Chapter 11

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Rania POV

I woke up as soon as I felt the pain of my son trying to push himself out of my womb. The whole thing was a blur for me, I don't even remember. I just know I was in hell of pain and then I'm holding my son in my arms. He is gorgeous the most beautiful person I laid eyes on.

This is love at first a sight.

"How are you feeling sweetheart," dad asked me smiling.

"I'm happy. I can't be believe he's in my arms right now," I said looking at my baby boy.

"I know Rania, I want to know if you're going to turn your powers off or keep then on,"dad asked me.

"On you and mom deserve to have a baby so I'll come whenever me and Jake think is best," I said looking at Jake as he stand at the door with food, that I hope is for me.

"Of course and Edward called."

"I don't want to see him right now I need my strength back first. Then he can meet Ian before I kill Bella," I said.

"I understand I'll have Bella locked up till then what she did was horrible and out of line. Its something you should know Alice lied to us all; Jasper is not her mate, Bella is. She and Bella made this whole thing up for some reason. I don't know the whole story, right now," dad said looking at his grandson.

"Thank you dad, for telling me but I'm happy here with Jake. I'm in love with him; Edwards going to find his mate one day and be overjoyed with love for her. But, anyways hopefully we'll be there soon maybe in a few weeks," I said as Jake sits on the bed smiling at Ian.

I can't believe he's here and in our arms. My little munchkin.  

Oh my Jacob I'll give you a beautiful baby one day soon, Jakey.

"Here Jake," I said giving him, my baby boy. I mean our baby boy.

"Hey there big boy you came early, huh," Jake asked Ian like he could answer him.

"I'll be going home now sweetie," dad said watching us.
"Of course Doc and thank you. I know she's your daughter but she's my everything and soul. So thank you,"Jake said holding out his hand.

"Its my pleasure I told you you're my son also Jacob," dad said then left.

"I love you Jacob," I told him.

"And I love you and Ian. Now go to sleep you need your rest," Jake said as he kiss my forehead.

I rolled over in our bed and let sleep over take me for the day.

6 Weeks Later

Ian is growing faster than we can say abracadabra. Right now he's the size of a 4 month old and I'm scared. I know he won't die or anything but I want him to stay little and enjoy his childhood like we did.

Right now we're all at Emily and Sam's house having the baby shower we couldn't do. Now everybody is here, even my little munchkin.

Jacob have been the biggest blessing I could ask for. When I been to tired, Jake will get up and make sure everything and everybody is perfect. I don't know how I got so lucky to have Jake but I'm glad that I do because I couldn't be happier with my life right now.

"So when are you and Sam going to you know," I asked drinking tea looking at Emily.

"When you have baby number 4 with Jake," Emily said smirking.

"So in the next two years then," I asked.

"Oh my god," Emily start coughing up a lung.


"Jake come get your girlfriend she trying to kill my future wife," Sam yelled from the other side of the table holding Ian.

"I am not trying to kill her," I laughed at Sam.

"Where what I heard you trying to make us keeper of the dozen before I'm 40," Jake smirked.

"Hey Ian needs a brother," Paul said walking towards us with a gift for Ian.

"What do I like look like a baby maker," I asked looking at Jake who was watching me.

"A sexy baby maker gorgeous," Jake said in between each kiss he plant on my neck.

"Good save," I giggled.

"Let's go. You told the Cullens we'll bring Ian over there to meet them," Jake said smirking. He just want to rip Bella's head off and play soccer with it.

"Fine I guess," I said getting up as Sam strap baby in his car seat.

Now its me, Jake, Sam, and Jared in my car going to the Cullen's house. I sat in the back with munchkin to watch him.

Yes, I'm the house that watch her baby sleep or just looks around. I can't help it this my baby and I can't get enough of him. He's one of the reasons why I get up in the morning, to smile, to life.

Ian is my everything. Just like Jake, they're the reasons why I'm here on this earth.

We pulled up to the Cullen's house and we all looked at each other.

"Sooooooo we're just going to sit here or what," I asked smiling at Ian who's smiling back.

"Come on, let's get this over with people," Jake said turning the car off.

Jake unlock the car seat from the car and grab my hand. I look around the yard. The last time I was here, Bella attacked me and I could have lost Ian. If I see her I'm killing her.

Sorry for the wait you guys. My writing is connected to my emotions. So when I'm depressed and feeling lost, I can't write I can't think of what I want to do next. I really just made myself write to give you all this chapter I know it sucks ass but please bear with me. I'll be out of this situation soon I hope. Vote and comment.

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