Possible Ryder Knight? or Knight-Ryder?

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Aymie’s POV

I felt a bit cheeky taking a seat in his gorgeous car and sticking my feet out the window, but eh, what can I say. My blood boiled at the fact Vagasil had the nerve to speak to people like that, it honestly was and still is ridiculous. I slid my feet back into the car as we turned a corner and the breeze hit me. Dani, bless her, had knocked herself out like a light and was sleeping peacefully in the backseat. Rolling up the window, I sighed.

The silence in the car wasn’t even awkward, it was comfortable, which was strange because silences aren’t supposed to be comfortable.

“Dani really likes you” my head snapped in Nathaniel’s direction as his husky voice flooded my ears. His grip on the steering wheel was tight and he had a slight frown on his face. Wow.

“Haha really? She seemed pretty scared if you ask me” I scoffed shaking my head.

He took a quick side glance before chuckling slightly, “No she really does. She’s scared shitless of Vanessa, and pretty much every other girl. It’s really weird but, like if it makes any sense, I think she actually trusts you.”

A smile slapped me with full speed as I stared down at my J’s. “She’s like 3 Knight, of course life’s gunna scare her. I mean have you seen me? I’m probably the scariest girl she’s met in a long time. But I guess I’m good with kids. I mean I’ve been working at the nursery for like 2 weeks so I guess she’s seen me around and is comfortable with me? I don’t know?” I shrugged before looking back at the cutie herself.

Nathaniel hummed in agreement and curved the steering wheel flawlessly into a driveway which I’m guessing was his home. He shut the engine down, pulled the handbrake and slid out the car. Seconds later my door opened by the guy himself with Dani in his arms. “Common Aymie, I can’t stand here forever” 

Smiling, I got out of the car, slammed the door and shrugged. Leading me towards his house, Nathaniel turned around forcing me to crash into him and Dani. “Erm, so yeah. I have an older brother called Jack, he’s like 21 and he’s the biggest flirt ever” He put Dani down and scratched the back of his neck “And my mom’s probably at work so just you know, don’t expect too much.”

Dani wrapped her hand around his finger, urging him to go in. “Natty, am cold.” She jumped up and down her blue shoes making cute little clacking noises. Eventually, Nathaniel found his keys, opened the door and we were all invited by the warmth of his home.

I kicked off my shoes, and flicked on the light. This place felt more of a home than mine.

“Hey Nate you back yet?” A deep voice boomed from, I’m guessing, the kitchen and a body followed it. The guy was about 6”5 roughly, to be honest I didn’t know, guys are just so tall these days. His sandy blonde hair, azul eyes and plump red lips caught my attention. His physique was quite like his brothers, are all Knight’s so fine?!  His attitude changed immediately when Dani flung herself at his leg, she barely reached the tip of his kneecap, man she just grew cuter and cuter the more I got to know her.

“Jaaaaackkk!” She squealed giggling as he flung her up into the air and wrapped his massive biceps around her petite frame. She tried to wriggle out of his grasp but he growled and chuckled, “You’re not trying to get away from me are you Danielle?!” She squealed and giggled some more before he put her down smiling.

“Excuse my manners” He turned his attention to me wearing a coy smile “How can I have been so rude as to ignore the presence of my dickhead brother and the beautiful girl on his left” He grabbed by hand and kissed it, staring deeply into my eyes. 

My face flushed, but I pulled my hand back and wiped it on my jeans – much to his dismay. He furrowed his brows before bro greeting his…bro? You know that weird side high five which ends up into holding hands and then a weird hug while holding hands and then like a pat on the back with it like it’s so hard to explain, it’s just natural it doesn’t really have an explanation.

“So you’re the girl who turned my bro into a bad boy today huh?” Jack said not even facing me, and plonking himself on the sofa right next to Dani.

Nathaniel led me to the sofa, flicked on the TV and sat me down.

“Erm define bad?” I challenged.

Quirking a brow Jack retorted with a scoff, “Please, my brother has never had a detention but one day you come along and bam he gets two.”

“Natty got a dequenshun?” Dani asked with her mouth opened.

“Upstairs Dani, I’ll call you down when dinners ready” Nathaniel interjected before Dani’s poor virgin ears heard too much.

She giggled, and bounced off up to her room.

“You must be something reeeaaally special to get him into trouble, he always stays off the radar” Jack prodded making me feel increasingly uncomfortable with the way the situation was going.

“Jack, I think you’re pushing it man, we literally just got here, tone it down a little yeah?” Nathaniel glared at his brother, who put his hand up in defeat.

“So how was school… apart from the detention” Jack smirked in my direction.

“Ya know what?” I started, grabbing his attention. I parked my butt on the coffee table directly in front of him. “My day was fucking shit.” His eyes went wide as he leaned back and put his hands behind his head.

“Elaborate” He prodded.

“I endured 8 hours’ worth of stares all day, Mr Dronesperg eying me up like a was a piece of meat, winking at me as if he had a fucking twitch ALL DAY, Fucking Dylanté harassing me 24/7, a two hour detention, a yelling at when I got home because for some fucked up reason they decided to call my father, who by the way was not the most chuffed I’ll tell you now, 2 hours’ worth of working with that slut Vanessa at the nursery and now dealing with you, Mr Cross-da-Line. So even though I don’t even know you, I’d appreciate it if you kept your snide comments to yourself.” I huffed taking a seat back on the sofa.

“Meeeeeeowwww” His smile blinded me. “You. Are. 99% Feist.” He sat up straight and looked past me to Nathaniel. “And 1% girl.” He winked before getting up off the sofa.

“I’m gunna get a drink – in fact let me get you all one. You’re gunna need it.” And like that, Jack was gone.

Nathaniel grabbed my wrist and I looked at him. He put his hands around my face again damn this boy was touchy feely. “Jack’s a dick, I’m so sorry.” He looked down and dropped his hands onto his lap shaking his head.

“You’re the first girl I’ve ever brought home to Jack. I mean you met practically the whole family, you just haven’t met my mom. I’m really sorry, he’s an animal.” He shook his head more and more, getting frustrated with himself. I took it upon myself to comfort him, so I placed my hand on his thigh and pushed his chin up with my index finger.

“Hey hey, I’ve seen worse.” I chuckled. “How about you drive me home, You deal with Jack, Dani and the coursework and I’ll deal with my dad and the coursework too because no offense, your house is lovely and so is Dani but Jack kinda threw me off a little” I shrugged and Nathaniel got up from the sofa and grabbed his keys in one hand. Wiping imaginary dust of my jeans I followed him suit out the door just as Jack got back into the living room.

“Hey where you guys going?!” He yelled.

“Hell” I swivelled around and winked at him before getting into the car with Knight.

Oh Good Lord if you hear me please let my Dad approve of this boy.


Sup beautiful :*

Hiiiiiiiii! Am back, oml the start of this year has been crazy!

hope your all having a mint autumn (or fall ) and enjoy the next bit!

(Aymies dad is on the side bar)

Thinking about ditching my other story cos this one seems to be leaps and bounds ahead aha !

Lots of Love


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