Footprints. Chapter 10.

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"we gonna die" Connie yelled before going into his freaking out Spanish rant. 

"couldn't you say the die part in Spanish so the rest of us wouldn't freak out" Sasha yelled at her friend. 

"its gonna be fine guys, we got captain Levi and captain Hanji with us" Marco said with a kind smile but a pale face. 

"captain Hanji oh yeah  i feel so much safer with a titan lover protecting us" Jean grunted back. 

"do they ever shut up" Hanji moaned since its been like this since the left the walls three hours ago. 

"welcome to my daily life" Moblit sighed as Hanji as stressful as them. 

"captain, can you tell us what we looking for now since we no longer in the walls" Armin asked he rid next to Mikasa who was next to Levi. 

"we looking for people who might have been able to start life outside the walls with titans around" Mikasa shrug and Levi sighed. 

"how could anyone live with the titans walking around" Eren asked shocked. 

"no clue but keep an eye out" Levi sighed. 

"Vamos a morir, ¿por qué demonios sigo siendo arrastrado a esta mierda? Me duele el culo, me pregunto si debería robar la capa de Sasha y usarla como almohada" Connie said with a pout and was staring at Sasha making her turn to him clueless. (We going to die, why the hell do i keep getting drag into this shit. My ass hurts i wonder if i should steal sasha cape and use it as a pillow.). - Google translate, i hope its right otherwise dont use google translate. ]. 

"want some" Sasha smiled and held out a bit of bread she stole before leaving the walls and Connie shook his head with a cheeky smile. 

"pourquoi dois-je mourir avec ces idiots autour de moi. Tant que Eren sera mangé en premier, je ne voudrais pas mourir avec ces idiots .. non, je ne veux pas mourir, putain, avec ces idiots autour de moi. Vas te faire encule commandant et vas te faire encule capitaines mais ça ne me dérangera pas putain de mikasa" Jean said in a grumps before looking at mikasa ass with a smirk. But stopped smirking when Levi and Mikasa turned around at glared at him after feeling his stare. (why do i have to die with these idiots aroud me. Well as long as eren gets eaten first then i wont mind dying with these idiots .. no i dont wanna fucking die with these idiots around me. Fuck you commander and fuck you captains but i wont mind fucking mikasa) - google translate again. ].

"Pochemu ya zastryal, prismatrivaya za etimi rebyatami. Nu khot' mikasa so mnoy" Levi sighed but noticing Mikasa smiling next to him. (Why did i get stuck babysitting these brats. Well at least mikasa with me) - google translate.].

"what so funny" Levi asked as he turned to the girl next to him. 

"my vsegda mogli nakormit' ikh titanam i vypolnit' ostavshuyusya chast' missii vmeste" Mikasa smirked and Levi mouth fell open. (we could always feed them to the titans and do the rest of the mission together) - google translate].

"Ty znayesh' russkiy, neplokho" levi grinned. (You know russian, not bad) - goggle translate].

"eto ne yedinstvennaya russkaya veshch', kotoruyu ya uznal" mikasa smirked and winked at Levi making him blush. (that not the only russian thing i learned) - google translate ].

"when the hell did everyone suddenly learn another language" Hanji hissed since she had no clue what anyone was saying. 

"Beh, non tutti fanno dei titani un hobby e quando qualcun altro deve continuare a salvare il culo dai titani ogni giorno, è l'unico modo per urlare e sfogarsi" moblit smiled sweetly while Hanji looked at his puzzle. (Well not everyone makes titans a hobby and when someone else has to keep saving their ass from titans each day, its the only way to yell and let steam off) - google translate.].

"raccontamelo, dopo aver trascorso una giornata con questi idioti che combattono sempre, è un buon modo per sfogarsi" Marco grinned and Moblit nodded. (tell me about it, after spending a day with these idiots who alwyas fight, its a good way to let steam out) - google translate.].

"jede Ahnung, was der Kapitän und Mikasa sagen. Sie beide hatten einen Schimmer in den Augen" eren asked with a worried smile. (any clue what the captain and mikasa are saying. They both got a glint in their eyes) - google translate.].

"mikasa hat mir nie russisch beigebracht, aber sie hat mir deutsch beigebracht" Armin said with a worried smile. (mikasa never taught me russian, but she taught me german) - google translate.].

"Ich weiß, dass sie dir Deutsch beigebracht hat, deshalb frage ich dich auf Deutsch, damit sie nicht hört, was wir sagen" Eren said annoyed and Armin went more pale. (I know she taught you german, that why im asking you in german so she wont hear what we saying) - google translate.].

"yeah armin, er versucht mit dir auf deutsch zu sprechen, da ich nicht einmal verstehe, dass ich derjenige war, der dir deutsch beigebracht hat, nachdem eren mich unterrichtet hat" Mikasa sighed and rolled her eyes while eren went pale. (yeah armin, he trying to talk to you in german since i wont understand even tho i was the one to teach you german after eren taught me) - google translate.].

"fuck" eren hissed as he realised his mistake. 

"gut, dass sie mir deutsch beigebracht hat, damit wir uns privat unterhalten können" Armin giggled and Mikasa smirked at her friends before talking with Levi again. (good thing she taught me german so we could talk to each other in private) - google translate.].

(P.S. I used Five different languages for this and mostly used google translate so dont yell at me if its wrong).

"captain, footprints" Sasha yelled as she noticed some on her right. 

"good eye piggy" Hanji cheered and jump of her horse to check the prints out.

"we heading the right way" Connie asked with worry and Hanji nodded.

"dont do a slow trop from now onwards, we dont know if these people are dangerous or not" Levi warned and everyone nodded before starting on a slow trop with their horses. 

"you really think we find people this far out" Jean asked with worry.

"who knows, maybe they found a way to live with the titans" Marco said with a small smile.

"I'm more worried by the fact we haven't seen a titan yet" Mikasa sighed. 

"yeah the last one we saw and killed was near the walls but since coming this far out its like they all gone" Moblit said with worry.

"maybe they found a way to trick the titans into thinking their no food here" Armin said with a hope. 

"titans are stupid but not stupid enough to miss a good meal" Eren frowned. 

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