chapter 6

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Leonard pov...

Leonard pov...

"Wake up sleepy head" I heard Joshua shaking me roughly, I grumbled in my sleep "Just 5 more minutes, just five more please" I continued sleeping when he stopped and sighed.

"Someone seems to have forgotten what day is for us."

I opened my left eyes at him but I shut it at once, saying to him "What is today?" Then he sighed.

"Leonard today is our fucking birthday." he said grinning from ear to ear.

"Wait whoa! Fuck, today is our birthday, damn boy, today is our birthday, o my goddess Joshua today is our birthday" The sleep in my eyes fell off as I started jumping on the bed.

He sighed, "Why do not you happy?" I asked stopping my childish behavior and looking at him with a raised brow, "Well you made me come all the way to your room to wake you up dickhead, and do you know the stress?" He asked me sitting on my king size bed that was covered in white sheet.

"Ok, but dude today is our birthday, we fucking...." he caught me off saying the exact word I wanted to say "We fucking find our other half, our missing piece, damn boy," he said steeling my line and grinning from ear to ear.

"Whoa, hold on buddy, that my line ok, no one has to say that apart from me" I said grinning

"Fuck you... It is our birthday boy, who do you think our mate will be?" He asked me even know he knew I heard no idea who the moon Goddess has paired us with.

"Boys! Get your ass down here or I will make you two!" I heard my dad shouting from downstairs.

I grumbled then lay on the bed, stubborn as always, while Joshua left my room, I lay on my bed as I spread my hands on my blue sheet, left to right of beacon hill, I close my eyes in my sleep and dreamt about how my baby will look like.

She will be beautiful, having long black hair, her eyes bright like the moon goddess eyes, her lips pink and soft like strawberry, her legs and ass... thinking of it made me hard but someone decided to bitter by yanking me from the bed, I looked at the person to see it was my father.

"Dad would you mind, I am still sleeping thank you," I said frowning, "look get your pants on and go downstairs in five, or else you find your ass in the basement tonight" I jumped off my bed and glared at him, he knew I fucking hate the Basement, it was full of mice, fucking irritating mice, the sound of them on my skin makes me want to puke which was disgusting thinking of it. "Dad please" I said but all he said was "in five, four.."

I grumbled, just putting on a pair of blue sleeves I hated wearing cloth, I was in black briefs, that hung my butt firm, o my, I looked at the mirror and notice it was getting big, just like Joshua's butt, through Joshua did some workout around his lower region being that he is gay.

I went out alone and smell an unfamiliar sweet scent, it was not the same scent, I know it has chocolate, oaks and vanilla.. Making me frown.

I ignored it and walked down the stairs still walking down the scent disturb my nostrils but in a good way, I inhaled as much as I could when I reached the living room all eyes were on me, but something was off, I saw Joshua sitting with his parent calm and starring at a man, wait what, this man had pale skin, his skin was so beautiful, his eyes were onyx dark, as dark as night, and his hair was dark, combed backward and folded in a donut style, whoa Joshua's mate was fucking beautiful, the dude was flirting with Joshua from afar making him blush, I ignored them I looked toward the center of the living room which had.

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