Chapter 4 - Blue flowers

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Pandemonium rained down. People were diving under tables screaming. The cafe staff were running for cover. "Duck!" Cyrus yelled and shoved her roughly to the ground.

She landing on her side with a thump. She yelped as pain shot through her shoulder and she felt something break. The pain was worse than the time she had lost a fight with one of the older boys at the institute. She can't remember what instigated the fight but she remembered that she had ended up in the hospital wing with two black eyes and fractured ribs. She feared this time she had broken her collarbone or dislocated her shoulder, that's how much it hurt. She looked at it. It was bleeding from a cut at the top of her arm. It must have been a deep cut because there was a lot of blood.

From across the table, she heard Cyrus cry out in pain. That sound alone was enough to be a feature of her nightmare, but what followed was worse. The firing had stopped and as she tried to get herself up she saw the gunman running away.

She hoisted her self, one-armed, onto the chair that was covered with bits of glass from the salt and pepper shakers. "Cyrus," she called out. "Cyrus, I think I broke my shoulder," she said grasping her injury. "Cyrus?" She looked around and saw that Cyrus was lying motionless on the ground. She scrambled over the chairs and table to him. Her heart was beating a million miles an hour. Cyrus couldn't be dead. No that's not possible. Cyrus, her best friend, no it couldn't be. The thoughts swarmed her head but the feeling of dread washed over her as she saw blood seeping out of a wound in his side. She dropped down to him wincing at the pain it caused her.

"Cyrus, Cyrus wake up. Cyrus c-mon. "He didn't move. Hot tears started sliding down her face as she said his name again and again. The reality hit her like a ton of bricks. Cyrus was dead. He was dead, and he had died pushing her out of the way. She had killed him. She gasped aloud at that thought. It was her fault that he had died. A waiter rushed over to them. "Quick we can still save him." She could hear sirens in the distance. The man picks up Cyrus's body and places him onto a nearby table, that hadn't been broken, and starts wrapping his wound in makeshift bandages. The sirens were close now, almost upon them.

She was feeling slightly queasy at all the blood on Cyrus's shirt and the waiter's hands. She turned around, grasping her stomach and vomits on the ground. She was feeling dizzy now and she had a headache. Her eyelids felt heavy and her body, weak. Before she knew it her knee's had buckled and she slid onto the floor, finally giving in and closing her eyes. The last thing she remembered was Cyrus, his happy face smiling at her and all the good times they had spent together and the periwinkle flowers he had gotten her for her 16th birthday. God she had loved those flowers.  They were her favourite colour. She hoped with all her heart that he would be ok. He had to.

Will Cyrus be ok? How will Sasha handle it?

Once again thanks for reading my story, I appreciate it.


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