Chapter 1- Alone

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Have you ever been in that kind of peaceful, silent darkness where you think that nothing bad nor good could ever happen? As if you could just sink into its warmth and never come out.

That was where I was at the moment. I let my (E/C) eyes stare blankly ahead of me as I leaned against the wooden fence of the dimly lit alleyway. It was maybe around eleven pm. I don't really keep track of the hours or days anymore.

Two months ago, my parents died. They were classified as KIA by the police investigators who then quickly closed the case. They were lesser-known heroes, see. Like Eraserhead, they stayed in the lowlights of the media and social world, so no one but me had cared that they died.

When they were gone, no one was left to take care of me. Granted, I am almost twenty now, but I have little money, no job, no family, and no college classes. I was just another homeless civilian wannabe who made their living off of petty thievery and assassination. It wasn't the best lifestyle, but it was okay.

My Quirks really came in handy, though. That's right. Quirks. I have two. The first is that I can repel a physical Quirk ( such as Overhaul and Shigaraki's ) and the second allows me to extract and manipulate spilled blood. They are perfect for what I do.

My thoughts wandered, barely noticing the figure slowly stalking towards me.

' Am I a villain now? Must be a petty one...not very strong. Mother and Father would be disappointed...dead now so it doesn't matter, I guess. It's been a few days since I've eaten. No problem, I have water to drink. There's a cheap ramen shop down the street. Maybe I could get a little bowl of noodles. That sounds appetizing. How long has it been? Wait. I don't even want to kno-'

" Hey, girl. You're in my way. "

I was snapped out of my dull trance by a rough voice. I stood up to find a boy around my age with crimson eyes glaring down at me. I had totally forgotten what he'd just said. His hand snaked around my neck, pushing me against the wall.

I let out a little laugh and his grip of four fingers tightened. I felt the last one hover just above my skin. His other hand rested on my shoulder and a burning sensation erupted there.

"Go ahead, kill me. You'd be doing me a favor."

" The hell...? "

The boy let go, stuffing his hands back into his pockets. I had activated my Quirk not but a few seconds after my skin started to disintegrate. I felt the cold breeze brush against the open wound, causing a shiver of pain to run through my body. 

I quickly slid out of his way, leaving him my card just in case. This was obviously a villain, so I might get some business out of him.

" Wait. "

His voice stopped me right in my tracks. It held malice, confusion, disgust, and a long-hidden layer of pain. I was very good at reading people and I could tell that this man was very hurt on the inside. He had gone through something traumatizing that made him the person he was.

" You're an assassin? " He demanded.

" Yeah. I don't hunt heroes, so don't even bring it up."

" I can see that, " he snapped, the card in his hand.

" What do you need?"

He muttered something I didn't catch. I strained my ears and caught ' More ',
' Weak ', and ' Dwindling '.

" My name's Shigaraki and I'm from the League of Villains. If you succeed in killing someone by the name of Akina from the Department of Human Justice, I'll consider you joining the League. "

All I heard was a new chance. A new life. A new beginning. With this information I now had, I could finally be free of this sorry, petty life.

" Fine. Whatever. Akina, you say? "

All that was heard was a grunt of agreement before the Shigaraki person was gone. I sighed and pulled out my dagger. Akina Whitewater. She lived two blocks down in apartment 541. I used to know her as a kid. She was very mean and spiteful so I felt no remorse in killing this bitch. How did she even manage to become the head of the DHJ? How many higher-ups did she suck off to get that position?


'Silent as a shadow.
Creeping like a mouse.
A stalking animal,
Prowling through your house.
Moonlight reflects,
Silver so sharp.
Before it's covered in red,
By breaking another heart. '


Sorry if this chapter was a little short and boring. It'll get a lot better next chapter, I promise. Poor Shigaraki doesn't see what's coming ❤

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