She doesn't like the players, She likes the game.

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Groaning, I pulled my football shirt over my head and scrambled around my room to find my other football sock.

My mind set was all over the fucking place and I knew for a fact that Dylan wouldn’t let me join the team too easily- he made it very clear how much he hates me since I punched him and ‘took’ his dream girl.

I’m a good player, don’t get me wrong, but with Dylan as captain my chances of getting on the team we’re a million to 1. With bag in hand, I looked at my phone to see no replies from Aymie.

For the past 9 days she was the only thing on my mind; the way she stares so deep in thought, the way her eyes squint and her eyebrows raise when she’s pissed off, the way she’s so guarded yet so easy to read. I missed her.

 But it’s not like I could have done anything about it – Dylan had made it very clear that if I had any contact with her in the next 10 days he’d make my life a living hell.

I’m not a pussy, but my life doesn’t just include me. It includes, Jack, Dani, my mom and Aymie herself. It includes relatives, friends, and younger children of the school who look up to me.

 If ten days was all he wanted then that’s all he would get.

Sighing, I shoved my phone into my pocket and race down the stairs, bumping into Jack on the way.

“Nath watch where you’re going for god’s sake. If that was Dani she’d have been badly hurt” he yelled, shoving a slice of burnt toast in his mouth – weirdo.

“Yeah, yeah I get you” I replied not even looking back at him. I jerked the fridge open and pulled out some blueberries, strawberries, bananas, kiwi and watermelon.

 Shoving them all into the blender and watched them polymerise in front of me. I sighed, poured it into a glass and drank it bit by bit watching Dani eat her eggs.

“Natty. Whats wong” She asked with eggs floating around in her mouth still – charming. I finished my smoothie stood up and kissed her head, “Nothing beautiful. I’m going to football now, stay cute for me ok?” She nodded and I smiled and walked out the door only to bump into Spack once again.

“Chin up bro, you know you’re in a bad mood when Dani notices it. Whatever it is, don’t let it affect your tryouts. Do it for Mom.” He punched me and walked into the kitchen talking baby gibberish to Dani.

 Taking a huge inhale of air, I walked out the front door, smiled and slid into my baby – Mila – my car. I stepped on the gas, reversed and drove into the horizon, into Hell.

**** Half an hour and lots of traffic later ****

“LISTEN UP BITCHES. You’re here to prove you are worthy enough to support the PINE APPLES” Dylan roared, despite a few sniggers at the fact he just yelled pineapples.

He snapped his head and stormed in the direction of the sniggers, “DO YOU GUYS THINK THIS A JOKE? BECAUSE IT BLOODY WELL ISN’T” a poor boy quivered and began to cry. Eventually the embarrassment swallowed him up and he ran to the locker room, bless him.

Dylan smirked at the action, and then turned around to his twin. “Everett here, will come to each and every one of you and ask where you play on field and your weak spots.”

“What if you have no weak spots?” a sassy voice called from behind me and I could already tell it was Aymie quirking her eyebrow with her arms crossed and challenging smile on her face.

The whole ‘team’ turned and looked at her, and various wolf whistles and cat calls ranged through the line we were all currently stood in. Dylan looked like his legs were about to buckle under him and I snorted before turning around myself.

But then I saw why.

 She looked amazing, and every step she took was filled with confidence. She had some white sports leggings with a single green stripe on the side of each of her legs. She wore a long sleeved Adidas crop jumper or something, with her hair up in a sleek ponytail and some new Adidas spikes.

Just as described, a coy smile covered her face and as her eyes connected with mine, a harsh vibe hit me before she averted her eyes elsewhere. That Hurt.

“Well well well. Look who decided to turn up.” Dylan strode towards her, recovering from his initial wobble, and stopped right in her tracks.

“I keep promises” She glanced in my direction, again hurting me, before sticking her index finger in his chest and strutting away to find a place in the line.

Surprise Surprise. She stood right next to me.

 I wasn’t looking forward to what she was going to say after our awkward 9 days.

“Look Aymie I-”

“Zip it Knight. You had your time to talk to me. Opportunities don’t last forever.” She spat rolling her tongue around in her mouth and looking out to the field.

“Knight? Who knew you had it in you.” Dylan said, appearing out of nowhere. “You best be real good to think I’m going to let you join the team after the nasty bruise you left me with.” He licked his lips in Aymie’s direction before walking next to his brother and continuing where he left off before Aymie’s grand arrival.

“Be co-operative, if you’re going to join the team, you might not want to piss this guy off, getting on his good side is key. Tell him where you play, get into your positions no questions asked. Good luck” he looked at me and smirked “Team”.


Hey. Hey you. Damn i like your face. hahaha mm.

lol hey! Cheeky little update, happy holidays!

Lots Of Love,


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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