Ninth Picture

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Lately, something seemed off about Declan, but I haven't got a clue as to what it is. He acts strangely, nervously. I've been watching him; still I haven't managed to put my finger on it. Desperately, I want to know what is bugging him, so I hope I'll find out soon, because not knowing is annoying me, especially since he won't tell me.

Every time I question him he either changes the subject or replies with 'everything is fine'. Then, he ignores me all day long, which makes me wonder about what I did wrong. And I didn't do anything wrong, I know that.

During class I also pay close attention to him. I noticed he kept tapping his fingers on the table or shaking his legs. That's something he only does when he is impatient. And right now, it seemed as if he was extremely impatient.

He didn't even hear me calling for him, so I ended up punching him on the arm. With a loud 'ouch' he glared at me whilst rubbing his precious arm.

"What was that for, jerk?" Declan asked angrily.

I shrugged. "I was trying to get your attention, but you apparently have something else, something big on your mind, which you won't tell me about." Declan leisurely looked away and squirmed in his seat. "Are you ever going to tell me what this or who this something is?"

"Maybe I will and maybe I won't," he said tauntingly then glanced at me from the corner of his eyes.

I glared at him before annoyingly muttering, "Seriously, why won't you tell me what it is? I deserve to know what has been bugging you lately." He didn't offer up any reply.

Turning away from him I put my stuff in my backpack as the teacher mentioned our homework. After grabbing my phone and earphones I ignored him, since there was no point in talking to him; he wasn't going to tell me anything, so I'll have to find out by myself.

When the bell rang I stood up and went to my locker leaving Declan there in his impatient state. Hurriedly, I grabbed my book for my next lesson and as I was about to close my locker someone pulled out one earphone.

From the corner of my eye I saw it was Declan, which caused me to shake my head.

"Okay, fine -," he groaned embarrassed, "- I'll tell you, but you don't have to ignore me." With a slight tilt of my head I looked at him to show him that I'm still mad but also interested in what he has got to say. With an eyebrow raised I silently asked if he is serious.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm deadly serious -," he rolled his eyes, "- now listen clearly, because I won't be repeating this." Slowly, I nodded and cupped my ear to show him that I'm listening intently.

"Ilikeagirl," he said rapidly. It went so quickly that I only managed to hear the word 'girl'. The rest sounded like gibberish to my ears.

"Did you really expect me to hear that, stupid?" I quipped sarcastically. In return he scratched the back of his neck and grinned nervously.

"Okay, okay, fine -," he took a deep breath in then said, "I. Like. A. Girl." Each word was pronounced slowly and clearly.

"Wait, what, when, who, how?" I questioned, shocked momentarily.

"How," he exclaimed weirdly. "Did you really ask me how? I don't know, my heart randomly decided to torture me by liking some girl." He received a blank look from me.

Glancing at the floor he muttered, "Ariette. I like Ariette."

"From Biology?" I asked intrigued.

"Yeah," he answered shyly.

"Aw, my Declan likes a girl, so adorable," I cooed as I reached out for his cheeks, acting like an embarrassing mother. "Little wittle Declan likes a girl." He harshly slapped my hand, which burned.

"Declan and Ariette are sitting in a tree -." He covered my mouth with his hand and told me to shut the fuck up. He also said that if I dared to tell someone about this then he would personally beat me up. I felt the love right there. I rolled my eyes.

"You really like her don't you?" I asked seriously this time.

"Yeah," he answered before we left for class.

During break I approached Ariette myself. Of course, I wouldn't listen to Declan. No way, was he ever going to talk to a girl, so I have to be the best wingman in school.

Ariette raised her eyebrow when she saw me coming closer, which makes sense since I haven't ever talked to her. She seemed nice. I asked her a few questions before she timidly admitted that she had liked Declan too. Her whole face had turned scarlet. Then I encouraged her to ask him out, because he never will. I understand why he would never dare to do so.

A week later, I noticed Declan and Ariette talking before Biology started. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but when Ariette passed my seat she smiled and whispered a thank you. I nodded my head in acknowledgement. When I looked at Declan he glared at me.

"What's up?" I questioned innocently.

Instead of a normal answer I got silence as a reply. Multiple times I called out to Declan or punched him in the arm but he wouldn't talk to me, so I gave up and let him brood in his weird state. I couldn't be bothered, really.

After school I finally asked him what his problem was, but he still ignored me. I had enough of his childish behaviour so I pulled on his arm, that way he would at least face me.

"Why can't you just thank me for helping you get a date?"

"Fuck off."

"Seriously, you are pissed about this. Remember how you helped me out with Eliza, so what's crawled up your arse, now. Just be grateful and get the fuck over it," I replied as the annoyance dripped out of my voice.

He grumbled something incoherently.

"I didn't ask for your help, okay."

"And neither did I, but you still helped me. So I did the same."

Teasingly, I slung my arm over his shoulder. He tried to push me away, but I held on, so he ended up crossing his arms over his chest after heaving a deep sigh.

When we reached the car he asked his dad to take a picture as my eyebrows flew up in surprise. Apparently, he isn't as angry anymore as I thought.

I grinned as Declan glared into the picture and click the ninth picture in front of our school building was taken on October 21st 2014.

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