exploded but he could have possessed one of the pieces of tech there! If we don't find him soon then he might find a way to connect to the nuclear power plant(?) and use it to control the world through fear!"

"Thanks for the advice ghost kid."said Technus who was inside of Jame's cell phone. If I wasn't so over worked and busy I would have slapped him. James phone glowed green before the green glow shot up into the lights.

"Go and ask anyone other than me or jazz or DJ because we are all busy."I said not even caring right now.

He sighed and flew out leaving me to finish all this up.
I know it was a garage sale thingy but in this story none of them are so desperate to be popular. Hope you enjoyed. Bye lovelies 😍😘💗

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