Dolan pt. 2

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Christopher knocked on the door. An almost dead looking Vic answered wearing only his underwear. 

"Dude, we've been working all day and night. Why aren't you asleep?" he paused and studied Christopher. "Or are you sleep walking?"

"Amanda kicked me out," Christopher shrugged.

Vic stepped aside, letting Christopher in. 

"You can stay in the guestroom," Vic yawned. "The bed is already made. I'm going back to bed now."

Vic turned around and began walking in the direction of his bedroom. The words flew out of Christopher before he could stop them. 

"Minnie texted me."

Vic turned around and looked a lot more awake. Christopher handed over his phone and Vic scrolled through the text from Minnie. "Something to say, huh? Are you going to call her?" he then asked. 

"I don't know." Christopher answered honestly.

He needed to figure out if he wanted to fight things through with Amanda, or resume the contact with Minnie.

Both men separated shortly after and went to their bedrooms. Christopher lied down on the bed and reread the text from Minnie. Before he fell asleep, he remembered another memory from the past.

Christopher was getting better at being on time to math class, sine Minnie joined his class. She had made the seat in front of him her regular seat, which also meant that they got to work together a lot.

Christopher noticed her getting irritated and he had no idea why.

"I think she's mad at you." Jonas had chuckled.

One day, Christopher watched as a guy named William Hardin asked Minnie out, right in front of Christopher's eyes. She looked back at Christopher and gave him an irritated glance, before she told William yes. That made Christopher chuckle and that earned another irritated glance from Minnie. She really was mad at Christopher, for some reason, though she was really cute when she was mad.

After class, Minnie was quick to get out of the room. Christopher smiled at that and quickly followed her. He ran up to her and watched her tense up.

"Hey Minnie? Are you mad at me?"

"Yes," she said as she continued walking.

"Why?" he asked, starting to get confused now.

She stopped and spun around to face him. Her cheeks were pink and her eyes held a stern look. A few strands of her hair was miss placed and he resisted the urge to reach out and fix it.

"I just am." She sighted before she walked away from him. He glanced after her, still really confused.

Later that same day, after Christopher's football practice, he noticed Minnie standing on the sideline. He smiled and waved at her and frowned when she didn't wave back. He ran over to her.

"What's up?" he asked. She looked nervous and irritated at the same time. She looked right into his eyes for a long time before she spoke.

"Will you go out on a date with me?"

Christopher broke into a smile. "Yes, I do," he chuckled. Then he realized something. "That's why you've been mad at me. You wanted me to ask you out."

"For weeks," she sighted.

"What about William Hardin?" he asked and watched as Minnie's face turned the brightest of red.

"I got him to ask me out in front of you to make you jealous," she admitted and Christopher couldn't help but laugh out loud. 

"You're cute," he chuckled and embraced her. He pulled away and looked at her before he continued. "I look forward to see what you will have planned." That earned another nervous glance from Minnie.

Minnie, with some help from April, had planned for her and Christopher to go bowling. She had paid for it. When they were done bowling, Christopher had complaint about being hungry. He had watched Minnie's embarrassed face as she admitted that she had forgotten to plan that. Christopher then asked if it would be against the rules of her asking him out, if he bought dinner for them.

"I'm not sure about that rule, but I think we can make an exception." Minnie had looked relieved, and Christopher had chuckled at her. It was too early to admit out loud, but he was falling for her.

*The next day*

Christopher was woken up by some quiet giggling. He slowly opened his eyes and met small, green eyes and a wide smile. The smile belonged to Vic and his wife Andrea's five year old daughter Olivia.

"Daddy said I could wake you up now. It's late," Olivia said from where she sat, on top of Christopher's stomach. Christopher tried to not look too annoyed and told Olivia to tell "daddy" that he could go to Walmart, which was Christopher and Vic's kid-friendly code for go to h*ll.

Olivia left and would gladly tell her dad to go to Walmart. From downstairs, Christopher could hear Vic shout that Christopher should eat some fudge, which was their code for f*ck off

"I want fudge." Christopher heard Olivia tell Vic and Christopher chucked to himself before he groaned and rolled over in bed. He was on the thin line between being asleep and awake when he heard a loud laugh, that woke him up again. He groaned and gave up falling back asleep and got himself out off bed.

He put on a t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants that Vic had left outside the guestroom for him and went down to the kitchen. 

*One week later*

After one week of constant working and trying to keep his mind off of Minnie, Christopher decided that he needed to talk to Amanda before he did anything else. He had stayed in Vic and Andrea's for the entire week and only gone to his apartment once to gather some clothes, when he knew Amanda would be at work. 

Today, though, he decided to go to the apartment after work and wait for Amanda. He poured up a glass of water and placed himself at the kitchen table. He turned on his private phone and replied to some missed texts while he waited. 

When he had waited twenty minutes after she should've been back, he thought about calling her, but his actions were interrupted by the doorbell. Christopher opened the door and revealed a man that he had never seen before.

"Can I help you?" Christopher asked with an annoyed voice.

"I'm looking for my girlfriend. Who are you?" The man frowned at Christopher.

"The fiance." Things were starting to get weird.

"Fiance? Amanda never said she was engaged." The man looked surprised. "I'm Tony. Me and Amanda have seen each other for a year now."

Tony took a few steps back due to Christopher's stern look. "Well, come inside then. I was about to leave anyways," Christopher said and stepped aside. "And for your information, Amanda doesn't have a fiance anymore. She's all yours."

The fact that Tony looked relieved annoyed Christopher anymore. Tony stepped inside and made himself comfortable on the couch and turned on the TV. Christopher returned to the kitchen and found an old receipt on which he wrote: Met your boyfriend. Goodbye forever.

He placed the note on the counter and went to grab a suitcase. He grabbed all of his clothes and stuffed them into the bag before he took the apartment key off his key chain and placed it next to the note. Then he left the apartment for good. 

And now he knew what he was going to do next.

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