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"Not quite yet, Twice. We're gonna need backup. Let's go talk to Kurogiri."

He nods and we run inside and tell the misty Nomu about our leader's status and whereabouts. Immediately, Kurogiri made phone calls and warped around 50 villains to attack the Miner's house and retrieve information on Shigaraki.

We waited...

And waited...

Eventually, someone stumbled out of the warp gate.

"S-sorry I'm the only one left alive. Shigaraki...he's not dead but he's injured fatally and appears unconscious."

I nod briskly and gather the members of our league.

"We have a new mission. Tomura Shigaraki is alive and held hostage in the Miner's house. He's injured and rendered unconscious. We're going to need all hands on deck. The kidnapper is my older brother, who's Quirk is powerful. He's truly a top-notch villain with no restraints. I'm counting on each and every one of you to help me get Shigaraki to safety. I'll handle my brother. Avoid him at all costs. Am I understood?"

"YES MA'AM," They recited.

"Then let's go kick ass and save our leader!"

We all went through several warp gates at the back of the Miner's house. Immediately, I scan the perimeter and the windows for any movement. There was nothing but a bunch of corpses and blood from the previous group.

I look behind me at the group of villains I have led into this bloody battlefield. Luckily...luckily I was ready to die.

The pain I felt was overwhelming. It's not so physical as it is mental and emotional. I try to hide it. I try to act fine. In the while that Shigaraki has known me, he's only seen me cry once. I didn't dare let anyone else see me so weak. Every mistake and haunting memory suddenly comes crashing back down on me.

I try to gain control, try to push the past back into that locked door in my brain that I constantly battle to keep closed. But with my brother appearing, all of my childhood is played back in my mind.

I remember getting thrown into walls, slapped, punched, stabbed, sold and raped, kidnapped and bought back, and I remember every failed attempt at running away and trying to get the heroes to help me. I recall every time I tried to kill myself without success and I remember the day I left that house for good. The day I killed the first person I ever had. The day I became a villain.

My mind brought me back to when I met Shigaraki. That peaceful, quiet night. How the darkness wrapped me in its warm, comforting embrace and pulled me into its depths where any sound or memory is muffled by the ever-growing black abyss that surrounded me.

It filled me with a sense of calm and peace. It was my only escape from the pain of reality. Then I smile a little. Shigaraki had walked up to me, looking so adorably confused.

My motivations are set and my mind is clear of everything but Shigaraki's warm, smiling face. I gesture for them to continue forward, keeping my senses on hyper alert. Now movement or sound escaped my attention. I find a small opening in the side of the building and send a more replaceable member through to scout out the area inside.

He comes back a few seconds later, shaking his head. There's nothing on the other side except for a few boxes and a path leading upstairs. I look up at the second floor of the building. There seems to only be two but the structure was wide and had many rooms.

There are about 300 villains behind me at the moment. I'll split them up evenly, places a few members of the Vanguard Action Squad in each group. I told them their job and sent one group at a time in. Toga hugged me tight before walking in. I couldn't let myself crack yet.

Dabi winked at me.

"Good luck, princess. I'll burn the whole house down if I have to so go kick some ass before I do."

I nod with a small smile and nudge him forward. Once the last person was in, I walked around to the front of the building on my own. Well, more or less. Twice had made a clone of me. I soon sent it inside. I felt it get startled and then angry and start fighting, and I heard a familiar laugh.

"So you've finally arrived, sister. Took you long enough. Let's play a little game. Whoever hits the ground first gets to kill the other."

"I'm pretty sure that was going to happen anywas," My clone retorts.

"You always were very smart. Too bad all that pretty talent is going to waste!"

I hid myself in a bush, concentrating on my clone and what it does. It lands a few direct hits on him and injures his right leg before he destroys it.


(This time I've got to win! Life on the line winner takes all ready or not let's begin! Sorry SU is my life)

I take a deep, stabilizing breath and come out of the bush. Walking inside calmly, I find Irūjon quick. He's bleeding from his leg and immediately I manipulate it to my advantage, cutting deeper into his leg without moving. He winces and growls in irritation.

"Quit that or else I'll have to kill your little friend here and now~"

I don't break eye contact as I take out my knife.

"Let's play a game, brother. Whoever hits the ground first gets to fall into death's merciful grasp."

"Always so dramatic," he sighs. "I'd love to play."

He smiles almost disarmingly and brings out the one thing that sends every competitor to their grave. His 9 inch, serrated bladed dagger. As eldest in a family of assassins, he's lethal with any blade. But this is the one he's trained with his whole life. It's blade is stained with the blood of countless people. I know that somewhere my father's blood is on there.

'Now it's your turn," he cooes, seemingly reading my mind.

Then everything dissolves into the warm abyss of pure black darkness.

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