Chapter 3

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owo I'm updating so much right aren't you proud. Anyway small a/n, I ship olicity, from Arrow and want to you know in this book there will be mentions of the characters from that show but I'll make sure to say who they are for those who aren't familiar with the names. If you don't ship it we'll not much I can do about that. Anyway some minor minor minor spoils. But you won't know what's actually spoiled if you don't know much about the show so when you think about it...

Also thanks for almost 1k votes on Bride of the Demon!!!! I honestly can't believe you like the book that much holy cow you are all awesome!! Thank you!!

Enjoy the chapter the next one will be really soon owo

Nightwing’s baton flung through the air as Robin dodged the weapon. The boys katana was swung down at his opponent. Damian was clearly annoyed by the training session. He kicked Nightwing back and the two continued to battle making small talk in between pauses.

Y/n sat on the railing in the Batcave, spectating the training between Nightwing and Robin. It had been some time since Y/n saw Dick in person but they talked most days over the phone. While it may be weird her best friend is an adult man and her just entering the teenage world, she saw RIchard as the big brother she never had. She was glad her best friend was the one watching them and not Alfred. He deserved a break from Damian.

She noticed Damian’s imperfect form and noted how unusual that was for the twelve year old. It seemed as though Dick spotted it as well.

“You’re sloppy,” the man commented.

“No,” Robin stepped back still in stance. “I’m uninterested.” Y/n rolled her eyes at his ignorance.

“Get interested,” Dick ordered as he swung forward, wielding both batons. Robin stepped back with ease and made sure not to get hit. Nightwing backed him up towards the steps, Robin backflipped away. Dick swung the metal at him but Robin quickly grabbed his arm and knocked the baton out of his band, leaving it isolated on the floor.

“I don’t need to be trained by some circus clown,” Damian snapped. Dick’s face fell the slightest. “My grandfather taught me everything I need to know about personal combat.”

From above Y/n once again rolled her eyes and groaned. “Doesn’t he ever talk about anything else?”

Damian must have heard her since he gave her an annoyed glance. He brought his sword closer to his chest and charged at Nightwing.

“Well, I was trained by Bruce Wayne,” Dick blocked an attack, peering at Damian through their domino masks. “And every time they met, he kicked Ra’s al Ghul’s ass. Just like I’m kicking yours,” he swiftly kicked the katana out of his gloved hand and kicked him away. The two abandoned their weapons as they travelled up the staircase.

They were nearing the spot Y/n rested at. Her eyes widened as she realized she should probably move. As they jumped to the top, the teenager ducked under the railing and hung on from the outside, watching the two. She hoped her friend would win but since she knew both of them, the odds weren’t in her favor.

Nightwing pushed Damian face first against the glass of the suit display.

“You really are a mass of ego, aren’t you? The pure and perfect Dick Grayson. The first Robin.” Damian taunted.

“Based on what I’m seeing, I was the only Robin.”

Damian growled. “You’re just some lost little orphan he took pity on.” Dick’s face fell. Even Y/n stopped and felt the need to give her friend a hug. Before she could warn Dick of what she saw Damian planning, he stepped onto the glass case and pushed back. “But I’m blood!” He backflipped over the man and hit him repeatedly. “I’m his son.”

Freed from the Demon (Damian Wayne x Reader) Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now