Seventh Picture

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Slowly, someone counted very loudly, "Three, two, one." At one everyone dropped their heads back and took the shot. Then, we slammed it back on the kitchen counter. The strong liquid burned through my throat.

The game was to take as many shots you can.

Ten guys took part in this and five us were left, now. Declan, a guy from my Maths class, two guys that I didn't even know existed and I.

Someone passed us another shot and I grabbed it, ready to take it.

"Again, three, two, one," the same voice boomed through the kitchen. We took the shot and one of the guys that I don't know gave up, running to the bathroom. The guy from my Maths class dropped out of the game, too.

Declan looked my way and grinned, matching with mine. He held up his thumbs and I did the same.

After a couple of shots I surrendered too, because if I had taken another one then my insides surely would have come out. And I don't doubt that, because I really felt sick at the moment.

So, I went to the living room, occasionally, bumping into people on the way. I wobbled towards the couch. When I had finally sat down, my head stopped spinning a little bit. Though, I felt drowsy, maybe because I had drunk a bit too much. I should've eaten beforehand.

After a momentum someone plopped down next to me and with a quick glance I realised it was Declan.

"You alright?" I asked worriedly after seeing the sick expression on his face.

"Yeah, I'm perfectly peachy," he muttered sarcastically. "I think I have had one too many shots," he groaned, his words slurring.

"You think?" I snorted, which turned into a groan as I felt a headache coming up.

He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Why are there two of you?" I frowned at him.

"I think you had more than just one too many shots," I shot back. Leaning back on the couch I close my eyes. "So who won?"

"That other guy. He is crazy. Seriously, he is still taking shots." I threw wide my eyes and stared at Declan.

"Seriously?" I asked, flabbergasted. "Impressive."

Then, we sat there for a while in a drunken stupor, looking at others who were doing ridiculous stuff in their not sober state. A few couples were making out against the wall as other people were practically doing the deed on the dance floor. It was kind of disgusting seeing that in front of me and I may have puked a little bit in my mouth. Well, not really, because then I wouldn't still have been comfortably sitting on the couch.

A girl came closer to us and asked if I wanted to dance with her, but I declined at which she pouted.

"Dude, when are you going to get over it? Just get over it already," Declan muttered with a weak punch against my arm.

"I cannot just get over it. If only it were that easy, Declan. If I could've, then I would've," I replied curtly. Declan stood up and went over to the same girl, whose face brightened up. Then, they danced and a moment later they were making out, heavily. I rolled my eyes at that. Typical.

Eventually, I decided it was time to call his dad, so he could pick us up before Declan did something incredibly stupid like last time.

He stripped and ran around in the house butt naked, because he was dared by some weird girl. After I had found him in the pantry, munching on cookies, I forced him to wear his clothes again. It was hard to delete all the pictures that were posted on the Internet, but we managed to do it.

He had made me promise to him that I'll make certain that nothing like that would ever occur again. It only happened that time because I was extremely distracted. Though, I'm not anymore.

After calling Declan's dad I stood up and walked over to Declan and the girl. Pushing them apart from each other was difficult, since they kept attaching themselves to each other. Finally, I managed to do it and harshly told the girl to leave.

Dragging Declan away from there was difficult, since he was being a baby.

"Dude, if you will not have fun, it doesn't mean I cannot!" He said angrily as he pushed me away from him.

"Dude," I mimicked, "I just saved you from her. The sole reason I declined to dance with her because she had sex with STD Larry. Trust me you really don't want to go there," I lied in the same tone. Grabbing him by his arm I pull him towards the front of the house, where his dad must already be to pick us up.

Still, it didn't go as smoothly as I had wished, because Declan was drunker than I was. So, he kept leaning on me and tripping over his own left feet.

"Shit, with STD Larry." His eyes widened as he stared at me and I nodded. He'll thank me for saving his arse even if the girl doesn't have an STD.

When we stepped out of the house into the cold air, I saw Declan's dad's car. I helped Declan get into the back of the car before sitting in the passenger seat.

As soon as the car started Declan drowsed off and so did I.

Twenty minutes later, I think, someone nudged me, but I slapped their hand away. "Alan, wake up. We have reached your house." I opened one eye to look outside and I indeed saw we were parked outside home.

I yawned and stretched, pushing my hands against the roof of the car, before thanking Declan's dad for dropping me off. Clumsily, I trudged towards the front door and tried to open it, but the stupid keyhole kept moving away from my key. Or was I imagining that.

"Alan, wait." I turned about to see Declan step out of the car.

"What is it?" I questioned a bit louder, so he could hear me, clearly.

"Did you forget what day it is, today?" he grinned, his eyes half open.

"What? It's the 21st already?" I tried to remember the date, but my brain couldn't function properly at this time of day.

"Yepp," he said when he was finally standing beside me, whilst his dad was a meter or so in front of us.

"You seriously want to take a picture of us when we are drink and half asleep?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Why not?" he replied, still grinning. He slung his arm over my shoulder and leant on me, which caused me to fall back on my door. His dad was ready to take a picture, so we both smiled. Well, I grimaced and Declan plastered this weird drunken smile on his face. And click the seventh picture after a normal party was made on October 21st 2012.

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