chapter one

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I didnt wake up to birds chirping. I woke up to seaguls screeching, also known as my mother Elga, telling me to get up.

" Peeta _______ Mellark! Get down this instant! You're going to be late for the reaping!"

I rolled my eyes, the reaping wasn't until this afternoon, so I had plenty of time, but I still got up because I'd go through hell if I didnt listen to mother. As I walked down the stairs, I wondered once again why she yelled and screamed everything she said. When I got to the kitchen, my father James is taking cheese bread out of the oven. Im reaching for one when my mom smacks my hand yelling,

"Not yet! Set the cakes at the window! Now!"

I mutter "okay. Sheesh, no need to be so crabby."

My mother wheels around angrily whispering " what did you say!!"

" im sorry mom nothing"

She raises her hand to slap me.

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