chapter 4

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Leonard pov.

Leonard pov.

With the hall being quiet as that of a graveyard, staff, and students gathered to watch the scene unfold, it was pathetic how humans get stupidity curious at the sight of danger. Stupid.

Glancing a second at my two beautiful opponents

"You did not just say that Leonard Alexander" Damien smirked.

They two and we are both Alphas, their powers could be smelled by immortals, plus this was not the time to fight but what does a guy like me do, Huh? I love challenge, Joshua rushed towards me fixing his black shade on my eyes it was damn tight and glued to my skull, I glare at him with the Conner of my eyes and knew that he wanted a show otherwise this brat will not dbe giving me an helping hand whatsoever.

I told him to step back; I do not want him to get hurt in the process. honestly, I knew he could take both these two shitbags in a real fight.

We were trained to be skillful and not foolish when it come to our antagonists, we were trained to be mind-blowing in locating our antagonist's weakness, and we were trained to be fast, I was fast and as well calculating when it come to my speed I broke the record 600m.

...and I have learned not to fall, I learned not to break, I learned all this while growing up. My dad, the best warriors and the elders in the council trained me personally.

I was the best in my pack and Joshua was deadly. He was good at killing without caring, something I was good at but I never wanted that, but the beast in me yaws for it.

I knew this wasn't going to end, this fight will not end here, that was why I hated beacon hill I guess these two shitbags were the reason.

"What are you thinking about boy with the sunglass?" I heard shit bag two saying I never knew his name and I did not care; calling them shit bags was fine to me.

"Nothing much, just thinking of how your parent are going to react when they see you coming home with broken bones" I spitted out clenching my jaws

With that one statement, I was punched on my right rib by shit bag two then punched again on my left rib by shit bag one.

"Cooperation how Fancy" I smirked

I was on my knees, I was still calculating their strength and noticing their weak points.

Bloody bastards, I spited the blood from my mouth.

Then I felt a pain on my legs, sending me to the ground. I saw shit bag one gliding as he punched my kneecap making me groan in pain.

I manage to stand on my own two feet, then here comes another punch on my left side ribs again, it was painful but I was thought how to take pain thanks to the man that held me captivated for eight years.

And another on my right rib again and with this one punch I got irritated I had enough of them

"Do something Leonard why are you letting them do this?" I heard Joshua from the back of the crowds.

"I guess your pack isn't as strong as I thought" shit bag two announce and shit bag one sneered saying, "All he got is his big mouth!" He said resting his left shoulder against one of the locker as he looked at me broadly.

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