Final Fantasy XV OC

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Kagura Jaden Lucis Caelum






27 ( Chapter 14 )


He does not have an accent of any sort






Excellent Fisherman

Hair Color:

Black with a white streak ( Can become fully white )

Eye Color:

Blue ( Red Glow )


Kagura is considered tall with a slim build like his brother, although not as tall but up to Noctis' shoulder. He has a tan complexion, he has various markings around his body almost like glyphs, black. He has long black hair, often keeping it tied into a low ponytail in the back.

 He has long black hair, often keeping it tied into a low ponytail in the back

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Usually wears a long sleeved dark red fur-ined coat, a black short sleeved shirt, a white-grey skirt, black jeans,black boots.


He wears four black steel rings ( two on both hands ) [ They act as seals for his magic ]

He has a pendant necklace that holds a picture of Regis and his mother alongside a younger Noctis holding him as a baby


Regis Lucis Caelum CXII (Father)
Unnamed Mother
Noctis Lucis Caelum ( Older Brother )


Ravus (to an extent)

Love Interest:



Jaden is very quiet, often rarely to almost never speaking. He is like his brother in terms of being terrible at expressing his emotions, often becoming shy and bashful around others. He tends to stray from eye contact and never wanting to truly get to know someone unless they keep egging him on to get him out his shell. He tends to keep conversations short with his older brother as he's always nervous that he's a disappointment to Noctis. He tries his best to keep a Royal like attitude but even then it's hard for him. Within battle he tends to switch personalities, becoming serious and focused, he is excellent when it comes receiving orders from others making him an excellent warrior and soldier, although he prefers that no one call him such. He treats those around him as equals and never lesser than himself which makes him quite popular among the common folk.


Weapon Creation - As apart of his blood line he is able to create weapons from thin air, although he isn't able to use the royal arms due to Noctis already receiving them throughout his adventure. Instead Jaden finds other weapons throughout his journey some that can rival the Royal arms.

Warping - Like the rest of his blood line, Jaden can warp through his weapons, able to strike faster than a bullet and make escaping battle easier.

Magic Creation - Although he cannot use magic himself, through flask he can help his party with using magic items just like his brother. He even is able to create elixirs and health restoring items if given a vessel to power magic into.

Main Weapon(s):

Blade of Division - a black steel blade with a blue edge, it's sheath is silver-white bearing his family's insignia. The handle has red wrappings around it while the guard is golden.

Ex-Delta - a revolver packed with magic infused bullets, these bullets are capable of being controlled even after leaving the barrel or hitting another surface, through concentration Jaden can send these bullets anywhere he would like: leaving him wide open in the process.

Main Weapon(s) abilities:

Blade of Division is a special katana that utilizes dimension cutting abilities to take advantage of battles, being able to let Jaden cut portals to places his been for easier travel. He is able to summon swords which appear as the sword of the father and shoot them towards enemies like projectiles. He can also tap into its power and slow time down for a brief period but this strains his body rather heavily.

Side Weapons:

Sniper rifle
Gáe Bolg

Side Weapon abilities:

The Gáe Bolg is a very special pole arm, although an alternate version of the true pole arm used by the hero of 14. This pole arm is a very lethal one at best, up close it may not seem as deadly as it's lead onto be, but when thrown at the right angle, it will never fail to pierce the heart of its target.

Magic Affinity/Elements:

He is skilled in fire creation in flask and Lightning Creation in flask so he can use said magic items of those elements


[ Read Fanfiction to find out ]

Additional information:

Jaden enjoys sparring and battling although his father rarely lets him leave the capital. For that very reason Jaden sneaks off on his own most the time.

Jaden isn't very aware of his surroundings most of the time, so he is very jumpy a lot.

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