Chapter 8

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"Wait, where is he?" Y/n asked Alfred as they both gazed up at the abnormally large computer screen. It showed Batman's view of where he was.

"The sewers, Miss Y/n," the British man answered. Y/n made a face and commented on how gross that is. Batman told them how this section has been closed for quite some time and how he was tracking the Court of Owls. Y/n still didn't want to think of walking around in sewage, not knowing where you were going. "Miss Y/n," Alfred spoke up.

"Yes, Alfred?"

"Master Wayne sent in your paperwork. Mr. Queen is able to pick you up as soon as tomorrow."

Y/n widened her tired eyes and smiled. "That quick?"

"Mr. Wayne ensured it was sent by hand today."

Perks of money.

"Okay. Thank you, Alfred. And thanks Mr. Wayne," Y/n told him through the computer. He responded with an 'of course'.

She stepped away as the two discussed what was going on. The thirteen-year-old girl moved up the stairs and to the elevators. Y/n pressed the button going up and entered the Wayne Manor. It was a slow ride that made the tired Y/n impatient. All she wanted to do at this moment was sit down and relax. The soft sheets on her bed were calling to her and she wanted to end their yelling.

It had been a good hour of blissful quiet sleep when Y/n was forced to wake up. She left her forgotten dream and returned to the real world. Y/n's phone rang and she winced before pulling it out of her pocket. It was Alfred, he most likely needed her to return to the Batcave.

Y/n sighed as she clicked the green button on her screen and pressed the phone to her ear, "Is something wrong Alfred?

Bruce was struggling against Nightwing, thrashing and turning as an attempt to get away. It was as if the Scarecrow's fear gas was in his system. His normal blue eyes were bloodshot red, his hair was disheveled. Y/n couldn't tell if it was from his struggle or from removing his cowl. Bruce's shouting grew louder with each minute. Y/n ran down the stairs and rushed to Nightwing, Alfred was to the side getting an injection ready. It was most likely a sedative.

"Y/n! Get the straight jacket!" Dick yelled as he held down Bruce with all his strength. Y/n looked on the floor and saw an off white jacket. Y/n ran to it and unzipped the jacket. Alfred moved quickly and stuck the needle into the billionaire's neck. It took a few minutes for the sedative to kick in. His breath calmed down and his eyes fluttered. The large man slumped against his adoptive son.

It was early the next morning when Bruce woke up. Nightwing and Sparrow were maskless as they stood around the man with Alfred.

"How long have I been-" he groaned. Nightwing cut in by answering 'seven hours'. Bruce sat up and grunted. Alfred and Dick helped him ease up. "Unh. Damian. If those animals get their hands on him -

"Y/n and I have been out there, Bruce." Dick started. "There's no sign of him."

"I'll help."

Alfred shut him down, "You're of no help to anyone in your current state, sir. You need to rest."

Y/n and Dick pushed him back onto the medical bed.

"No, you don't understand. I have to find him. He's my son."


Within Gotham, Talon took Robin to the home of the Court of Owls. A gigantic oval-shaped room with the richest of the city citizens hiding behind porcelain masks. Talon and the young Robin stood in the middle of the large room, the fancy magenta carpet under their feet, they looked up at the Grandmaster.

Her disguised voice ordered, "Talon, introduce your protégé."

Talon stepped up and gestured to the boy beside him. "It is an honor to present this boy to the Court." He told his tale. "I've seen first-hand that he has greatness within him and a grand destiny ahead," the man praised.

"That may be so. But we must be certain of his loyalty," the Grandmaster pressed. Robin stepped closer and bowed with his left arm across his chest. He insisted they had his word. "We are the Court of Owls and we require more than words. Your mask."

Robin narrowed his masked eyes and paused, not listening to the Grandmaster. The disguised woman scoffed and ordered Talon to throw him back in the gutter. Talon reassured Robin of what he needed to do. The jet black haired boy sighed and reached for his green masked. He peeled it off and showed his emerald eyes to the Grandmaster to prove his loyalty.

"The boy," the Grandmaster gasped. "Bruce Wayne's ward." Damian widened his eyes at his identification. "That means Wayne is Batman."

"No. No, you're wrong," Damian tried to cover up what the information he unknowingly released. As he tried to explain sharp steel poles shot up in a circular prison around Damian. They connected at the top and were too narrow for him to escape. The maskless Robin tried to free himself as the Grandmaster and Talon argued about if he should be killed.

A gateway opened in the prison letting Damian go but Talon began to fulfill his orders. He threw Damian back into the bars but couldn't kill him. He saw himself in the boy and decided to tear apart the Court. As he jumped up and threw knives at members of the society, bars shot up once more trapping Damian.

Talon threatened the Grandmaster and told her to run. She did so as he sliced and stabbed anyone he saw. The rooms began filling with bloody bodies. Talon cornered the Grandmaster. He spoke of how he was never truly part of the Court and how he and Damian were the same.

"Talon, my darling," Samantha, otherwise known as the Grandmaster, tried to calm her lover down. "Forget them. We can-" Talon cut her off. He pressed his lips to hers for a final time before impaling her with his talons. Samantha fell to the floor and began to bleed out.

Back in the heart of the now-dead Court, Damian tried to reach for his utility belt that was just out of his grasp. Talon walked to the prison and spoke, "I just sacrificed a world for you, Robin. Now, what will you sacrifice for me?"

Damian stood up. "You're insane."

The unmasked Talon kneeled down to the boy's level. "I won't ask you to betray him any further." Robin, who returned his mask to the bridge of his nose, clenched the bars in front of him. "But Bruce Wayne is a complication," the man grabbed Robin's gloved fists. "He has to be dealt with." Talon rammed Damian's head into the metal bars and knocked him out.

Robin woke up trapped once again. This time he was held in a glass cylinder. He pushed against it but it was useless, there wasn't a door. Damian grunted and kept pushing. Within seconds of him coming to, water began filling the cage. It seemed to be coming from two tubes connected to something outside of the glass. The water seeped into his clothes and made him warm. The water would have been comfortable in other conditions.

"You'll be safe here till I'm done," Talon appeared.

"You think you can stop him alone?" Robin punched the glass.

"Who says I'm alone?" Talon moved over to the controls panel and opened the other glass containers. Robin could only see a small fraction of what was exiting the cages. He saw old discolored hands shoot up in the air and the room filled with steam, fogging the glass and his sight.

Freed from the Demon (Damian Wayne x Reader) Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now