Missed Chances

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Minnie watched as Christopher looked away and his eyes scanned the room before he looked back at her again. 

"When I got drafted to the NFL team, the coach made me pull out of college to fully dedicate my life to the sport. I was on such a tight schedule that I didn't have time nor energy to call you." He sighted before he continued. "I did come back one day though, to surprise you. I saw you at a frat party with your tongue down someone else's throat."

Minnie blushed. She had partied really hard after Christopher left. 

"I went to see you too," Minnie admitted. Christopher gave her a questioning look and Minnie continued. "It was a year after you left, but the boys told me that you were somewhere with one of the cheerleaders, so I left without you knowing I was ever there."

"I never were with any of the cheerleaders. If I would've been with any girl, it would've been you. The guys must've lied to mess with me." Minnie studied him. He looked like he was telling the truth. 

After dinner, some of the guests made their speeches, Minnie being one of them, and then they had cake. After that, the floor opened up for dancing. Minnie was dancing with April and also with a few of her cousins. When a slow song played she locked eyes with Christopher, who had been studying her for the entire night, and he looked like he was about to ask her to dance, but Minnie's dad beat him to it. She jokingly winked and smiled at him and he pouted back at her from the wall that he was leaning against.

"Are you having fun?" Donald asked before he spun her around.

"Yeah, I am. Are you?" she chuckled.

"Yes Minnie, I am. I'm so proud of April for finding her dream guy at 15 years of age." 

"It's amazing how love works," Minnie agreed while her eyes locked with Christopher's again and she thought to herself, "and how it doesn't."

After a few more uptempo songs, a slow song played again, and this time Christopher was fast enough to ask her to dance. He caught her hand in his and placed his other hand on her back while she placed hers on his shoulder. It felt so familiar after all these years and she took a deep breath and tried to control her thoughts. She was so dangerously close to him now. She smelled his manly scent again. She felt his body move to the music and when she looked up, she saw his short beard and his pink lips, just before their eyes met. He had been looking at her the whole time. Minnie shivered at the familiar feelings that dancing with Christopher gave her.

His eyes looked like they wanted to say something, but his mouth kept quiet. 

She began to think about his body, underneath the clothes. She remembered that he had a few tattoos on one of his arms and wondered if he had gotten more tattoos over the years. 

She had slept with three guys after Christopher, but all of them had been disasters. Christopher and her, though had always been fantastic together. They knew each other and knew exactly what the other one liked. His strong athletic body had always been ready for her. And his mouth, and the things he could do with it...

She cut off her own thoughts and tried not to think of him. It didn't really work, but she tried.

In the second chorus he leaned down and whispered "You're giving me the look you used to give me when you were really turned on. And it's really distracting me, so please don't." Her leg accidentally brushed past his area and she felt him. She let herself out of his grip and gave him a look that begged for him to follow her. 

She found a staircase and climbed it, not really knowing where it lead. She heard steps behind her and knew that it was Christopher. Just as they were about to throw themselves at each other, a loud moan interrupted them. 

"Oooh, that feels sooo good. Keep going," someone moaned.

Minnie and Christopher looked at each other and giggled quietly before they shrugged and snuck back downstairs. 

"That could have been us," Christopher chuckled. 

Minnie didn't chuckle, nor smile. She was still very turned on by Christopher and the familiar feelings she now felt.

"You're giving me that look again," he whispered.

"Where are you staying?" she asked with a serious face.

"I'll get the car," Christopher said with the same seriousness to his voice.

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