Chapter 3

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Edward POV

It been three weeks since I been home, a month since I laid eyes on my beauty. I'm honestly scared to go out and find my beauty. The only family members I talked to were Alice and Carlisle. It sounded forced when I talked to Carlisle. I know he's upset with me for leaving my Beauty. I mean Rania. She needs me more than ever but I can't change how that Bella girl make me feel. I want to be the man Rania married but I crave Bella Swan. I don't know what to do right now.

I know Rose been calling and telling Beauty everything that been going on with Bella and I. We got closer to each other each. I told her tonight, after I saved her from a group of men, that I didn't have the strength to stay away from her and she told me its ok. But its not okay, I'm married to the love of my human and vampire life. I can't leave my family no matter how much I want Bella.

I drove up to my house and sat there wanting Rania to run into my arms and stay with me forever. But I want to go to Bella's house and have my way with her. I'm stuck in between a rock and a hard place. I don't know what to do. My train of thought left me as my phone rung from the passenger seat. I grabbed my phone without looking and answers it.

"Hello," I said into the phone.

"Um hey Edward this Bella," she said awkwardly.

"Hey Bella did you forget anything in my car," I asked.

"Um no I was wondering could you come pick me up tomorrow before school. We need to talk," Bella said.

"Sure I'll see you in the morning Bella,"I said looking at my house.

"Great um I'll see you later than, good night Edward,"Bella said.

"Yes good night Bella," I said as I hung up the phone.

I sat in the car all night long. Thinking about how my day was going to go. I know I can't stay home because I told Bella I'll pick her up. I ran into the house about 7:20 to change my clothes for the day. I hate coming into my room since Rania left. It still smell like her in here, I didn't change the bedding because her scent is all over it. I looked around one more time than left out the room. Everybody is gone but Esme, she's in her and Carlisle's room crying tears that would never fall. My own mom can't look at me anymore.

I left out the house getting into my car and drive to Bella's house. I get out the car and meet Bella at the front door.

"Morning Edward," Bella smiles at me.

"Morning Bella," I said inhaling her scent.

We walked back to my car and got in, we were a mile from the school before sure spoke.

"I know what you and your family are," Bella said calmly looking at me.

"What's that Bella," I asked her.

"Vampires and I don't care Edward; I want to be with you," she said as I pull up to the school parking lot.

"Are you sure? There's no going back after this Bella. You can leave and never look back," I said looking at her.

"I want you Edward. Pick me choose me love me," Bella said holding my cheek moving closer to me.

In a second she kissed me and I couldn't help myself same kissed her back. It was something I didn't know I could feel. The desire the hungry, I want it all for myself. I pulled her closer towards me till I remembered she needs air to live.

"Wow," she said.

"Yes wow indeed," I said looking at her.

"Be my boyfriend," she told me.

"Bella," I said.

"Great I want this I want you," she said as she kissed me again then she was out the car.

What have I done!

Bella POV

I can't believe it! I took control and I made Edward mine. I saw all my friends at Tyler's van looking at me funny. But, I can't stop smiling over Edward.

"Hey guys," I said smiling from ear to ear.

"Why did you get out Edward's car Bella," Lauren said glaring at me.

"Um we're dating now," I said looking at my hands smiling.

"What? How? When," everybody asked at once.

"I told him how I feel about him and we kissed. Guys I know how it look but we been talking since he got back from his trip," I said looking at them.

But they just looking at me crazy. I waited for somebody to speak but they didn't so I just walked off going to my class.

After a couple hours its finally time for lunch. I notice everybody at school been looking at me weirdly, I'm bout the new girl anymore.

I go to my lunch table where all my friends are at and sit down. After this class I'll see my Edward.

"So Bella how was classes," Angela said looking at me awkwardly.

"Fine but everybody been looking at me crazy today. Is this a new kid prank or something," I asked them.

"No Bella but nobody likes a home wrecker," Lauren hissed at me.

"Excuse me," I screamed causing the whole lunch room to stop and watch us.

"You heard me Bella. How could you do that to that poor girl," Lauren asked me.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said towards her looking at everybody till my eyes fall on Edward.

"Oh really Edward didn't tell you about Rania," Jessica asked me.

"No do I suppose to know who this Rania person is," I said turning around looking at Jess who was standing behind me with a beautiful brown skin girl.

"I'm Rania," the girl said with hate in her eyes. I see Edward slowly getting up from his family lunch table.

"Um nice to meet you I'm Bella," I said holding out my hand.

"I know who you are. Funny Edward didn't tell you about me, huh. You're not as pretty as I imaged you to be," Rania said to me.

What the fuck is going on?

"Excuse me are you Edward sister or something," I said looking from her to Edward who was getting hold back by his two brothers.

"Oh my god he really didn't tell you. I just thought you was stupid and pathetic. I was Edward's fiancee until you came along," she calmly said to me. She gave me one last look as she rubbed her stomach and smirked at me. "See you around Bella," she finally said as she walked out the lunch room doors.

I looked around the lunch room at everybody, then at Edward. His brothers let him go and he just looked at me and put his head down.

I ran out the lunch room and into the girls bathroom. I couldn't help but cry, I wanted him to come up to me and show everybody that he's mine and only mine. But, he had somebody else this whole time. But, he's mine now.

And she's, she's ..........

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