Chapter 15

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Rania POV

I'm on my way home from dropping off Ian to Leah for the weekend. We had a long day today, we went to Grandpa Carlisle for a check up, got some news, and ate some yummy lunch. Ian was such a good baby for momma. He was such a big boy when he got his check up.  My baby is getting so big and smart, I can't wait to see what kind of man he will grown up into and become. My phone start ringing, so I pullover on the side of the road to see whos calling me. Its Edward calling.

"Hey, Edward I don't have Ian right now; he's at Leah's house for the weekend. We can meet up at the Cullen's house sometime this week so you can see him," I said watching the cars drive pass me.

"Thank you I would love to see him soon. But that's not why I called you today, I wanted to see you. I miss talking to you Beauty," Edward said over the phone.

 I can't imagine how hard this is for him to be told that somebody is your soulmate and then find out that somebody you love lied to you. That they fucked up your life because they simply wanted to hurt somebody else life.

"Um sure we can meet up at the Cullen's house later today I have a few things I need to do right now," I said smiling to myself.

"Yeah the thing is I'm behind your car right now," Edward said. I looked behind me into the woods and there he was with Jasper and Bella? 

"Edward I don't know what kind of game your playing but I will kill that bitch if she gets in spitting reach of me and blink the wrong way at me.

"Don't worry Beauty. Bella would never dream of touching you never again," Edward said as they all jumped into my car. 

"How are you Jaz? How are you coping with everything with Bell and Alice," I asked him.

"I'm getting there Rania," Jasper said or should I say The Major.

"Major what's going on. Edward," I said looking at them.

"We're coping and dealing with the  betray that dear Bella and Alice did to us Beauty," Edward said.

"We only came because dear Bella wanted to say something to you; go ahead Darling," Major purred into Bella 's ear. 

I hate the bitch I would never let her into the arms of The Major. He's cold and full of vengeance to anyone for done him wrong. 

"Rania I'm so sorry. I thought if I hated you we'll be happy together. At first I thought Alice was just trying to help my relationship with Edward but she was only trying to do what she wanted. I know you won't ever forgive me but I'm sorry; I wished I could go back in time and change everything between all of us," Bella explained to me.

She's only saying this so Edward and Major can go easier on her. I don't care anymore about their drama I want to move on with my life with my family.

"Ok you all can leave I need to get home," I said starting my car up.

"Of course Rania, have a good day," Major said pulling Bella out of the backseat.

"Beauty I just want you to say that I love you. I'll always love you and our son very much. If I could it would be us three together forever but I know Jacob is your soulmate and you love him more than you ever loved me. So I'm leaving Forks before I do something to ruin the rest of our immortality. I only ask that I get to talk to Ian once a week and you three come visit twice a year so I can see him," Edward finish saying.

"Of course Edward you will always be Ian's father and thank you. You will find your mate one day don't worry," I said smiling.

Edward smiled and got out the car running into the forest. I looked around the road for a wolf but I doubt that they saw or know what happen it all happen under 2 minutes.

Time to go home.

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