chapter 16

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Song: Hunny------ Meron T

Leonard pov.

Life could be so hard, the feeling that everyone around you is out to get you, was my life, all my life I have been living in fear and it does not seem to change, everyone around me just hates my guts, it was a terrible situation, I really hated my life.

First, my parents hated me, and then I supposedly lost my twin, then Jerrod, the triplets, Arica now Harvey.

The only one I have in my life when it comes to trust is me, Damian and Lucifer.

They have been with me through hell never leaving me, preventing my aching body from breaking.

My life sucks, now Harvey, the guy I thought was innocent wasn't at all who he claims to be... what happened when I smashed the locker against his hands, when he bleed, crying like a child, when he told me he was human.

It was all a plot.

I hate him!

I hate everyone around me, everyone around me just want to see me break and shatter into a thousand pieces which had happened over and over again!

Joshua called in yesterday telling me about what Greg told him about Liam, he said I should be watchful, though he refused to go into detail... I remember pacing around the room, my mates getting edgy but I ignore them leaving the house to go see my dad.

Arriving there I explained the situation but I did not mention the sudden complications about their supposedly dead son, he told me it was best I keep calm and not rush to a conclusion but something was off.

He did play a huge one on me

Now that I remember, he never mentioned his parents, he only told me they hardly come home giving bunch if excuses

The fucker!

I arrived at his apartment with my dad tagging along; he just said he is tagging along so I will not kill someone, though that was not his words though.

I could scent a different flavors, someone was here with him, I pondered before knocking, who will be with him, last I checked he got no damn friend apart from me and the guys.. However, he hardly hangs around with them. He was more attached to me and, Arica was not close to him to be here with him...

Then reality hit me hard, the fucker was only after me.

The bastard.

Bloody fool!

About to knock when my dad beat me to it, saying I might scare him off.

"Please keep calm son for all you know this might be a big misunderstanding, who do you say gave the information to Joshua" he knocked on the door but his eyes never left mine.

I swallowed a thick lump that I never knew I had, I thought about what I'd tell him before the door open making me pull my eyebrows together..

What the hell!

When did they?

I cannot blame them, no one want me in there life, and everyone seems to be shutting me out. However, my mates claims they love me but heck I do not even know what love is or how it feels anymore, I've never experienced it.

"Where is Harvey?" I boom making her frown.

I brushed passed her, as my legs carried me inside his house, it was filled with Arica scent.

The scent belong to her but there was a different scent.

"Harvey!" I spitted coldly making the house shook a little.

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