chapter 33

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Greg pov.

Seeing my brother in the hospital when I got here was not something I wanted, this was and is all my fault, all of it! I smashed my fist on the hospital wall repeatedly until someone held my arms.. I crawled down, my kneel smashed against my chest as I kept looking at Leonardo on the hospital bed with a life supporter (oxygen).

"Leonard will not like to see you like this" my mom said softly making me cry unto her chest..

"Mama, it is all my fault, if I did not run away or not come out or got back as soon as I recovered then none of this would have happened, even though my body was not the same as it was when I was a kid, you could have heard my heartbeat and know I was indeed yours" I kept crying while she hus me repeatedly but Leonard was about to die...

"We came as we were told" the triplets rushed into the ward room to see Leonard on a life supporter, Harvey retrieve his step running out of the room and to Gad's knows where..

Harry snap his head towards me as he rushed towards me lifting me up with is fist on my shirt.

"This is initially your fault!" He spitted venomously "Harry!" My mom shouted making him glare at my mom before sighing leaving me not before he sent a look 'i wish you were dead' before walking back to join his brother on the bed.. Henry was so calm, his eyes were emotionless as he locked them to mine, it was something I never saw... Hayden use to be the stronger one but I guess he broke because he had a thing for Leonard since the moment his eyes connected with Leon's...

"Baby" I snap my head to see Joshua hurry towards me taking me into a hug, "he's going to be fine"

"Don't tell him that, this is all your mate's fault, why the fuck did you come back to Beacon Hill, heck why did you join us the day we wanted to see our mate, heck why did not you tell him on time since you knew, heck why the fuck are you in the hosp...." Harry paused when his brother squeezed his hands assuring while he glare at me..

"If it anything, this is Jerrod" Arica spitted venomously making Harvey glare at Leonard.. I wanted to know what he thought about the situation and why the fuck he was glaring at Leonard.

Wait, jealousy?



I scowled when his gaze met mine, "where is he!" Storm went in rushing towards the bed as he immediately disappeared into my Leonard pale skin, we waited for something to happen but nothing.. I snap towards a unfamiliar yet familiar presence.

My mom rushed him to the wall jacking him up from the floor with her two hands on his sleeve

"You bastard!" She said coldly, my mom was an Alpha daughter, the first child of her father.

"I am sorry, I am sorry" Jerrod chanted making me frown, did he change, since when did he change? dad enter the room locking eyes with his son on the bed before locking eyes with his wife, when he noticed who she held on her hand, he grinned evilly making me shiver where I stood, I know what he can do if anyone mess around with him or his pack members.. I heard my own share when I got back as their son...

"Oh I see, Jerrod yeah?" His voice was cold, making Jerrod nod immediately.

"You enjoyed torturing my son for good thirteen years yeah?" Again Jerrod nod but his eyes went wild the moment he noticed what he just said.

"You broke him... to Pieces, making him so vulnerable when he came back, but you had no right to touch my son, not the slightest right!" He yelled while my mom pushed him towards the wall further his head banged the wall immediately as he whined in pain...

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