Chapter 1

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Rania POV

Ugh we been in Forks for two years now and nothing life changing happened yet. I don't even know why we listened to that seeing demon. I would call her the Devil but that would be a insult to him. We were suppose to take a 5 year gap between going back to high school. Me and Edward was in our second year of being away on our own. I was going to use my gift to give us the one thing we been longing for.

But, that demon called us back because she saw something that was going to change our family. And, Carlisle thought it would be for the best that we came home and wait a year or two before I use my gift.

With my gift comes human life changes and traits but I'm enjoying every moment of it.

"Time to get up Ran. We have another day of school," Rosalie said walking into Edwards' and I bedroom.

"No I can't I'm to sick to go today," I said holding my body pillow.

"You missed two days already sweetie. But I guess I can deal with Alice one more. You better be coming to school tomorrow. I need you the humans are annoying," Rose said laying down next to me.

"I will I promise," I said sitting up pulling Edward's shirt closer to me.

"I still can't believe it," Rose said smiling up at me. I couldn't believe it either nobody can.

"I know, now get out I need to say later to my love buggy," I said getting out the bed walking to living room where Edward was at. I know Rose is rolling her eyes at me but who cares.

I walked behind Edward and kissed the back of his neck.

"Good morning my beauty. Did you sleep well," Edward asked me as Alice glared at me and her brother.

"Of course I had you in my bed," I stated to him walking towards his front looking down at his area smirking.

"Ugh," Alice making her demonic sounds.

"I'm glad I hope you're not to sore from last night Beauty," Edward said rubbing his hand down my body. As, Emmett gagging in the background with Jasper.

"I'm fine love buggy I'm just feeling sick but I'll be at school tomorrow with you," I said with nothing but love in me. Not even noticing everybody but Esme leaving out the house.

"I'm glad, I'll see you in a few hours Beauty," Edward said before pulling me into a quick kiss. "God I love you forever and always Mrs. Mason Cullen".

"And I love you forever and always Mr. Mason Cullen," I said smiling at him as he walks out the house.

After a few seconds Esme comes in the living room smiling. And, I walk up to her and give her a hug.

"Next year will be your turn mom," I said holding on to her. Esme been the best vampire mom anyone could ask for and more.

"Thank you darling, you been so good to me I'm glad you're my daughter sweetheart. Now come eat your breakfast, Edward went and got you mountain lion blood," Esme said walking to the kitchen with me.

"He spoils me and thank you for the food mom. Its so good," I said eating as she shakes her head.

Edward POV

My wife has been the most important thing in my life. She have brought me the happiness I always wanted. We been together since we were 14 years old. Even though we wasn't suppose to be back in the 1900s. We couldn't stay away from each other and I'm glad we didn't.

"Edward can we talk its important," Alice said as Jasper shaking his head no towards me.

Alice been keeping things from me for the last two years now and Jasper just started a few months ago. Normally Alice would be a open book for me to read. Recently, Jasper came to me and told me that Rania and I should pack up and leave so we could be happy together. I don't know why but I want to know.

"Sure Alice lets go back to the car," I said climbing back in the car.

Alice hop and jumps back ion the car besides me.

"I want you to keep a open mind now Edward and don't over think what's going to happen today. Just let every thing happen the way it should and control yourself please," Alice said and left me in the car alone to think about her words. What the fuck was that about.

Time skip till lunch period.......

I walk in the lunch room a few seconds after my siblings. I hear everybody thoughts as I look around. They use to be loud and screaming but now they'll soft voices.

I hear Jessica Stanley, a human gossip and she's friends with my beauty, talking about my family to the new girl.

"That's Alice, she's really weird and rude. She's with Jasper the ones who looks like he's in pain. They're all together together. Dr. Cullen like this foster dad slash matchmaker," Jessica said smiling to herself.

"Maybe he'll adopt me," Angela Weber said giggling towards the two girls.

"Who's he," the new girl asked.

"Oh that's Edward Cullen totally gorgeous but nobody's good enough for him. Like I care,"Jessica said holding back her emotions. I still find it funny how she like being friends with my beauty but still wants me.


"Really nobody," the new girl asked.

"Well," Angela said smirking. Rania been rubbing off on Angela.

"Don't waste your time Bella," Jessica said shaking her head.

"Wasn't planning on it," the girl named Bella said.

After a few minutes I feel eyes on me when I looked up I saw the Bella girl looking at me awkwardly. I made me feel something I never felt towards anyone but my beauty. I looked away from her.

"Edward are you ok," Rose asked me grabbing my hand.

"Yeah the bell about to ring," I said getting up as the bell rang in my ears.

I left my siblings behind going to biology class the only class I had by myself.

After the bell ring the new girl, Bella, comes in. And, then it hit me her scent it wasn't like anything I ever smelt before. I just want to devour her warm delicious blood. To have my way with her and lose myself in a way I never knew.

This must be what Alice was talking about earlier. I can't stop myself from looking at her. She's somebody's child and if I kill her they would be miserable without their child.

As the time went on I found different ways to tell our family that my beauty and I are leaving Forks tonight. I can't I won't kill somebody's child for my own selfish desires.

I stood just before the bell rang and leave out the door just as it rung. I all but ran to the main office maybe if I change my class we could stay.

But it was no use every class was full. I smelt her as soon as she came in, I turned and left her in the office. I want to hate her; I need to hate her.

I saw Alice in my car waiting for me. I looked and saw that my other siblings are gone home. I got in my car and pulled away from the school parking lot.

"So you meet Bella I take it. You'll be taking a few days to get yourself in order," Alice said smiling at me.

"No me and Beauty are leaving tonight Alice," I said speeding down the street.

"Oh Edward Bella is your blood singer. You can't leave her," Alice said.

"Alice I don't care we're leaving. I can't kill her, I won't," I yelled at her turning into the woods. I won't kill her.

"Then love her Edward she's important to the family," Alice said in a calm voice.

I looked at her as she said the most likely thing to ruin my life.

"She's your mate," Alice said as I pulled into our drive way.

She's my mate.

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