Chapter 11 : The Deal & The Servant's Of Y/n

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After seeing Issei not only use such a disgusting move on those 3 girls, but he also did what Y/n told him not to do...Tarnish the dragons reputation but using that move.

Y/n : "I'm done here, he can burn for all I care"

Y/n teleported home not giving a shit anymore, he had given those devils one chance but the pervert through it right back at him.

Y/n : "those damn devils buntch of idiots"

The next day(Devil P.O.V)

In the underworld Devils have gathered in a ballroom for the celebration of Riser Phenex and Rias Gremory.

Ravel : "hehehe, my incredible talented brother won himself a bride by demolishing the Gremory's, of course I had no doubt he was going to win from the beginning, but he had to keep it close so it wasn't a complete boar"

Kiba : "she's delightful"

Sona : "yes girls got quite the mouth on her doesn't she"

Kiba : "Sona what's up"

Sona : "the outcome no withstanding I thought it was a pretty good match, though I wouldn't of complened if the end result had been a bit different"

Akeno : "thank for the support but I promise this thing isn't even close to being over"

Kiba : "we'll get another shot at them I'm sure, only next time we'll be ready for their tricks"

Koneko : "yeah, screw those d bags"

Just then a burst of flames appeared and Riser could be seen on stage.

Riser : "greetings renowned devils of the underworld, on behalf of the house of Phenex Riser would like to thank each and everyone of you for coming today, this is historic moment for the world of devils and I want our dear guests to be the first to know, two great dynasties are about to be come one, Lord Riser of the distinguished house of Phenex shall  wedd Lady Rias of the illustrious House of Gremory, and now I present to you my bride, Rias Gremory"

As Rias appeares a guard was thrown through the doors catching everyone's attention.

Rias : "Issei"

Issei : "Rias"

Riser : "who do you think you are boy"

Issei : "I'm Issei Hyoudou, and I'm here to bring Rias Gremory back where she belongs, no one is going to take anything from her she doesn't want to give"

Riser : "how dare you"

Ravel : "seriously is this guy mental"

Riser : "seize him"

As guards appeared to stop Issei as Akeno, Kiba and Koneko got involved everyone was wondering who is responsible for this...

Sirzechs : "it's just a little entertainment I prepared"

Issei : "who's that"

Rais : "my brothers here"

Issei : "that guys your brother, wow he looks hardcore"

As Riser got annoyed at the fact he would have to face Issei, he suddenly got an idea.

Riser : "every well Lord Lucifer, I will do a rematch for tha hand of my bride...but not with him"

Everyone was confused

Sirzechs : "Riser what do you mean"

Riser : "well I wish for a rematch but with an opponent of my choosing"

Seeing no other choice Sirzechs shiged and agreed to Risers request.

Sirzechs : "very well then Riser, who is your opponent"

Riser grow a smirk....


Currently sitting at home Y/n was watching TV, he know that the ceremony for the wedding was going on today but he had given up on those devils, but despite him feeling nothing towards them he felt sorry for some of them, but he mostly felt sorry for Koneko as she was his mate.

As he was watching F/s a magic circle appeared and the maid known as Garyfai stepped out.

Y/n : "oh great the maids here, what do you want now"

Grayfia : "forgive me for showing up unexpected, but you have been challenged to a fight by Lord Riser Phenex for the hand of Lady Raid Gremory"

Y/n : "Hahaha, oh please why the hell would I waste my time on someone that I could kill in an instant, and besides I wouldn't take Rias even if you paid me for it"

Grayfia : "I have been instructed to bring you to the underworld"

Y/n sighed and looked at the TV, he paused it.

Y/n : "humans, thank you for making a TV you can pause whenever you like"

Y/n stood up and stretched.

Y/n : "let's get this over with, I have a show to catch"

3rd Person P.O.V

As Garyfia appeared with Y/n everyone looked that them, as they did Y/n saw Koneko and went to her.

Y/n : "how are you feeling after that nasty hit you took"

Koneko(blushing) : "I..I'm fine"

Y/n nodded before turning to Riser.

Y/n : "let's get this over with I have a show to catch"

Just then everyone watched as Sirzechs walked towards Y/n, as they looked at each other Y/n smirked before speaking only one word....

Y/n : "bow"

Everyone was angry at the fact he just said that with no respect to Sirzechs, but what shocked them even more was when Sirzechs bowed to him.

Y/n : "look at that, you do learn from your mistakes don't you....Gremory"

As Y/n laughed Riser spoke up.

Riser : "Lord Lucifer why are you bowing to such a peasant"

Before Sirzechs could speak.

Y/n : "oh Riser didn't you futer bride tell you who I am"

Riser looked at Rias

Riser : "what is he talking about"

Y/n : "so you wish to fight me Phenex, you know after you left the first time we met I couldn't help but get that name Phenex out of my head, almost like I've heard it before"

Riser : "what are you getting at"

Y/n : "well I finally remembered, years ago I had a family that would serve me hand and foot, no matter what I asked they would give it to me...can you guess the name of that family"

Risers eyes widen

Y/n : "that's right it was your family that served me Riser, now I know your asking your self.."who is he" well I'll make you a deal, we will have this rematch it will be you and your peerage vs me by my self, if you win I'll tell you who I am and hell I'll even give you some of my power, but if I win....not only you but, your peerage, your family and everything the Phenex Household owns will belong to me, that means you, your peerage and your family will become my servant once more, or are you to chicken to agree"

Riser looked over to his dad who looked just as angry as he did, after getting a nod Riser turned to face Y/n again.

Riser : "very well I will fight for the right to the Phenex Household and everything it owns"

Y/n couldn't help but gain a large smirk...

Y/n : "than shall we begin...Phenex"

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