Danger, Deals and Detention

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“Where do you think you’re going?”

That voice sounded too damn familiar even if it was my first day.

“Tiger don’t ignore me”


I swerved as Nathaniel grabbed onto my wrist stopping me from doing something stupid. He read right through me again. I finally sighed and nodded while releasing his grip on my hand.

“What do you want Dylanté? Why do you constantly wish to test my patience?!” I half yelled, while diverting my eyes from the nasty bruise forming on his face.

He sauntered towards me with the exact same swagger I met him with, almost as if he was never hit.

His eyes flickered to behind me and back at me again before quirking his eyebrow at me questionably.

“Sooo, Why the Nerd?” he asked smoothly, while bending down to my eye level slightly.

I turned to Nathaniel whose face was completely blank – like a canvas, something I’ve never seen in my life before. His fists were clenched as his chest heaved up and down slightly.

Dylanté grabbed my chin slightly making me look back at him – reminding me of what Koala Bear did in the library. It was completely different - his was almost ten times more rough and emotionless.

“Why. The. Nerd?” He asked again with more aggressiveness as he demanded an answer. “You could have had any other guy in the school at your knees – apart from me obviously, you’ll be the one on your knees”

He winked.

 “So why did you chose the Nerd? Nobody knows him, nobody cares about him and nobody even has respect for hi-”

Dylanté was cut off by Nathaniel’s Fist.

And Goddamn was his left hook strong.

Dylanté staggered back while I was still in shock at what Koala Bear was capable of.

Major turn on.

“That’s why. You never know what you’re gunna get, it’s like a birthday present, it may be small and timid but inside would be the key to a brand new bike.” I said while circling my arms around Nathaniel’s waist while my heart was pumping out of my chest.

“Don’t disrespect me Scott” He growled out causing a stir in my abdomen.

 “Who do you think you are? Who the hell are you?!” Dylanté retorted gaining his balance.

The bad boy really did get his ego bruised today.

“Nate. Nate Knight. Never forget that name.” He said possessively as his arms wrapped around my waist and he swiftly turned us around as we began to walk out of the school down the hallway I entered less than 8 hours ago.

Dylanté let out an exasperated sigh “Where do you think you’re going?”

“Yeah where do you think you’re going?”

All three of us froze as we turned around to see the one and only Mr Dronesperg. His red face flushed with Joy seeing all three of us squirm under his intense gaze. Licking his lips slightly and rubbing his hands together he clapped.

“No answer ey? Detention.” He scoffed with smirk.

“Woah, sir no-no-no-no-no- it was just them I was trying to get them outta the hallway and back into class” Dylanté rushed framing Nathaniel and I.

“Oh really?”

“Yeah of course, they were off to do something bad, I can guarantee it!” He said clearly testing the boundaries. I was surprised I didn’t explode at him by now, but it was probably because Koala Bear had his arms wrapped firmly around my waist getting tighter every burning second.

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